I am in a very bad way, start at top, headache allover all the time, constant earache, face ache, eyes not good, severe chest, abdominal, back pain, all my muscles are pain particularly left side, especially arm and leg, skin feels tingling/pins & needles, eat well, drink loads of water, had ambulance out twice this week and all my vitals are top notch for my age, have horrible taste in mouth, Nd am suffering with a light cold or virus. On plenty medication and do small hietas hernia, the consultant reckons can't be causing my symptoms. Any one in similar position can shed any light on it
In dire straights : I am in a very bad... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
In dire straights

You need a competent doctor and get proper blood tests, possibly ultrasound and other diagnostics. There could be so many different causes to all your symptoms. Sinus infection. Ear infection. Autoimmune disease. Hormonal problems. Vitamin deficiencies such as B12, D, magnesium, zinc and iron. Hypothyroidism. Hashimoto’s. Heart problems. Impinged nerves. Diabetes. In absence of complete diagnostics and not knowing any of your diagnostic results, it’s impossible to say because it’s probably several things.
On plenty of medication? For what conditions and which medications?
Had loads blood tests, cameras, ultrasound and CT scan, was low vit & D, taken 7 week dose, eat 2 boiled eggs for breakfast and get lots of sunshine too (BTW all tests have come back, tickety boo
Can you post blood results? It’s not uncommon to be told your levels are normal, but in reality they are not in the best part of the range, and therefore cause symptoms.
Low D will cause all sorts of symptoms. You only took a 7 week dose and then stopped? Which dose and what is your current level? D takes a long time to increase into optimal levels and you have to take it every day, not stop.
There might be nutritional problems causing symptoms. If you’re only eating 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, that is not enough food and is lacking balanced nutrients.
I have half a ticket for tin baked beens with the eggs, and yesterday half malt with banana, chicken mushroom/asparagus pasta,
Pear and Blueberries with 0 fat yoghurt and honey, then pasta again with French beans instead of asparagus
hun Ive only had this happen twice in 17 years, you are allowed to present at A&E for some help. I had an infusion of high dose paracetamol (only allowed in hospitals) and was told i should never let this condition get so bad again,too many different drugs mixed together can fight each other and leave you in horrendous pain.. It got me thru the door quicker to a neurologist who went to town on tests to help me cope with fibro and oA.

Thanks for that, been to A&E countless times and ecg/blood tests and send me away, what do I tell them so I get to see a neurologist?

There are so many drug interactions that many people don’t consider or ever investigate. Too many mixed drugs can be detrimental. The same for mixing too many certain types of supplements either by themselves or with medications.
Hi Ziggy,
My pain almost identical starting from ear down and also a hiatus hernia (40cm) and strange taste in my mouth and got referred to gastronologist and said taste had nothing to do with reflux. So went back to docs and it turns out it was the fluexatine I was taking and causing massive headaches, two months ago changed to Sertaline and symptoms still there but much less so started noritryptaline yesterday while weaning off the sertaline, head much better today than it has been in 12 months. So you may have to read all the blurb on any meds you are taking and try to work out if they are side effects. It can get depressing but glad I kept going back to change them. Hope this helps abit. X
Thanks for that, any input is good
Hi ZiggyC, how much water is loads of water? Loads of water sounds like way too much. Too much water causes the body to lose critical nutrients, resulting in electrolytes imbalance, which effects all systems of your body. This imbalance can cause increased thirst and continuous over consumption of water. Electrolyte imbalance can cause nerve ringing and pain, headaches, fatigue. Other common symptoms are muscle cramping of the back and legs, neck muscle pain, cognitive issues, nausea and vomiting and abnormal heart rhythms. Anxiety can also come about from abnormal heart rhythms, as well as all the pain.
Your electrolytes are probably quite low from drinking too much water and are very possibly causing many of your symptoms. Your pharmacy or health food store sells electrolytes that you could start taking immediately to restore your body’s homeostasis. You could start to feel better in as little as a few hours to a few days.
Other thoughts after restoring electrolytes: have you been tested for Lupus and Sjogrens? Some people with either of these diseases present similarly, doctors tell them it’s all in their head until they are finally tested for these conditions and it turns out it was one of these. It’s always good to rule these out if you haven’t yet.
How about being tested for other autoimmune diseases? What is your ESR or SED rate? ANA, CRP, Compliment System Proteins?