Hi I recently had a total hysterectomy (2 months ago) I have found all of my joints (even my hands) are so painful and still and I feel so old. Has anybody else experienced this??
Fibro worse after a hysterectomy. - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fibro worse after a hysterectomy.

I wanted to add - has anybody found anything that helps? I was diagnosed with fibro in 2014 so I have tried most treatments even a lidocaine infusion.
Thank you

Hope you are making a good recovery. Surgery of any kind can cause fibro symptoms to flare up. Xxx
She is just a thought and might not be relevant to your case but did they by any chance take your ovaries as well as it could be lack of the hormones that you had before. Years back when I had a hysterectiomy they gave me a hormone implant and when this started to need replacing I had symptoms very like you mentioned
.We also seem to find that if we have an infection, an illness of any kind or unfortunately like you surgery it can cause our fibro to go into flare mode. The weather seems to also have been affecting all of us and the last few months many of us have been struggling with increased pain and you would have been especially low because of the operation so it could affect you more. I do hope that you start to feel better soon.x
Also I’ve had a water infection from the catheter for 2 months so I’m sure that has not helped. I’m wondering if there are any foods to avoid fir fibro? Or medications that work? I find pain killers do nothing for me personally and I attended a pain management course and they said chronic pain is not best treated with pain medications as it’s ineffective.
Thanks again x
Sunflower1968 I have found Pregablin has helped me with the burning, zapping pains I get. It hasn't taken them away completely but certainly made them more bearable. The supplement Coenzyme Q10 seems to have helped reduce the muscular pains. Reducing sugar in my diet and keeping my weight down has also helped. I love fruit and vegetables and would eat more as many people have found they have been helped with a more vegetarian based diet but unfortunately my IBS flares up if I have too much. Gentle stretching exercises have also helped the muscle aches.x
Sorry meant to say water infection affect the whole body. When elderly people have an undiagnosed water infection they often display symptoms which appear to be the early stages of dementia but if the infection is found and treated those symptoms go away. I would say with the operation and the infection you are extremely low. I have just got over the flu and a serious chest infection and it caused a major fibro flare where all the symptoms were 5 times as bad as they usually are.
Thank you for your reply, yes they removed everything and I’m currently using hrt gel and being tested at the menopause clinic to see if I need testosterone. I agree the the weather the damp and cold cause my knees to feel 85 years old! Thank you again x
Hi Sunflower1968😊🤗 , I agree with previous post. Any surgery will send your fibro to in to alert/panic mode and there we go the pain is sky high. I had knee surgery and my body started to behave like 🤯😵🥴. It wasn't my knee - I walked on it 2hours after surgery. It was the rest of my body - I didn't like it.
The same when you have any infection. We have to train our body to be less sensitive to pain .
I attended 3 week pain management program which was great. Very intense and tiring but worth it ! I got of most of my pain killers ( still in progress) and I can live instead of exist.
Pain is there and always will be and it can be very hard at times but I learned how to listen to my body and I'm in control not the pain.
You should give it a try 👍😊.
Fibro worse due to operation? Wouldn't be a surprise. Fibros dont respond well to upsets and that would be a major one.
You had a general anaesthetic which is a major stress for the bod. A blokie I know who you might think would be tough as boots, was affected by the general for 6 months after.
Are you also missing hormones? That would be a shock. Fibros don't like shocks.
You need to be gentle with yourself. Expect recovery can be slow. If you are worried do some research, talk to your GP or Nurse.
It's a shame drs dont warn fibros about this sort of thing. This sort of op is a big deal for any woman so it should be a surprise it's being a big deal for you as a fibro. (Drs sadly think fibros are whingers so they don't often advise us as they should)
There is plenty of dietary advice out there. Then you modify for your own body. Most are saying cut the sugar as well as all the other processed stuff. Lots do better without Gluten. Eating clean will take some pressure off your body. Drink plenty of water. I filter mine to further cut down on any toxic load bod is having to deal with.
I find painkillers don't work and meds just give too many side effects so keeping thing natural help me. But others are different, so it's what suits you.
Try not to be disappointed that recovery does take it's time. Just coz some get better quick as a wink that doesn't mean we all can or will.
Thank you for your post it makes perfect sense I know my body is missing something but I’m guessing the blood work should help. I’ve been reading lots about trapped trauma and how the pain body is linked to trauma - well 4 hours of surgery is traumatic to the body abc I guess each trauma needs releasing somehow otherwise it becomes layered and I think that’s fibro. Take care x