Jaw ache pain not my teeth constant pain all day gives me horrendous pain and headache have fibro I do grind at night but gum shield not worked maybe I should try another any body got any suggestions should I go back to gp taking ibuprofen what you buy at shop
Jaw pain out of control: Jaw ache pain... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Jaw pain out of control

Good morning you say your gum shield doesn't work and you have a teeth grinding problem. I would think that would cause both headaches and jaw ache. If it was me I would go and see my dentist. Not much a GP can do about teeth problems. If the dentist can't sort it out then maybe I would then visit my GP incase it was stress related But I do hope you get it sorted out soon jaw pain can be very painfulxx
Hey I have the same issues. I had to have a gold filling as the others they do now just ground down 🙈 I never even used the gum shield they gave me as I already have enough problems sleeping never mind adding that in! For me in time it just eased off, I’ve not found another solution sadly. Also with the ibuprofen be careful taking it. Make sure you never have it on an empty stomach, sadly no one warned me and I have a stomach lining issue now so can never take it again 😔sorry I couldn’t be more help xx
I understand what you mean..I recently took prednisone for the first time and one of the side effects is stiff jaws..I too have a shield,I wear mine most of the time and I have found a new friend in Oralieve spray,available on Amazon quite cheap..if it works I scrounged a prescription off my g.p last week,I see my dental surgeon 3 times year because I have sjorgrens and fissures over my tongue I also have some gum receeding ..good to have other people onboard besides g.p.
Thankyou everyone for lovely replies been to go put me on amitriptyline and going to see my dentist thanks
Hi Hun I too get pains in teeth and neck takking ibuprofen may not help as fibromyalgia is not inflammation it feels like it is could u ask doc for a muscle relaxer maybe to help Symtoms xx?if ibuprofen helps maybe naproxen will be more effective but u must eat before u take as can cause ulcers long term x
One of my fibromyalgia symptoms means that I suffer with terrible jaw pain too, it also feels as though I have toothache in every single tooth, Sometimes the pain is so bad it reduces me to tears, however I have found comfort from a warm wheat bag, the type you warm in the microwave, holding it to my mouth and jaw for about 20 mins, try this it may help.
I also find a large G&T helps but perhaps best not to go there.......................
Hi . I had jaw ache web I first started having symptoms. My dentist thought it might be Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder (TMD). I was given a set of excerises which really helped ease those symptoms. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the exercises I was given to send your the link, but there are several available on line.
Hope that's of some use.
I have fibromyalgia and my dentist also said I had TMJ, awful pain in jaw and neck. Made worse by chewing, grinding of teeth and basically any movement of the jaw. Once I relaxed it all and tried the exercises it thankfully calmed down but very aware how quickly it could flare up again. Hope this helps 🤞