I said to my Occupational Therapist, I have Fbromyalgia and she just laughed at me and said thats like M.E. Just another made up non proveable condition like back pain. I lost my rag with her and sent her packing with her OT student.
The lack of medics not recognising Fy... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
The lack of medics not recognising Fybro!

So very true. It's as though she just wasn't interested. I wonder how she'd feel in our shoes for a day!!!
To laugh at disabling disorders is demoralizing and from a professional, really is a disgrace. Not a good role model for the student. xx
That's awful !
The worse thing is that she had a student with her, who now thinks the same about Fibro!
Glad you sent her packing.
Big hugs
Sue x
You are so right; she is certainly uneducated and inept in what she thinks she is doing! She should put her tail between her legs and hit the road. Fibro means nerve pain...they are just beginning to find out more about this. She is an ignorant moron and we are sick to death and suffering...shame on that idiot! Report her!
This is so infuriating to hear. I’m sorry that you had to deal with this but happy to hear you were strong enough to send her packing. The fact that she had a student with her makes her retort even worse. I agree that a complaint should be made so that she doesn't think that she can behave this way in the future. Really disgraceful and this is what we have to put up with on top of the condition. People’s ignorance x
At least she said what she was thinking. Many more keep it to themselves and we are left wondering why they fail to care or help us.
That's disgusting and disheartening how could she dismiss your condition in that way? If only she knew what we go through daily! Report her!!
Ok; Is she a Council (social Services) OT, or an NHS one? In either case, complain. She has no right to make declarations like that as she is not a Doctor and is belittling the patient (you). Unprofessional behaviour and if she is also mentoring a student, she is also likely to be indoctrinating the student.
Cheers, Midori
This is disgusting and sadly quite common how patients are treated. I had a surgeon tell me a year ago, my inability to walk and my left arm not working was due to my mental health! He is head of the spinal association for the UK, which is very worrying. He was of course wrong and I now have a legal case ongoing for misdiagnosis. He was so horrible and used my difficult life against me to get me to cry and then referred me to their psychiatrist! Safe to say I didn’t go. And the hospital are backing him up of course 🙄
keep your head held high and don’t let them beat you down 😊😊xx
That is utterly disgusting. Did you put in a complaint? X
I did not complain as she is the one who is helping as Fybro is not the only conditions I have as I suffered disability and trauma in the forces for the DWP. She is an Nhs O.T. I was referred to her by my Pyschologist reffered to me. Not to say my Pyschologist or mental Health Team are any help. One actually worte a letter for the DWP and placed the wrong name and gave the care plan of another patient. Unfortuantely they are all Locums and it appears not intrested in the patient only the money!
Good ! How dare she laugh at someone who comes to her in pain, what decent therapist would do that and her medical knowledge is seriously lacking.