Hi everyone.....Just looking for some advice. I had DLA HRM and LRC. I lost it all on transfer to PIP. Had my appeal and lost applied for permission to UTT and refused. I have Eosinophilic Asthma, COPD, Unable to walk with breathlessness. Spinal Stenosis with weakness and numbness in arms and legs. Arthritis needing ankle replacement and midfoot fusion and also right knee replacement. PTSD. Weakness in right hand, unable to lift or carry.
Bulging discs in spine. All backed up by MRI's, Consultants letters and my GP letter.
I have read I can apply to UTT but I just don't know where to start. My appeal did not go well. I had a massive thing happen to me some years ago which resulted in PTSD and 7 years of therapy, which is still ongoing. The judge asked what happened to me and I said I did not want to discuss it, she said ''well we cannot proceed unless you tell this court what happened'' I said in a low voice briefly what happened and I started to shake uncontrollably , I was breathless and felt ill. From that moment on I could not find my words, I felt I could not hear what they were saying to me, asking hypothetical questions, and why I would not let my husbands friends come to my home. It was a farce.
Has anyone had any success with the UTT? I just feel I cant go on...Thanks