Words back to front ? : I think I’m... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Words back to front ?

71 Replies

I think I’m actually loosing sometimes ... I seem to get my words around the wrong way ! .....

71 Replies
Dinkie profile image

too me 😂😂 but on a serious note so do I. I think I know what will come out of my mouth but I am surprised as everyone else what actually happens. Somewhere between grey matter and mouth there is a vortex a bit like the spin cycle on a washing machine. My words just tumble out in any old order - just call me Yoda :)

in reply to Dinkie

So glad it isn’t just me ! Told my daughter @ take ya kitchen to the plate !!!! This isn’t ok 😂😂

Dinkie profile image
Dinkie in reply to

Yep - as I have posted before told the folks at work I was going to a wedding instead of going to lunch - what's that about!!! I'm sure in my head it's the right word it's only when it is spoken I realise it isn't!

in reply to Dinkie

Bless ya !

D1gD33per profile image
D1gD33per in reply to Dinkie

Have you recently started Gabapentin? If yes, Did the speech problem come after you started to take these? They urned me into a zombie, I couldn' talk properly, Like a droning feeling, Like your mega stoned, and say things you don't mean.

As soon as i swiched from Gaba to Pregabablin that symptom just vanished.

Dinkie profile image
Dinkie in reply to D1gD33per

Nope - all my own work - I can't take prescription meds so can't blame it on anything else ;)

in reply to D1gD33per

Yes same with me. Gabapentin affects lots like that. Thought u might still be on them as you said they”urned” you 😂. Typos eh ;)

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to Dinkie

Beautifully described Dinkie !

caninecrazy profile image

i have come out with some beauties!.......... par cark instaed of car park, hop & moover instead of mop & hoover. told a work colleague i was going into the garden instead of onto the shop floor! ..........the BESTEST ever is my hubby found my neatly ironed jeans folded up in the FREEZER!! lol . your'e not alone huni, hope iv'e made you smile :) x

in reply to caninecrazy

Ha ha thank love ! So glad it’s not just me ! X

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to caninecrazy

Where else woud one keep freshly laundered jeans.

caninecrazy profile image
caninecrazy in reply to RayB

i totally agree RayB ! lovely and cool on a warm day! lol x

in reply to caninecrazy


caninecrazy profile image
caninecrazy in reply to

yes i have done some very random things! lol :) x

in reply to caninecrazy

😂😂😂 love it 😊

johnsmith profile image

This needs a discussion with the doctor. There is a great temptation to manage because others have senior citizen moments. This is a word sequencing problem indicative of a a possible health problem.



desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to johnsmith

Common in people with fibro. Aphasia is a good parallel as word selection is how it tends to manifest but a recent study I read suggested that it may be the brain not being able to dismiss inconsequential things that a normal person would.

johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to desquinn

Thanks for the comment. Interested in the reading the study. Let's nitpick. There is brain overload where words just form in a nonsensical manner. I am familiar with this as I get it on more occasions than I like. I have learnt to handle this by saying: "I have got tongue tied I'll start again." The starting again clears the problem for me.

Then there is word sequencing errors. This is where the spoken word order gets out of sequence. The words are there in the sentence but not in the right order. This I think what needs further looking at.

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to johnsmith

could not find the link to the study from my history but it is not too long ago that I saw it. If I remember I will post.

Out of sequence is one thing depending on its severity but transposition of subject/nouns is just word selection issue. I have frequently when tired said a sentence to my partner with the wrong subject and it is normally the subject from the previous conversation or what is in my head at the time. And can do it without noticing as well.

Dismissing these effects is not ideal and should be followed up with if there is a concern but nothing mentioned here would be out of step with fibro fog. I think there also needs be a distinction with whether stressors are at play or not. I,e, tiredness, flare or stress and it happens and the frequency it happens.

Regular but occasional bouts of it with stressors is ok but not ideal. But constant episodes where structure and meaning are lost then further advice is required.

johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to desquinn

Thanks for the reply. Agree with everything you say.

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to johnsmith

Many of us seem to do it John,, with myself my ability to jumble words goes up and down sometimes it's really bad! Even when I am typing I have to read over what I have written many times and I can still make reall bobos. The thing is I see it commonly in the writings of most people on the Fibrofourm.

It is something we have to accept as normal for us.

Best Wishes, Ray

johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to RayB

Sorry to nitpick. Jumbling words where the wrong word is chosen when typing is something that is very common. Getting all the words, but in the wrong sequence is slightly different.

