Fibro IBS : Hi πŸ‘‹ Does any one get IBS... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Fibro IBS

Scoo1961 profile image
β€’38 Replies

Hi πŸ‘‹

Does any one get IBS and stomach problems

With fibro ?

Has any one got any tips regarding this ?

I hope you are all okay

All the best 😊

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Scoo1961 profile image
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38 Replies

I get an awful lot of stomach problems. Don’t drink redbull/coke, Cut out sugary stuff cut out chocolate, chicken, veg all of that gives me a bad stomach. SMOKING does believe it or not..

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to


Thanks I try cutting out all the gassy foods

All the best 😊

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to

Thanks for your help 😊

LeighBlyth profile image

IBS = 'blanket diagnosis' with a wide range of signs and poorly understood causes.

My upper right abdominal pain was the worst. Every evening for years, curled up in pain but there were many other 'digestive' symptoms too, from the intense early morning lower abdominal pain (almost like clockwork) to sharp stabs that seemed to come out of nowhere.

I ate for comfort (or self punishment almost) - stuffing in all sorts, even though I knew I would regret it later.


Chew every mouthful of food until it's liquid.

Stop eating as soon as you are full.

Eat as healthily as possible.

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to LeighBlyth


Thank you for your help 😊

Sue_64 profile image

Hi yes I've been diagnosed IBS many years, I'm sure it's connected to my Fybro, all kinds of stomach issues, never know when I'm going to get a flare up and always need to know where toilets are. Food is my enemy especially greens. I'm diabetic and keep being told I need to eat my five a day, no no no! worse thing possible. Now diagnosed with Folate Anemia and need to eat greens, spinach, Brussels sprouts😠 etc, I love salad this weather, had it at w/end suffering now, don't know what I'm supposed to do. I advise you keep a diary of what you eat, greens, fruit, wheat, fizzy drinks, anything gassy with any symptoms each causes, a picture should emerge of food & drinks to avoid or limit, I have read Coffee can be a trigger but I'm not sure about that. At least if you still have something that triggers your stomach issues you'll have an idea what caused it and are prepared for it. Sounds silly but if I know I have to somewhere the following day I'm careful with what I eat, knowledge is the answer I think. Take care Sue

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to Sue_64


Thank you fir you advice 😊

grandmama16 profile image
grandmama16 in reply to Sue_64

I could've written your post....diabetic (but not severe) and IBS, so conflicting diets. I just don't know what to eat (diet is awful)so just go by what I feel like. I believe high sugar caused by Duloxitine (cymbalta) because it does say on Med. Read-out that it can cause higher sugar readings. I've been on it for many years and take Metformin for high sugar. it's one thing after another. In my younger years I gave blood and never was high in sugar. Fibro hit in 40's but I know I've had depression before that, probably since childhood. Chronic fatigue before fibro. For years and years I'd smell bleach or amonia for no reason except stress or over doing. I get a swishing sound in my head that Dr. guesses is related to my tinnitis. I think it's related to when I don't have enough of my pain med or Cymbalta in my system but it's sure annoying. Could it be related to high sugar? So strange. I can't really say when it started so I'd say to knew Fibro ites to keep a record of strange things. M.A. in USA

Scoo1961 profile image


Thank you I will do a good diary and see what it is I am under a dietician and I am doing the fodmap diet ? But I still have

Problems with IBS it started 21/2 years ago :( I lost 3 stone . Still haven’t put the

Weight back on :(

I hope you are okay :)

Thank you for your help and reply 😁

Sue_64 profile image
Sue_64 in reply to Scoo1961

You're welcome, IBS is another awful condition. I hate going out without my husband, I don't drive, my mobility has got very bad so going out in the car is better in case I need a loo quick, I think we know all the supermarkets in the uk! I have no idea how I'm supposed to up my intake of greens for the Folate Anemia without ending up locked in the loo, Doctors don't get it. Take care Sue

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to Sue_64

Hi Sue

I understand about the greens πŸ₯¬

I hope you feel better 😊

That’s good you go out :)

Better that staying in to much

I always go out in the morning

Have a break from the house

All the best 😁

YASMINTINA profile image

Hello there I do have ibs and I do read a lot on the forum that many fibro sufferers have this, very hard as so many things can trigger with foods /drinks etc. I also think my medication can make me constipated what a combo , I’m sure you will get lots of interesting replies about this x

Dinkie profile image

oh yes, well I least I did really badly. However a diet overhaul seemed to help considerably. No refined sugars, no processed foods and very limited gluten. If I stray and let's face it we are all human (even if we don't always feel it :) ) I will have the fibro sprite demanding payback with a lengthy stay in the bathroom.

