I know a lot of you suffer with brain fog, but does anyone else have head pain along with it? Plus lack of concentration, and get easily stressed out at having to deal with organising things on a daily basis, eg. insurances, finances, doc appts. opticians, shopping, presciptions, car test/maitenance, housework, birthdays, and now Xmas. And it goes on . I have lists everywhere. It is getting worse, I am frightened and starting to think I am going mad. My anxiety is thro the roof. There is constantly some problem to sort out , i am spending hours on the phone every day and end up getting frustrated and shouting at DH because I am not coping, and he is no help. It is bad enough dealing with all other day to day fibro problems - pain, nausea, exhaustion - without the mental stress as well, all whilst trying to keep the home running. DH has early dementia, so it is not his fault, but because and because I have always dealt with things in the past , his answer is - you like sorting things out . End of conversation. I have asked doc for a brain scan but she doesn't think it necessary, puts it all down to fibro. Please god they find a cure soon. Thanks for listening.x
brain fog: I know a lot of you suffer... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
brain fog

I’m going through a severe bout no good rest fatigue problems with my stomach major. You’re likely stressed and need some you time and healthy eating. Good is huge with fibromyalgia. Try to work in more stress relief time for you your body is telling you you’re stressed out see what you can change.
Yes and yes , I get pain , blinding migraine 🤪, I feel same about phone calls , paperwork , and just can't , it's like everything else , pacing , overloading and stress is a trigger , and I can't do more than 1 call a day ! And got help with both of these paperwork , calls etc , try and have a limit on how long you spend doing it , break up into smaller bites .sound like your doing too much also getting foggy tired makes it harder , you know when you have a sleep and next day it's easier to tackle ....that you have been stuck on previously....and screens are worst , watch posture too , like neck xxxx

Good advice. Thanks.x
I have to put everything in my phone as soon has or I forget. Alexia is great help too lol I think the worst thing for me is getting words mixed up. Trying to explain to lass in shop my daughter inlaw likes dark chocolate. I can hear words and no not sounding right. All mixed up she smile and way away. 🙂
Yes I hear you..I told my g.p i had dementia,,she was so kind and said fibro causes this,,in fact its what caused me to take early retirement it got so bad..now I have terrible trouble remembering passwords pin no s. Thank god for contactless!!