I can think one word and type another. I can intend to say one word and I say another word instead. I can compose a sentence and miss a word out totally changing the meaning of the sentence. Done that more times than I would like.

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to johnsmith

It didn't happen before fibro!

Clarrisa profile image
Clarrisa in reply to johnsmith

It is said one should never self diagnose themselves. But here by a long process of elimination doctors had proclaimed the diagnosis Fibromyalgia, right(?). Having worked once in a nursing home I have learned doctors are not infallible however. So whenever in doubt test don’t guess is my motto.

johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to Clarrisa

I totally agree with you.

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

Cognitive dysfunction /fibro fog is one of the main fibro symptoms and word mix up, forgetting words (I call everything a thingy), poor concentration, short term memory loss etc can all be part of it.

I often say something and it's only when I get a funny look or the other person bursts or laughing that I realise I've said something wrong... Because it sounded OK in my head xxx

in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

Yes ! That’s me all over ! Thank you for sharing with me x

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff in reply to

I have learned to live with it now (with a huge sense of humour).... Though it does get very frustrating at times. But it can also be scary at first - especially if you don't know its a common part of fibro.

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

I still find it embarrasing,, but only when other people are around,, thankfully I usualy just talk to myself if the TMJ isn't playing up to bad!


johnsmith profile image
johnsmith in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

Sorry to nitpick. I agree with what you have said. Except. It is this: "par cark instaed of car park". This is a sequencing error. Words are arriving in the working memory but are output in the wrong sequence. "instaed" is a timing error one finger moves faster than another so arrives at the key first instead of second. That is well known and something that occurs often in healthy people.

Lack of concentration, short term memory loss, forgetting words, missing words, saying wrong word and unable to pronounce a word and incorrect pronunciation are common errors. Sequencing errors are something else.

LJB12 profile image

I get that as well... its getting quite bad recently for me too. People around me find it funny but it really does upset and frustrate me. Even more so when I going through a day where my pain is not reacting to my pain relief. So I understand where your coming from.

Mizunderstood profile image
Mizunderstood in reply to LJB12

Yes l can defo relate and it isn't funny for me as I'm starting a business in a couple of months and was diagnosed 3ms ago. Luckily l have a very good friend that has come on board as half the time l don't feel l can trust what I'm doing or saying. I am learning to really slow down my thoughts to make sure thats what actually comes out my mouth! Lol

Mumbev60 profile image

Yes me to.I forget what the word is I want to say then I'm urmmmmming.then someone will say it for me.

KateMaguire profile image

Do it all the time, I just blame it on gin-more people understand that! Xx

astitch profile image

Thank you. I thought it was just me being daft.

bora62 profile image

Hi Just to add to this, not often i say things wrong but i have started to spell things in wrong order even though looking at keyboard I think I'm going the right way round, annoying and was scary at first but learnt to live with it with spell check lol ... isn't fibro "fun" xxx

in reply to bora62

Me to ...I couldn't spell Extreme exhaustion or managing....!!! Words we use alot right ... .🤪

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to bora62

Bora,, I don't have to look at the keyboard as I learned to type about 30 years ago,, but it's the same for me,, writeing things backwards,, leaving words out,, typeing small words I commonly use like The with come out Eth or Hte and I will do it and re-do it again and again,, even it trying to correct my errors. I don't even have to be exausted or in more pain than usual,, there is not rhyme nor reason to the phenomina with me.

I used to read alot I loved reading,, it was my escape languising in a good book,, but find it very trying now,,, It's just words and by the time I have got to the end of the sentence the first half of the sentence is lost,, it's almost like reading in a foreign language.

I still buy books ocasionly that I really want to read but somehow I just can't do it anymore.

Best Wishes, Ray

in reply to RayB

That's handy ...think I need larger keyboard ..better vision...when tired 🧐

in reply to RayB

I understand that too Ray. My kindle was a joy. Now it lies uncharged and not used. I too forget what the page before was. I loved reading. I also make notes to remind myself of things, then forget I made them, or even why I did 😂😂😊 good ole fibro

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to

Had eyes tested today. One has worsned the other has auctualy improved,, glad something's improved even if I can't pick and choose.

Also Eyes are dry with a touch of Blepharitis,,, gave me artificial tears but lets hope I can get the Blepharitis sorted and the dry eyes will resolve,, it's surprising how such a minor irritation as dry eyes can get to you so much when your sitting in absolute agony!

Fra22-57 profile image

Its funny sometimes and try to laugh along but it's so frustrating and I am worse this year.Deuves me mad going up and down the alphabet in my head trying to think of the right word I want too

Dizzytwo profile image

My hubby will say its a good job I know what you mean then we both laugh about it.

