Thank you for the warm welcomes! I promise I will respond to each one of you! AF came on Friday, so I’ve been flared up all weekend. Uggghhhhhh. Idk which is worse-the nausea or the pain. Does anyone suffer from PMDD? I will be back! Enjoy your Sunday! I hope you all have an amazing day! 💐🌸
Wow! You all are the sweetest! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Wow! You all are the sweetest!
I hope you are feeling better. Thinking of you.
That is so, so very sweet of you! I got my period TWICE this month 😭😭😭 and it just makes fibromyalgia so much worse. I’m hanging in there! Managed to walk the pup without any problems. Now, watching funny YouTube videos to try to distract myself. The problem is..I’m running out of things to search 😂😂😂
How are you this Sunday? Hopefully, good with low pain! 🤗💜🤗

Hi Hidden , sorry I missed your initial post but welcome to our friendly forum. I agree that having fibro makes other things more painful and vice versa. Using distraction techniques does help and we all have our own ways of trying to take our minds off the aches and pains. I like writing and also use adult colouring books to give me something else to focus on. But my main go-to is to soak in a warm bath with Epsom Salts and Lavender Oil and then snuggle up in bed with a good book and possibly a hot water bottle. Hope you are feeling better, take care. x
It’s fine! No worries! Nice to meet you and happy to be here! Thank you for the tips!!! 💜

Sorry for late reply. Slept for hours yesterday. Been to hospital appointments today. Apart from my back causing problems which is the norm, I'm doing okay. I hope this finds you feeling better. I had so many problems with mine, thank goodness for menopause.
Oh geez! Are you alright? I hate appointments. They just seem to upset me more. I hope it was proactive and a positive visit! And please never apologize! Get back to me when you can! Or if you don’t, I understand!
Ugh these hot flashes make me feel like I’m going through menopause! It’s crazy, I wake up feeling pregnant and go to bed with hot flashes🤦♀️🤦♀️

Everything is okay, just a medication check up a little tweek and I should do better.
Wow! What a terrific friend you are! I mean it. Do you know how many times I’ve told ppl to pick up a book or google fibromyalgia bc they were too ignorant to care? (I will look for that video hahah) but I am blown away by the means you will go to for your friend. You gave me goosebumps and made my day. I’m serious. I’m sick of waking up to what Trump has done now. It’s so refreshing to hear something positive and good for a change! You’re a rare gem.
No but someone else mentioned it before!!! I think maybe I should check it out 😂😂 and aw thanks! It took me 2 yrs of back and forth to finally decide on purple 😘💜💜
I hate hot flushes, mine are now usually linked to medication. Take care Hugs.