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to Dinkie


Thanks for your reply 😊

What foods do you find that trigger it ?

I’m on the fodmap diet at the moment.

But I still get gas pain :( bloating tummy :(

Thank you for you help


Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to Scoo1961


Thank you

I’m doing a diary πŸ“” as week speak

Thank you 😊

Dinkie profile image
Dinkie in reply to Scoo1961

if I cook from scratch can eat most things although pasta/bread etc needs to be wholemeal and limited. I limit pototoes too. Think they are too starchy for me. Hope you find your triggers soon.

carol789 profile image

Hi scoo1961

I feel for you had ibs and endometriosis for many years, luckily endometriosis gone but ibs still hanging in there. Others have already said keep good diary it's trial and error unfortunately. With me bread biscuits cake and cereal especially wheat really don't help me and bloat my stomach, so does dairy produce which is horrid as I love proper cheese but try not to eat it. Also carry foods and spicy foods really affect me. But will power not great have found can sometimes get away with a little taste now and then, but really best for me to avoid.

Hope you manage your foodmap diet :) best wishes.

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to carol789


Thanks for your reply 😊

I love cakes 🧁 but I’ve cut them out πŸ˜•

I’m keeping a diary πŸ“”

All the best 😁

Yes many people with fibro have IBS. It yes one of the related illnesses. I don't know if it's to do with the extra sensitivity to some foods. I have found lowering the processed foods I eat helps a lot. Although it doesn't stop it completely. I have IBS tablets from the doctor.

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to MichelleButterfly


Thank you for your help

What tablet did the doctor prescribe? If you don’t mind me asking ?

I get terrible gas and stomach pain

I’m keeping a food diary as others have recommended 😊

Thank you 😊

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to MichelleButterfly


Thanks for your reply

I’ve cut out cakes and I’m on the fodmap

Keeping a diary

Thanks for your advice 😊

Mebeverine. I also find anti inflammatories help a litte also. Good luck with your food diary πŸ™‚.

Mumbev60 profile image
Mumbev60 has been found in fybro people we have bad gut bacteria rather to a healthy from there could try the yogurt drinks.but don't like them personally.make me sick.but do let me know how you get on.

Gingerapple profile image

Hi Scoo..I get loads of problems with IBS. I eat papaya with the seeds, I scoop out the seeds and put the flesh in some plain Greek yoghurt and eat this, twice a week and it helps my gut and it gets rid of parasites! Anyway it works for me. I do suffer with painful gas sometimes. Have a painless day....dont stress too much! Bev 🌻🌼

Vivalaviv profile image

Natural yoghurt for good gut bacteria.or try those probiotic drinks. I have them with fruit. Sourdough bread . Polish Bakery do i good variety now in Tesco. Avoid anything using the chorleywood method - makes bread indigestible. Peppermint - tea - mints - biscuits & Colpermin from GP. Eat plenty of veg but sadly cauli, sprouts, cabbage , broccoli are my triggers. So salads tomato, cucumber,lettuce,corn , carrots have replaced them. Fermented foods - made my own sauerkraut last year. This year its Kimchi. Easy recipes online eg BBC Food. Really cant tolerate much meat especially red. So its chicken & fish. I feel like a Victorian invalid. Mild foods with a serving of salad ! Cant stand sweet stuff now. Even lemonade / can seem too sweet so i give it a shot of lemon or lime juice. Earl Grey tea or Lady Grey read recently good for ibs. Trying this & not as harsh as usual black .tea Try red bush too. No caffeine. Eggs ok too. Eat for your gut - it helps. So does an apple a day. And plenty of vitamin c fo our low immune system.

Hope this helps

Lambsceugh07 profile image

Silicol gel seems to ease symptoms a bit .....

elliebelly1 profile image

I have been diagnosed with ibs and have fibro as well, I've had alot of tummy problems over the last couple of years even ended up in A&E twice thinking something was wrong turns out I was having a flare up. try the fodmap diet it's the only one out there that actually helps ibs it removes most things that ibs sufferers cant eat or drink and you definitely feel a difference but you have to be strict with yourself hope this helps

Hi yes unfortunately I do. I've been prescribed Buscopan which seems to help somewhat, by lessening the griping pains.

khaleeseebrown1 profile image

I have had it since my teens way before fibromyalgia . I worked out what was causing it found it got worse just before a period had ovulation pain as well . I can't eat fresh cream spicy foods hot curries and chocolate with nuts in . Doctor advised giving up coffee but that's impossible in addicted but that don't seem to upset my tum . A food diary is the way to go and you can avoid the things that could start it off stress is another factor and that's hard to control with balancing work , family , kids and fibromyalgia . I used those yoghurt drinks but they had lots of sugar in them now I make my own plain yogurt using a live starter and buy frozen fruit to add to it . It's hit and miss with ibs I use buscopan as well when the pain starts . Good luck xxx

