Hi . Was just wondering if anyone has tips on how to deal with a bad flare up of pain and fatigued. I know it’s my own fault. I’ve had 3 good weeks ( best in a long time ) and completely overdone things. I’m now totally wiped out - pain, fatigue, nausea etc. Not sure whether I should rest and sleep till it passes or try to keep moving and doing small tasks. My son gets married on Saturday and I must be ok for the big day. I hope all of you who are reading this post are having a good day, as pain free as possible .
Best way to deal with a bad flare? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Best way to deal with a bad flare?

Hi - when I get like this my daughter takes me to the local pool that has jacuzzi, i sit in the warm bubbles and she swims, i find warm water very soothing, in between rest up, take your meds, sleep and i hope the wedding is a roaring successful day.

Thank you for your reply .
I just wanted to say, firstly, your flare-up is not your fault. You wouldn't have a flare-up if you were not ill in the first place. It's ok to want to try to get on with more tiring things in life from time to time.
I found resting is helpful. If you have a garden or park nearby why don't you find a quiet corner, listening to your favourite music and have some you time? If you have a garden, why not lay down somewhere comfortable and have a nap? Sleeping helps me too.
I think your son will be happy to have you around no matter what. Even if you all you do is sit on a comfy sofa in a corner for most of the day.
Thank you for your kind words of advice. I feel so exhausted, headachy and nauseous. I think you’re right and I have to rest and regain some stamina. I hope that you are keeping relatively well. X
I’ve just had time off work because of a major flare up . I find resting, sleeping and just pottering around the house helps . Seems your damned if you do rest and damned if you don’t . I get really stiff if I rest ,yet hurt when I walk around .
I get so frustrated at coping and managing a condition that has so many symptoms that change every day.
I hope you recover enough to enjoy your sons wedding :-))

I did the same thing and then band Friday bang felt really poorly so I slept and rested, as wedding coming up this week really pace yourself each day doesn’t matter if housework etc is not up to scratch because Saturday is a long day the more rested you are this week hopefully will put you in a good place for the big day. I hope it stays dry and enjoy every moment , you will have treasured memories and pictures to look back on . I remember being polaxed the next day so I rested and ate wedding cake lol xx
I really appreciate your kind reply. Thank you. I’m definitely going to rest ( I’m really not up to doing anything) and just hope that it will be enough to let me enjoy the big day. I’m willing to suffer the next day if I can only get through the day without being in too much pain or feeling ill. Wedding 🍰 cake and rest sounds a good after care plan! I hope that you are having a good day and not in too much pain. X
Really hot and struggling with extra heat, i love Summer but when it goes up I do tend to slow right up , il try and find some energy friends picking us up for 5min car journey to have dinner at the local , they are pretty good if I start to tire they don’t push it and I can get back bless. Will look forward to you telling us how you got on next week. Xxx
Yes, I agree with everyone else, rest up and then you will enjoy the atmosphere of the whole day. Your son will just be glad you are there to enjoy it.
I had a bad flare up this week and had to test up
I've got a multitude of other things too and have had to take ill health retirement. It wasn't what I wanted at 52 but it was the right thing to do. My boss and everyone at work were great. Luckily I've got a good support network who also understand.
Will be thinking of you on Saturday. Love and hugs Lynne xxxc

Thanks for your lovely text. I’m sorry that you have had to take early retirement but hopefully it will help get on top of this horrible condition so that you can enjoy life again. I do need to rest more and realise that the life I once had now had to change. Also that doesn’t mean that it won’t be a good life. I also have a good support network and also count myself lucky. Take care. X
Thank you so much. I'm in alot of pain now but I have non alcoholic steatohepititis as well as other things which obviously doesn't help!! Please take care. Love and hugs Lynne xxxc

Thinking about you and hope that your pain eases up a bit. Xxx
Thank you for your kind words.
I should have seen liver consultant on Thursday but it got cancelled as he had an emergency to go to. My liver disease was caused by what my drs have prescribed for me these last few years
Love and hugs Lynne xxxc

It does make you wonder what all these drugs are doing to our bodies. I haven’t found any that really help. I’m so sorry that you’ve now hit liver disease. Fibro brings so many other symptoms to deal with. Look after yourself. Xx
I hope you enjoy dinner and manage to muster up enough energy to have a nice time. Just going to have another nap. Fingers crossed all this rest will help for Saturday. Will let you know how day goes. Glad that you have good friends to care for you. Xxx
Rest, rest and rest again. Drink lots of fluids.
Fibro has an agenda of its own and will flare up simply because it feels like it.
Only things I find help are rest and sleep.

Yes that’s all I seem to be able to do. I’m trying not to panic about Saturday but everyday I’m waking up feeling just as bad. Please let the pain and fatigue let up soon! Thank you for your reply. Xx
Glad you have managed 3 good weeks that great. I think you should rest as much as possible. Listen to your body. Fingers crossed youll be ok for the wedding xxx
Thank you for your kind text. Yes I counted myself so lucky to have these 3 weeks. Fingers crossed 🤞 for Saturday. I hope you are keeping as pain free as possible just now. Xx
Unfortunately i think ive just hit a flare... dont know what part of me hurts more and in and out of sleep. Fingers crossed it wont be a long one xx
I’m so sorry to hear this. Being in one myself, I can fully empathise and really hope that it doesn’t last for long. Please do what all the lovely people on this site have advised me to do and rest as much as possible. It will pass - that’s what I keep telling myself and hope for both of us that it’s a short flare. Take care. Xx
I would recommend you need to keep gently pottering about and rest inbetween. Activity is key I think. We get stiffer and have more pain when we are inactive. Tell yourself it will pass. No beating yourself up or blaming. Just get on with getting better again. Decent food, check your supplements are you doing all you can to be well? Did you run out of something? These little things we do and take to keep well are important. Magnesium, D3. K2, turmeric, B12, fresh air, sunshine, sleep, water, whatever your protocol. Don't get down with it either or get in a tizz. It's just a blip. You have fibro after all so it's expected to have these flares sometimes. Hope you are back to your normal soon and ready for the big day!
Thank you for the helpful advice. Everything you say is so true. I’m trying to keep calm but as every day passes and it gets nearer to Saturday I just pray that I have a turnaround. I’m supposed to be at hairdressers tomorrow- the way I feel just now , it doesn’t bear thinking about. However, I am going to the wedding and I will not let my son down. This is such an important day. Why does the beast have to strike when we need to be well! I hope things are going as well as can go for you. Xx