Absolutely stressed to the hilt with tribunal coming up August 3rd. someone I know went for their tribunal and it sounded awful. more like interrogation trying to trip you up. put words in your mouth. on another occasion I was told not to worry. where I am going for my tribunal, they understand about fibromialgia. turmoil, stress, be a bag of nerves as I get stressed and tongue tied so easily.
Tribunal for e.s.a.: Absolutely... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Tribunal for e.s.a.

I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry.
Take someone with you, don't go on your own.
I know several people who have been to tribunals, and they all said it wasn't as scary as they had been anticipating.
Good luck x
I had a ESA Tribunal few months back, I have agoraphobia and depression with a panic disorder 'I was still in the process for getting my fibro diagnosed' My first tribunal got postponed so they can get access to my medical record the second tribunal wasn't as bad -though I did take diazepam which took the edge off a bit. My tribunal lasted less then 15 mins and they were in my favour and rewarded me 21 points. Every tribunal is different though, my first judge was cold and heartless and the doctor at the time had no interest so I was glad it was postponed. Good luck

Like moal61 said take somebody with you I always feel better having my friend with me when I get fearful, someone to talk along the way , good luck xxx
One tip - do not try to walk to the building in a 'normal' way.
You are filmed from the car park so that judgement of your health begins before you get in.
Also remember to talk about your worst day, don't try to make yourself sound better. If you need help getting off the loo in a flare tgen tell them that for example.
I wish you good luck
ThankYou so much for your tips. O.m.g. How invasive to film you. Disgusting. I use walking poles now to help me as I walk lop sided/off balance so will be using them. First thing in the morning I struggle with even wiping myself after going to the loo as so stiff. Xx
I think mrs merlin has confused the tribunal with the actual assessment, different people entirely the assessment people only want to keep their parasitic jobs even at the expense of the health and wellbeing of the sick . judges at tribunals have to obey actual laws regarding benefit entitlement and in 60% of cases find in favour of the plaintiff .