But it can be very frustrating and embarrassing when talking to strangers. Even worse when you start spelling how you talk! Not to mention forgetting words in mid sentences. This is when me and hubby have a quick game of give us a clue lol


RayB profile image
RayB in reply to Dizzytwo

Dizzy, I always joked that I had caught Alzhimers of mum !


I can relate, my words are often jumbled, also feel clumsy and stupid .

Bird88 profile image

I do this all the time lol wobbly gib we call it lol im terrible specially on a bad day x

t7gbw profile image

Best one ever whilst shopping in the co-op arrived at counter and said can i also have a lucky dick! for tonight, mortified lol

in reply to t7gbw

😂 having so many laughs on some of these posts. Good job we can still laugh isn’t it 😂

dinkic profile image

You are not alone, I was told it is part of the illness, pain and some meds are mainly to blame, the medical people call it fog. but it can be upsetting thought I had early dementia and was told that it is par for the course with the illness. I am blonde so think that helps.

RayB profile image
RayB in reply to dinkic

If I had hair I might be blonde too!

jojo42 profile image

So glad to read this as exactly the same happens to me! I find its worse the more tired i get.

Jackie0212 profile image

The same happens to me. Names are my worst thing

Clarrisa profile image

It almost sounds like acquired dyslexia if there is such a thing.

You could all learn a different language 😁 most of them (including mine) are spoken ‘the wrong way’ compared to English. Look at the bright side 😁

I have a pending diagnosis of fibromyalgia but I can tell you that fluctuating hormones, particularly peri-menopause and menopause can also cause this. No wonder most fibromyalgia sufferers are women. But we’re also more flexible, versatile and interesting, are we not? 😂

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee in reply to

that's a yes no question ............. were you looking for a no? :)

in reply to desquinn

No 😬

RayB profile image

Flexible,,, Oh yes,, I have all the flexibility of a brick on one of my better days!


in reply to RayB

Sorry 😬 it could be worse, you could have Ehlers-Danilos Syndrome like me. 😶

RayB profile image

Perhaps I should have placed emphisis on "JOKED"

When one looks after someone with Alzhimers for 12 years single handed with out as much as a break to go to the toilet or anyone to make you a cup of tea you really do think you'll loose your mind!

Thankfully it's just fibro,,,, whatever that is,, but it seems little is being done to try and find out,,, and dismissing the problems we have is not a reasonable way forward.

Bettybright profile image

people around me now are used to thingies, doobries, whatsits etc. I put it down to fibro fog. Have started to forget names of people I've known for years tho. I spend my life going through the alphabet til it jigs my memory 🤪 gentle hugs peeps ❤️

in reply to Bettybright

That’s a wonderful mnemonic technique, going through the alphabet 👍🏻

Sharolina profile image

It happens to me all the time, sometimes I find it difficult to pronounce certain words I would normally not have problem with, or my speech is slurred. Quite often when I'm typing I get my letters so muddled up, it looks like I created a new language! Sx 🙂

No1wthayla profile image

My words get mixed up, the order is wrong, the subject. I do it at work more than anywhere else and I too get embarrassed. Pronunciation, slurring, even stuttering at times too.

I take lots of medication but I think the memory issues are caused by Fibro and also by chemicals in the air we breathe. I told my doctor about my wording issues and she sent me for psych testing. They said I need counseling but how the heck would that help with my speech problems?

Broadfield profile image

Yep, me to. I miss words out and my sentences are jumbled, and my voice goes horse. The brain scan is no worse than in 2013 so it's just the condition!!! My friends and family are used to it now and find it funny, which helps.keep smiling through it.😊😃😄

KurtN profile image

Yep forget words all the time when speaking and my typing is full of smelling pistakes;)

in reply to KurtN

Omg this is funny 😂

KurtN profile image
KurtN in reply to

I'm here all weak;)

desquinn profile image
desquinnPartnerVolunteerFMAUK Trustee

example we use on the helpline is that with fibro you always forget where the keys are but with alzheimers you forget what the keys are for. Simplistic but useful.

Hamish142 profile image

This happens to me but i also mix numbers up at work. I'll put 84 when it's meant to be 48 it drives me mad and is also worrying.

Pbyllis profile image

Hi this happens to me to also I'm forgetting how to spell it's so frustrating.

I applaud both you and Ray, Mydexter, done from love but so draining. Like you I have fibro and other probs but looking after my mum was something I would never regret. I think we were all honored 😊

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