How difficult is it to get carers allowance and can my husband work part-time thankyou neese
Carers allowance ??: How difficult is... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Carers allowance ??

As long as he is not earning more than £120 a week and able to provide 35 hours s week care I think it is .
You are in receipt of qualifying benefits but be careful as it can effect ant benefits you are on normally disabled elements of certain benefits .
Excludes PIP /DLA .
Just complete form and try if you qualify nothing to lose
Your better to go to welfare rights or someone who helps with benefits carers is so complicated and if you get it and find your worse of you can't go back to what you were on it can affect your esa severe disability it can affect housing benefit and council tax you can lose quit e a bit of your other benefits all sites say never apply without taking advice from professionals so be very careful before you put in a claim
Thats Correct
You will find all the information about Carer's Allowance here
Interesting question... I don't think we can get that here in the US. I took care of my MIL for several years. An allowance would have been nice for gasoline if nothing else.. =)