I've been such a pain on here over last few weeks and you have all been so kind. I am so very grateful to all of you for literally keeping me sane. Just off to bed and thought I would wish for you all, a good nights sleep, or if not, at least some pain free rest, and hope tomorrow brings us all a better day than we have had today, whatever that may be! Hugs. xxx
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You are never a pain, we are all here to support each other. have a great nights sleep or try to anyway. I woke up 6 times last night, same old, same old. xx
You are not being a pain. We all help each other. You are welcome bon this forum any time you need or want to be. Pm me if you want to. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx
Never think of yourself as a pain, we are all here for each other. It's a great site and it's good to talk to others in the same situation. I hope you are having a better day today
Yes thanks. Not a good night, but feeling better today.. Good job really as been a busy morning with docs. appts. etc. etc. plus essential shopping.Take care. xx
That's why we all gather here; to help each other when times get a bit much. Nobody is a pain. Don't fret about it.
Cheers, Midori
Thank you Mydexter. Hope I am able to repay some of the kindness if/when others in need. Take care. xx
Hi, sorry I never saw your previous posts but welcome!!! They are a great bunch here and when I am at my "wits end" with pain I call on the other Fibro-Warriors for help and advice. They are the only ones who know how horrible this weird condition is and like so many of us don't just have Fibro but so many other chronic pain conditions going on at the same time. It is great to have people there who totally understand how bad the symptoms can be unfortunately! Sending healing hugs hope your pains are a bit more bearable today x
Hi 1499. Good to hear from. I totally agree the Fibro Warriors are great. I am so glad I have found you all. Been suffering with fibro for a very long time , but last two years have been horrendous, for various reasons other than fibro. which I am convinced has greatly exacerbated my problems. As I had no support I really did get to the point where I didn't know where to turn. Thankfully, now, I seem to be back on an even keel. For now, at least. Not that anything has improved physically or gone away, but I think being able to pour it all out, and have someone actually listen, has helped me mentally. Also knowing others understand because they are going through the same/similar nightmare is en enormous plus.I have found that one of the worse aspects of this illness is that no one really accepts that your are ill because you look OK; or has no concept as to just how awful it is. Tant over. Thanks again. Take care. X
Hi Shelwhitt, It is so frustrating that very few people understand how bad this condition is when you can look so well. So sorry to hear you had other things going on in your life and getting no support. Stress and Trauma cause so much harm in the body I discovered.
My Fibromyalgia got so much worse over the years and I developed other chronic pain issues due to physical stress and worry looking after my parents, sister, and then my husband. It was so physically exhausting and painful and I was living on Nurofen Plus to help me get through each day. I suspected I had fibro as had read about it, but never went to see the GP even though my family kept on at me. They were my priority and though it was hard going they were a pleasure to look after and would have done the same for me if the roles were reversed.
I saw so many things happen whenever they were admitted to hospital which shouldn't have, so I would stay with them to make sure they were being kept as comfortable as possible, and it got when I finally got home at night I| had trouble sleeping worrying about them, especially during their very ill stages. I read a while ago that soldiers who suffer Post Traumatic Stress and others , quite often develop Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue, and looking back I had periods which were quite traumatic then.
When I eventually saw a Pain Consultant years later, he told me my body did not know how to relax for years, and the physical work on my body had definately contributed to how I am today with damage and wear and tear and my mobility issues now. Myself and my husband who was a great support to me at the time whilst holding down a stressful job and driving hundreds of miles per week was so good with my family, and I couldn't have done all that I did without his help. I have no doubt that all of this contributed to his poor health eventually, through not getting enough rest or sleep ,as he was diagnosed with two forms of cancer on the day my lovely sister passed away.
I have other family members who visited my parents/sister but we never asked for help or were offered any respite , and to be fair my parents worried about us having our own family and grandchildren and doing so much for them, but you would go to the ends of the earth I always say for your family and I would do it all over again if I had to. I am by no means a Martyr or such-like, we all have our own stories to tell , but I have no doubt whatever is going on in your life stress-wise can have a huge effect on your fibromyalgia and other painful conditions. I noticed a while back that a lot of the Fibro-Warriors on our website had been in the caring profession or where looking after ill relatives and friends.
I hope things settle for you and life is being a bit kinder to you now. My husband had such great strength and spirit and never complained throughout his illness, and always told me... there is always someone worse off than yourself, and I try to keep that in mind when I am struggling with the pains and try and count my blessings! It isn't easy at times. It is great to have others that listen and have been through similar and understand this "Invisible Enemy" as it is known. Sending Hugs, God Bless x
Hi 1499. Thanks so much for your response. I think it is the empathy we all have for each other that makes this site special and I am so grateful for the support I have had. It is obvious why you 'get it', your 'journey' within your close family must have been so, so difficult, my heart goes out to you. I hope telling me about it has also helped you a little, and I am here anytime you want to chat. My story isn't quite so dramatic as yours, apart from my father dying suddenly in 1968, when I was 25, and me having what must have been some sort of seizure, brought on by the shock. I think this may have been the start of my fibro 'journey', but who knows! Been having some really bad nights lately , so now off to bed, and hope for a few hours sleep for a change. Take care. xx
Hi ShelWhitt, Yes it did help getting it all out again I hope you didn't mind. Likewise if you need to off load I am here. It is amazing how stress and worry and loss can cause so much and make the fibro much worse. I felt I must've been living on adrenalin at that time . Hope you manage to sleep better this week. Some meds actually keep you off your sleep I found. I am sleeping a bit better thankfully apart from the leg pains when they wake me at times , and giving up the amitriptyline really helped. Don't know if you take CBD oil it may help if you haven't and certainly worth a try? Have a good week, hugs x
Thanks 1499. Haven't tried CBD oil, but have wondered about it. Try to get by without medication if I can, as nothing seems to help anyway, and some make me feel even worse. Asprin, seems to help me a little , so I do occsionally take that. Otherwise it is 2 paracetamol when I go to bed (not as well as asprin, obviously) and levothyroxine at 5 am when I get up. Now 6 am so I can go an get my first cuppa of the day. Take care. x
Hi, that is great you are taking very little pain meds and are just taking ordinary things like paracetamol which does nothing for me. I use "Love CBD Entourage Spray" take a stronger one 1400mg. Started on 300mg, then 800mg but with my pains being so bad every day I upped some time ago to the higher dosage which is working better, and now using the tramadol along with the paracetamol which boosts the tramadol to get me through the day. Good luck hope you keep well x