Needsoda profile image

hi, i was diagnosed with fibro when i was 28 i am now 61, i have always had irritable legs from a tiny girl and even then had stomach problems, but i have had my gall bladder removed, have IBS, diverticulitis, acid reflux and hiatus hernia, so i find bread the worse it makes my stomach ache and my legs even more painful and the irritable legs are worst as well. i also limit dairy, sugar and wheat, but on the odd occasion i have them a small amount and i will be fine, if i have them the next day i will start getting a bit of pain but if i eat them a 3/4th day i am in trouble. i seem to have a rota of stomach problems, it is normal for about a week then i get chronic constipation and i might not go for 2 weeks then i get diarrhea, i am having a very bad one at the moment as i have had diarrhea for over 10 days, it is excruciating when this happens, so much bloating and wind, but it seems to be worse about 20 mins after i eat seems to be anything, i get the bad stomach, but it is not normally this bad. but my absolute savior when i was first diagnosed was a Kinesiologist, i practically ate only 6/7 foods for about 18 months and it cleared me completely out as before i could not even go near an egg/bread with getting asthma effect and i could have them on the odd occasion and now i can eat them . i do the process of if i eat something i try to leave it for a week before i eat it again, it does help. But i think as with everyone having slightly different problems with there fibro i think the foods and stomach problems are all slightly different. I have now moved and need to find a new one as i go every couple of years. i wish you well and as we all can sympathise with you and hope you find the triggers and just have as many good days as you can.

PS- if anyone knows a good kinesiologist in the Essex area that would be great if you could let me know.

Best wishes Scoo1961 hope my babble will help or be of interest. :)

Roselil profile image

yes, dear, it seems that IBS comes with the package of Fibromyalgia and other illnesses. I have suffered with it for years. Try to avoid veggies like cabbage, sprouts, broccoli etc. I stick with peas or runner beans. I also have hiatus hernia which does not help matters, but recently found a small tablet to dissolve in the mouth, which has helped much, namely Frutin from Health shops. I have tried various remedies for the IBS - the best being Senocalm, for IBS relief & Prevention. Hope you can find some help.

Kat13 profile image

Hi there

My IBS was terrible! I don’t know how many times I barely made it to the washroom (or didn’t!). My doctor told me to try Align (in Canada) which is a probiotic designed for IBS. It helped tremendously within a week or two. Now I take a good quality probiotic as well as digestive enzymes daily and can pretty well eat what I want. Hope you find what works for you! :)

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to Kat13

Hi what digestive enzyme do you take as well

Thank you 😊

Scoo1961 profile image


Thank you 😊

I take bio kult but I still get gas

What other item do you take ?

Thank you much appreciated


victoria1000 profile image

I was always very pale and anaemic, the problem was getting worse. Then I saw Dr Chris Steele on TV talk about Gluten intolerant and I realized I had all the symptoms.even as a small child I used to have terrible tummy pains.

I have not had gluten and oats for 18 years and I had to stop having dairy when I had breast cancer. So now I am a healthy bunny, nothing stops me helping people and loving my garden and my art

Keeping active keeps me healthy

Scoo1961 profile image
Scoo1961 in reply to victoria1000


Thanks for your reply

I am glad you are okay πŸ‘Œ

I’m on the fodmap diet still finish next week :)

I drink peppermint tea

That’s good you found your food

Intolerances 😊

I’m keeping a food diary

All the best 😊

roses123 profile image

Yes my stomach is bad most of the time with it

Fibrokitty3 profile image

Hi there fellow sufferers πŸ‘‹πŸ»

I too have IBS and acid reflux along with the fibro (and other stuff too). I’ve been taking Actimel 0% for years to help out, plus the doctors prescribed Mebeverine to help with the pain and bloating. I find onions are my worst enemy, I may get away with one meal a week containing onions, possibly even two meals, but anything more than that, it flares the IBS badly. I can almost watch my stomach bloat after eating it, it swells up like a massive balloon and look pregnant (highly embarrassing)

Going out was a mine field! Needing to know where all the public toilets were and planning trips accordingly! Then a member on here posted about a fantastic website called Where you can apply for a discrete creditcard sized card that you can hand to shop owners/assistants saying that the person holding the card needs to use the toilet urgently due to a medical condition. Can you help? They should let you use staff toilet or point you to somewhere that will. I’ve used it plenty of times now, it saves the embarrassment of having to say that you need the toilet in front of people when they’re around, they also have an app on your smartphone to do the same 😊

I hope this helps 😊

Kitty x

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