some time ago you contacted me about my experiences with morphine. Firstly I must say sorry that I have taken sooo long to reply to you but truth to tell I have been pretty poorly and in hospital with pneumonia and a massive pulmonary embolism (large blood clot on my lung). Glad to say I am slowly getting back to my normal self.
As for morphine well..... I was eventually diagnosed with fybro some 6 or 7 years ago. I went down the usual tract of mild pain killers, nerve relaxators etc. All of which did not do much if anything at all.
I was eventually referred to my local Hospital (Hillingdon) pain clinic. My consultant was a fantastic man (retired now regrettably) who obviously had an understanding of the pain associated with the awful condition. To cut a long story short he got me started on Morphine and changed my life. On a pain rating scale of 1 to 10, I was off the scale before starting Morphine .
All of the multitude of meds prescribed by my Gp were stopped and I started taking Oramorph (liquid Morphine) . It worked like a dream. My pain clinic guy sees me every 6 months or so and adjusts the dosage as necessary.My pains ( as they were multiple ) I would rate now as 2 on the 1 (mild to 10 (horrendous) pain scale.
I take MST 30mgs (slow release morphine tablets) every 12 hours with added doses of Morphine 20mgs (quick acting) should I have any "break through"pain. This is necessary very little as the MST works so well.
There are a few minor side effects which I can live with. My memory is not as good as it used to be. Morphine tends to give me constipation so I take an off the counter laxative as necessary. Initially I got a bit sleepy but that has worn off now.
Travelling abroad can be a pain as some countries do not like me carrying Morphine at all. I always check with the travel agent as to the rules/requirement are and how the land lies to where ever I am visiting. It is not usually too much of a problem but some countries insist on a letter from the Home Office to prove that you are not a drug runner and the Morphine is strictly for personal medical usage.
The only other mildly annoying problem is that, at times I do a very good impersonation of being drunk as Morphine does seem to affect my sense of balance. I now walk with a stick as I find it helps.
I also take a drug at bedtime called Mirtazepam. It help me get off to sleep and is a mild anti depressive.
Well that is about it. If you have any further questions pleas do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards and I hope that you are having a good day !
Ian B