I am sick off being in pain I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about ten years ago and it still isn't under control. I have had a pain in the back off my head for some time now had scans still waiting for my results as I haven't seen my doctor since. The left side off the bottom off my head gets very hot and swells and the pain is so bad blurred vision as well and feeling unsteady, I have also started with a bad pain in my left wrist that they say is carpool tunnel but dont do anything about it all they keep doing is giving me more pills that don't help my weight is so bad with the steroids that i don't want to go out. I am looking really old and fat and still in pain don't know what to do then I got a letter about am I well enough to go back to work i was awarded PIP till 2020 don't they think I would love to go back to work if I could instead off sitting here day in day out. I feel I'm going crazy all the stress is going to end it all never mind going back to work and you have no one to help you. I once had DLA for life then they changed it to indefinitely then took it off me so nothing they say or do is for your benefit. Sorry about the moan but I'm so bad I don't know who to turn to.
Pain pain pain : I am sick off being in... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain pain pain

Hi I have a pain in the base of my left thumb, across to my index finger & down to my wrist. I was told carpal tunnel, then after I looked up symptoms my dr agreed it's tendonitis. I've been using a crutch/walking stick for nearly 6years & it's caused by gripping them for so long. I've got a degenerative spine top to bottom, bulging (slipped) discs, permanent nerve damage down right side to 3 toes, so they hurt/tingle all the time, trapped nerves in my neck mean both arms to 3 fingers also hurt/tingle (& go numb if I use them too long like typing now...), along with numerous other ailments including fibro & I've piled several stone on from meds/lack of mobility. My life is constant pain varying from intense to agonising & it's a miserable existence, so I come on here for a moan too!😉 So you aren't alone. Don't get me started about benefits - 6 years ago ATOS were untruthful & awarded me nowt, I appealed & got enhanced DLA. 3yrs on Capita's untruths (de) awarded me standard pip (considering I'm far worse than before), but the appeal got me nowhere, & I've recently had another Capita assessment & am waiting for the dreaded brown envelope to plop onto my doormat...😖
You really need to go and see a sympathetic GP and tell him/her how dreadful you feel and how you feel life is no longer worth living. Take someone else with you to back you up. You need a referral to a Pain Management specialist and don't move from the chair in the GP's consulting room until you get one. If they are resistant, keep on saying the same thing in different ways and stay sitting there. As a last resort, if the GP is still saying No, ask for a second opinion. Eventually you will get the referral. The Pain Clinic will most likely take you off the steroids and try other pain relieving drugs that work in different ways from standard analgesics. Don't give up - there are things that can be done to help you.
Re work, write back and say you are not fit to return and are receiving PIP, so are classed as disabled now. That makes it harder for them to just sack you, as you could claim Disability Discrimination, but they need to know that you are classed as disabled.
You don't say what rate of PIP you are getting or whether it is Mobility or Daily Living. Are you getting ESA too? Once your Statutory Sick pay stops after 28 weeks, you can claim ESA.
Hi 9661, my, you do sound pretty glum. We all have to find strength to keep going, but easier said than done isn’t it! Some days are worse than others but when the FM seems to be winning, it can drag you right down. Yes, we all keep taking the pills, but it doesn’t take the pain away entirely, and the pills have side effects that we have to deal with too. Have you friends/family to turn to? If your
Mood doesn’t improve, why don’t you consider seeing the GP for help. Yes, you are low now, but it won’t last- as long as you try to change things. Have a think and see what you can do to improve your situation, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. I wish you all the very best xxxxx
I know what you mean and am so sorry. I've had fibro for at least 20 years. I'm 74. My work was taking care of grandkids for many years but I can't take care of grt. grands. It's funny how different parts of my body will be affected. I was tested for carpal and ir's severe but mostly affects me in thumbs. My hands get numb and tingle. I drop things easily. Right now my knees hurt and will go out on me for no reason at all. I'm dealing with a UTI and waiting for the antibiotic to cause a flare of my IBS (common with fibro). OK for now. I also have active Epstein Barr virus so fatigue is relentless. So is hubby's with his Parkinson's med. We don't get much done. Wish I had a housekeeper. Ha ha. M.A. in USA
Thanks for reply we all seem to have a lot on but we still keep going hope your life gets easier as time goes on. I think we all should have a housekeeper x