Do we judge by appearance,
by colour age or creed?
Do we judge by what is said,
or by a person’s deed?
Do we judge by wealth,
or a poor man by his clothes?
Do we judge by who knows what,
or how a person grows?
Do we judge by comments made
by friends when they may call?
Do we judge?
Must we judge
Wouldn’t life be better,
if we didn’t ‘judge’ at all?
A Quiet Space
We all need a ‘quiet corner’;
somewhere to unwind.
A restful space away from life,
where peace of mind we find...
Let Your Heart Dance!
Are you ‘tuned in’
to the gifts of the day
- or are you determined
the world will be grey?
Have you decided
to smile or to frown?
Will conversation ‘lift you’
or slowly pull you down?
What will you gain
from a negative stance?
Why not ‘let go’
and let your heart dance!