Morning all. I'm just wondering at what point you call in ill for work? I'm a home carer and love my job, I realise the impact (covering my shift) calling in has on management and colleagues. I've worked the past 6 weeks, but have had to ask a friend to take my son to school, I'm exhausted and in considerable pain. All feedback welcome. Thank you.
When to inform work off absence - Fibromyalgia Acti...
When to inform work off absence

Have you worked 6 weeks without a break?
Was that your choice or were you asked?
No. I work 25 hours a week.
Is that spread over the whole week with a few hours every day?
What Dizzytwo says is right. Speak with your manager. I presume if you have a child you may work round school hours?
Being a carer is a demanding job even for the fittest person...having an illness yourself makes it harder. But yes it is worthwhile
Hi there, nice to meet you and welcome you to our group
I'm not sure what you mean to be honest. If you felt exhausted and unwell say on Saturday and know you were going to need a few days recovery time. Maybe it would have been good to let them know then so they could find cover for today for example.
But if you only felt unwell on waking up then now would be the time to let them know. If your going to need more than a few days off work it maybe a good idea to get a sick note from your GP. Sorry if I've misunderstood the question.
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I do hope you feel better soon xx
I've pushed myself through the weekend at work, but feeling the consequences now. I've let work know and they've managed to cover my shift swiftly. Thanks for tip on privacy, will be sure to correct on my next post.
Regarding: at what point, I meant at what point of the symptoms of fibromyalgia ie pain, fatigue, lack of concentration x
Hi there, sadly the push and burn is a very common part of fibro. Maybe you could discuss your work shifts with your manager so you don't get two days together if that's at all possible?
Would it be possible to reduce your hours at work or even swop weekends? If you have not done so maybe now would be a good time to let your work place know how you feel.
Have you tried claiming for PIP if your finding it difficult to work? The link below may help if your thinking of applying for help. If not now maybe for future reference
Hi Simba_1 Sorry to hear you are in pain. Just to let you know that the first 7 days that's including the weekend whether you work it or not are self certificated, after this you need to get a sick note from your doctor, I hope this helps 😁x
Call in before you collapse, get a few weeks sick note from your g.p. if you dont get sick pay look into ESA if you are single.
Thank you for your advice. I am married, so unable to claim ESA. I will look into claiming PIP x
Your partner's work hours will not affect your entitlement to Contributory ESA, which is based on your national insurance contribution record.
Thank you, I will look into that. I have just had a look at the PIP survey and because I'm able to shower, eat, take medication independently, it appears I won't be able to claim x
Hi, just because you can do those things doesnt mean you cant claim pip. You have to show how doing those things effect you. Ie cause you more pain, takes longer than someone without the condition etc. Its worth putting in a claim if your struggling especially if you cant do those things every day x