Hi, I’m Holly. 32 years old & ive been living with on and off chronic pain since my very early twenties. I’ve been pushed from pillar to post with it, I’ve been told I have got ulcerative colitis. Only to have exploratory surgery that said the opposite. I was then diagnosed with IBS which I couldn’t quite believe was the only reason I felt like this.
I’ve been on tramadol for a few years but didn’t like the feeling any more so when there was a break in the pain I stopped . I gave birth to my second child almost 2 years ago and my body has never recovered.
I have been ignored by doctors , been treated like an addict when I asked for pain relief. I was told to drink peppermint tea , o was told I was “a medical mystery “
I had crippling pelvic pain and was really loosing my mind with not being believed. So my partner insisted we went to see a private gynaecologist. I had a hysteroscopy & a laparoscopy for suspected endometriosis. Instead of endo they found I had pelvic congestion syndrome . So shortly after those operations I had a pelvic vein embolisation. Since that , the pain has become even worse.
I went back to my doctors , I went back almost once a month to get them to believe me. Why does no one believe you about chronic pain? I felt like I was so alone. Recently my gp has told me he thinks I have fibromyalgia. Which fits my symptoms, can’t say I’m overjoyed but it makes sense to me why my life has been so blighted by pain.
So now I’m waiting for a diagnosis on that from a rheumatologist, I’ve also got to have a ct scan because I need more veins emobolised.
On top of that my cortisol levels are too high .
I’ve started Gabapentin 2 weeks ago and I feel so much worse, I can’t sleep, I can’t be still & my stomach is agony.
I just want to find other people like me & hear their stories, I want to know there is a light at the end of this.
Sorry for the whole long essay , it’s been a bit of a rubbish year.