So I called pip today as it’s been a long time they saying it with the case manager now then if they can’t make the dission then it a face to face. Assessment so hope it won’t bee another one off them
Pip: So I called pip today as it’s been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I went to my face to face assessment yesterday it was like sitting in a doctor office in the most uncomfortable chair asking me the most stupid questions can I button up my clothes if I had buttons on my clothes absolutely ludicrous nothing to do with my fibromyalgia pain arthritis pain I lost it totally my memory and speech I felt like such an idiot I don’t feel like I will get it firing questions way to quickly I wish that I had someone with me who could have helped me knew more about fibromyalgia not a doctor or in any way known anything about fibromyalgia. Wishing everyone good luck if you’re going to a pip assessment face to face I did lose my balance all the way down to the office he was in and he asked me a couple of times am I alright because my back pain. Hope you get it
How long did you wait for you assessment. Mine been 7 weeks it’s with case manager don’t if that’s a good thing
Unlike DLA, they don't care what is wrong with you or what condition you suffer from. PIP is just about how mobile you are and how you cope with Daily Living tasks like dressing and Cooking. The things they are looking for are set out on a points scoring system. You can see a copy here together with advice on filling in the forms
The Benefits and Works Guides are the best though but you have to pay for them.
Remember that if you tick any box saying 4 days a week, they treat that as applying all the time and 3 days a week or less as applying none of the time.
If you are turned down, you will have a choice of going to Mandatory Reconsideration, and if that is refused, to Appeal. But there is nothing stopping anyone from putting in a completely fresh claim and starting again.
Did the same with me sent to case manager. Wanted me to go to their office had to explain that because of my condition I could barely walk. So they sent someone to my house. Make sure you talk about how much pain you are in etc hope goes well.