As pip lasts 4 years what happens when it’s due to be renewed do you have to have another assessment as I couldn’t go through that again as I noticed in other posts that the assessors lie as they did big time with me last time but got there in the end, so will I need to be assessed again? thanks
Pip renewal: As pip lasts 4 years what... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pip renewal

They will send you a form to fill in and then decide whether or not you need a f2f. Unfortunately, it is their choice and decision, and you have to comply or withdraw your claim. It is unfair, but there is nothing we can do about it.
Thank you for your reply. Suppose it’s just wait and see.
My pip ends in may and I had to have a F2F on 14th January. Hope everything goes well for you.. love and hugs Lynne xxxx

hi lynne..
my pip runs out in may and i hv the dreaded f2f appointment in feb ...i hd sent loads of medical paperwrk but obvs not enuf???? hw did it go for u and was it the same as ur initial f2f???? x
hiya pip ws awarded in 2017 for 4 yrs ends in may 2020 and i ws sent a renewal which is much shorter version than the initial pip form...i hd a face to face assesment then and now i hv to go again , even though i had sent in medical reports and summaries as well.
my renewal came thru in dec so 6 months b4 award ends.
yes its a horrible experience and im so dreading it but hs 2b dun ...mke sure u hv as mch medical evidence as possible..they dont want appt letters 😐😐...good luck hope it all goes well for u xx
Hi did you mean awarded in 2016 as 2017 would mean running out next year lol
ooops sorry its til may 2020 and i gt the renewal form in dec 2019 ..the turnaround was a few weeks and i now hv anotha f2f in 2 weeks...dreading it
The f2f with accessor doesn’t bother me what bothered me was tribunal with 6 people sitting in front of me questioning me I hated need to try get the accessor on your side if you have a good one that’s great but most of them I’m sure aren’t interested and write what ever they please