I can't even get to grips with that!
I think we can all relate to this (unfortunately!); I cant live without my Filofax - it keeps my diary & my lists for everything! Currently stressing about remembering everything/everyone for Christmas! And, even if you try to explain exactly how it feels to someone who isn’t a sufferer; they haven’t got a cat in hells chance of understanding - bit like trying to explain the fatigue to them; how many times is the response ‘yeah, I’m knackered too!’? Hey ho, guess we just have to manage best we can - at least we have this forum to vent, sympathies & empathise 😊😊
Thank you for replying . This is why this site is so good. We all on here do understand with the need for explanations. Take care. xx
I have stick on blackboard on wall in convenient spot .... So when I do remember !
Oh dear, You seem to be getting yourself into a feedback loop. the more you stress, the more the lists seem to take charge, so the more you stress, and so on.
It doesn't help that your husband has dementia; but it is a wakeup call that you need extra support, before you spin out of control completely.
You can chat with the GP about it, or see if there is an organisation which can help, or you could call Social Services for help. In my area there is an organisation which can take you shopping or take you to appointments, help with PC training. Gardening, cleaning etc.
There is help around, but you have to find it.
I picked a leaflet up saying dr will recommend to social services. I asked dr but that is now 6 weeks ago and i haven't heard anything. I will try to motivate myself to find out more, but i am so busy sorting other stuff out at the moment it is finding the energy and time. Plus most of the problems are 'in house' paperwork so i would need to explain things before anyone could begin to help. Are you ready for this. e.g had a battle with utility supplier yesterday, wanting to increase monthly payments by over £30 per month, when we are £200 in credit. Spent ages waiting on the phone, finally spoke to someone, agreed to leave monthly payment as it is, then get an e-mail - they have still increased it £4 per month. Can't be bothered chasing them again, so let it be. HB says change suppliers, but can't face the hassle of that either. And so it goes on. Bought an electric shaver on line for DH. Made sure I cancelled the 'prime' contract to avoid getting involved in a monthly payment, then today had a phone call saying if I didn't cancel would be charging me every month. Sort out yet again. On top of which shaver doesn't work and needs to be returned. Another morning taken up, packing and returning. And don't get me started on having to visit the bank yesterday to sort out digital/telephone banking after already spending 3 days on the phone, when they couldn't do it. That's now done. Now Optician. Spent an hour and half being tested at beginning of week, was told I have macular degeneration. No good news there then. Hadn't time to stop to pick frames, so attempted to go back yesterday. No problem? Yes. Bus didn't turn up . Only one an hour. No problem. Walk 300 yards to another bus stop, when husband can hardly walk, to take us to different venue, but no problems as they also have a Specsavers, so everything's ok. Well, surprise, surprise, that bus is half an hour late. Finally got there it turns out Specsavers don't link up with each other, so had to go thro all the details again. Another half hour spent after I had picked the frames. I am beginning to think it is just me, but DH says everyone is the same. Easy for him to say, he is not doing it, and if that is the case, with things piling up on a daily basis before the existing problems are sorted out how does anyone have time to go to work. Have just got around to making next blood test and dr appointments which i should have done sooner, as there is now a three weeks wait with that. Can't wait for tomorrow. Sorry to rant yet again, but better out than in. I am beginning to think I am going mad .Wouldn't be so bad if had some support but all DH is bothered about is when he will get a new shaver.x
You do like to moan don't you?
You must be awful to live with.
Clearly you're not very internet savvy or you would have done most tasks you mentioned online in the first place.
Get a grip and show your partner some empathy, good grief I'm sure he needs it with you moaning and stressing all day, every day. Poor man.

You're right I must be awful to live with, but I assure you I do have plenty of empathy. Receiving some occasionally in return wouldn't go amiss. I don't like to moan, I hate to moan, but venting to people who I thought would understand, on here, when i am doing my best to cope at home on a daily basis , and barely succeeding, helps to relieve the stress and tension, so that I can carry on the next day.
I am glad that you appear to be walking in better shoes than me , for you to feel so smug.
You can self refer to Social Services, and it would probably be quicker.
I use to be on the ball with everything very organised now I'm a mess don't know what day it is a d get very frustrated when I can't answer questions that I know I know even peoples names are murder
Fast for a day.
Sleep for a day and a night.
If you can't sleep, stay in bed and rest.
Burn the lists.
Stop stressing and worrying.
The ONLY thing to do with Fibromyalgia, especially in a flare, is NOTHING.
Just rest. Stop fighting it.
You are right, I'm so sorry..
Thanks for responding. I do know i am not alone with my problems and that is why it is so good to share. The pity is I have no support. My DH doesn't understand. He has his own problems, poor mobility and early dementia. and is content to watch the TV all day long. He does know I have loads of problems because I do tell him, but he isn't really interested, he is living in his own world and only his needs are important. He sees my lying down with the hot water bottle, and crying sometimes, but he is oblivious and can't even respond with a hug, even though I tell him it would mean a lot. I try to motivate him, but it is difficult, He will help with some chores, like washing up, peeling veg or helping me hang out the clothes, and I do appreciate that, but it is the constant responsibility and stress of everything being down to me all the time. When ' I can' it is not a problem, I just get on with it, but on the ever more frequent bad days it does get me down, and I panic when I feel I am not coping. Thanks again for listening. Best wishes to you all. Take care.xx
Hi hun.only just seen your msg. I don't log on every day...everything you describe is stress,brain fog gets worse the more stress levels go up..is it possible for you to just take a break? Wind down and relax fora couple of days..you can ask your g.p to help you with this.explain exactly what you have told us..don't use kids and family as an excuse not to,put yourself first...p.m me I will tell you how I got thru a similar time...

Thanks a lot. Would love to have chat with you. Can I contact you again later? xx