My legs hurt so bad that it would be better if they just drop off. The burning and aching in my thighs is non stop. I have tried everything. The only thing that seems to help is moving about and keeping busy as it takes my mind off things. The twitching drives me there anyone else that experiences the same?
Pain, Pain Go Away...: My legs hurt so... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain, Pain Go Away...

I can empathise so much with what you are saying. Yes moving seems to ease the pain but when the pain gets really bad I’m just too fatigued and feel too ill to move. I think it’s a matter of planning and pacing. Easier said than done! I hope very much that you get some relief soon. It’s so debilitating and really gets you down. Keep chatting here - everyone understands! Xx
Thank you the words of encouragement. It is really difficult to try and explain to others what this pain is like.
I believe that you may have RLS (restless legs syndrome). See your Dr about it, it can be successfully treated.
Good luck!
My calves and things often hurt among other things. Some day are worse than others. It feels almost like a deep muscular pain and slight cramping. When it's there it doesn't go away, though I find stretching ,TENS & hot/cold therapy can relieve it.
I know exactly what you mean, the pain is enough to drive me crazy sometimes. Benzo's and Tramadol do help somewhat but they aren't without their problems too.
Also find running warm water over my thighs helps getting me moving about again. A good excuse for long showers! From being super active to having no strength to climb a flight of stairs. Super frustrating.
That too! It's an issue seldom discussed. A few years ago I was doing loads of hiking, hoping to tackle some of the major peaks and now i'm almost crawling up the stairs
I sometimes wonder if it is tied in to having led a very active life style . So many of us seem to have been active, high achievers until fibro has reared it’s ugly head!
I have wondered about this as well. I don't drive so used to walk everywhere then for fun go on a 10 mile hike at weekend. Brought up 3 children on my own and always worked. At one point owned a pub and worked over 70 hours a week. The doctor says I have no muscle wastage in my legs but some days I have to crawl upstairs and I regularly use a rollator. It feels as though my body has just burnt out.
My right thigh is completely numb, you could stick pins in it without me feeling it, but the lower leg and foot are so painful, and I get a feeling like blood rushing from the top to the bottom and back up again, which can last all day. I completely understand how you are feeling.

Hi there have you visited your gp lately for some advice ? As one member has commented there is restless leg symdrome, my calf s do tend to ache a lot but I do not get the burning , I try having Epsom salts in my bath at nite, also l I have a bio freeze gel you can put on not heated like the deep heat one. I also massage lightly as well. Hope you get some answers soon also sending this link if you would like to lock your posts take care
I know what you’re talking hip and thigh in right is worse than left but it’s so painful I could cry at times. Even touching my legs is painful and in bed when I’ve turned over onto my hip the pain is dreadful. I take amitryptiline and gabapentin at night to help me sleep but I often still wake with the pain in middle of the night. I’m wondering if this wet weather is making it worse or if it’s somethi else as really bad past 3 days
This sounds like RLS they have a community on here for RLS that I am also on, if you post on there they may have some tips for you 😊 I know how annoying this can be! Mine also get so itchy like bugs are crawling up my legs that drives me insane xx
Hi I have burning in my feet,hands and legs as well as the pain in my hip ,ankles,neck,back ,knees it drives me to the point I get really low but I have started using in the nights for my feet deep heat cool spray it just helps a little to ease the burning but there are many nights I don't sleep till 4 or 5 am but any little help to relieve a bit of pain is helpful take care alison x