My gp came up this afternoon. She's been on leave, and before she went she wrote to the rhuemy consultant I've seen before, to explain how bad my hands are now, and problem with the right one they did carpal tunnel for. Urgent apptment needed. It came through for the end of August for crying out loud! When my gp means business, she gets it done, I'm left knowing something will def. happen by the end of the week
Anyway, we ended up comparing pics of grandchildren/children, (in my lounge, with her mobile - aint technology grand?). We talk on 1st name basis, she never makes me feel like I've wasted her time, and nothing is too much trouble. I trust her implicitly. She is very open minded, trained in acupuncture (I tried, made things worse for me, but still), I'm just wondering how far they've progressed in cloning? Last thing I heard was Dolly, a lamb?
It would be a better world with doctors all working like her. She is the best. I am so lucky.