NEW OVER 65 FLU JAB CAUSING PROBLEMSHi I had my flu jab 11 days ago and am feeling really bad as if my fibromyalgia has flared up. I,m getting headaches and very sore muscles. Has anyone else found that this years flu jab has made them feel worse this year? Previous years have been fine.
Over 65 flu jab.: NEW OVER 65 FLU JAB... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Over 65 flu jab. I’ve sent a link if you would like to lock your posts it does give you and members more privacy, I posted yesterday I’m under 65 , I had my 1st 0ne last week and have not felt right since , but because I caught flu February of this year it set me back for 3 months with having fibro/Cfs seem to take ages to bounce back. I posted on the forum yesterday if you want to view the answers I got from members just to see what people said in general. I do hope you start to feel better soon
Hi hun- we go through this senario every year when flu jabs are done-- The Vaccine IS NOT LIVE,, its like having your measles mumps reubella jabs, or your holiday jabs, they are in your system IF you come in contact with the viruses. feeling unwell sometime after is probably that you have come in contact with someone who has a winter bug- remember "coughs and sneezes spread diseases",, the cold snap has descended quickly and many of us will have got caught out not being wrapped up enough. Except for the milder viruses we get in winter catching or developing flu is a killer
yes, but it's a coincidence of course 😉
They (doctors and chemists) should be telling you that after your flu jab that you can indeed get cold like symptoms such as a low fever and muscle aches. Almost everyone feels "off" for a day or two after. However, because we have fibro that "off" feeling and muscle aches feel much worse than what they do for the average person.
A short piece from Canada about VitD - with references at the bottom ... VitD levels drop as winter approaches and then the colds and flu arrive