Struggling so bad with this lately! Honestly I’m having to leave notes around the house to remind me of things. I forget what I’m saying in a middle of a conversation! It’s so frustrating and really getting me down. I’ve just filled out a form for pip, not very sure I will get anything but I’ve put down a lot of detail of how I am. I really hate this😩
Brain fog: Struggling so bad with this... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Brain fog

Brain fog is a right pain , the times I’m in a Sentence and go blank, think my family/friends get used to it now, but sticky note pads are my saviour. Try not too worry too much ,take it daily , @hope the pip works out, lots of people here been threw the process so hope you get some good replies /advice, take care xx
take it slow, too. Even if it means some folk get frustrated with you. They're usually not the sort of contacts you want anyway. I hope things work out for you.Now why are my keys in the fridge again?
Thanks for your reply, it means a lot, haha that made me laugh🤣 honestly lost my purse and I put it in the fridge draw😩 I mean why I haven’t a clue! But there we go lol.
I think we can all relate to putting things in most Radom places. Reading the posts on here has made me feel like I’m not alone so Thankyou to you all xxxx
Yeah I know what you mean, I'm forever going blank in the middle of a sentence, forgetting family and friends names as well as putting rubbish in the laundry and laundry in the rubbish lol.
I suffer with fibro fog & since getting covid & being diagnosed with long term covid, it has got worse as covid can also cause brain fog. What upsets me is people getting extremely frustrated with me when I can't remember things. I have tried to explain to them that it isn’t something I’m choosing to do. I also have post it notes around the house, a diary & loads of reminders in my phone which have to be put in straight away as I can forget things within minutes. I wish people would research it before acting as though I’m being mean.
Sounds like you are coping quite well in spite of no-one understanding because to me you are obviously fighting it all the way with the paper notes and electronic means which still requires a sharpness of intellect and intuitive understanding of what is needed to survive Some will learn in time. - I had omicron recently and it made the brain fog worse for a bit. (It feels as if it takes your soul away for a while too) ... I send people aaaah! - what's the word...? Well, this is not exact but it's when you find info on Fibromyalgia and email or print out something for them to read. I feel we must all tell and tell and tell. Tell them when you have pain and distress - simply how you feel etc and how you really did not want this ruining your life. - Helping people grow in understanding and compassion will maybe help the world become a better place. - Aha! ... 'Information' ... yes that's a word I can use. (So simple and so elusive!) - I just suggested earlier in this thread to Gem....o that I find Spanish Sage oil (Power Health do the one I buy) and also MCT oil help my memory a lot. I take them in the morning unless I want to be mentally buzzing all evening and into the night. - Give yourself time. Lots of natural remedies out there to be read and googled if you haven't done so already but I am sure you have been driven to do that already. - Keep going! Fibro, cfs and now long covid are part of humanity's heroic struggle. Regards from a phone phobic!
I have a note bad that is full to the brim of things I have written so I don't forget. And yes my brain fog is pretty annoying too. I check the locks on the doors at night about 3 times and keeping up with my children's homework is mind blowing. Not to mention the online shopping I make a list and still forget things. Struggling for words in front of someone is definitely the worst and does not help with anxiety. I have claimed for pip and had to have it reassessed because the lady I spoke to changed things I had said. I eventually got it awarded only just by one point. This was because I can do things on some days but they didn't take it into account about the days that I can't do things. The more evidence you have the better. Doc and specialist appointments etc I didn't have much apart from neurologist appointments and medication due to my crappy gp surgery. Good luck and I hope you get it awarded x
Notes All round the house is a brilliant idea. Thanks for that suggestion. It will help me be more organised I hope. - I have found Blue (Spanish) Sage oil helpful for memory since I became aware I was ageing fast. (The day I decided I seriously needed something a man walked in to an exhibition where I was manning the desk for an hour and spontaneously started talking about this wonderful stuff he had discovered for memory. Synchronicity or what!) I got some and it lived up to expectations. Not a cure but a huge advance which gave me more confidence I could get by more easily in 'normal' life. - I get the one by Power Health and take it before I eat in the morning usually. I don't even take it everyday but it is there when I need it and it sharpens me up quite a lot. I also found it useful for concentration when I was driving. Don't take it at the end of the day though if you want to sleep. Also proper MCT oil - which is coconut - in the morning can be good too. - I often tell people I get brain fog or that it's bad on that day and they then go on to enjoy the game of helping me guess the word, especially when I use my winding a finger at my temple gesture as a signal I was searching for a word. I find most people of advancing years have problems with brain fog and forgetfulness too. When I was younger it was often worst when I was heading for a migraine. Sumatriptan completely cleared my head sometimes, but it creeps back. Good luck with it.