Hi everyone I've just joined this group. I have a couple medical conditions but recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Wow it's all mind blowing, I never know if what I am doing is right or wrong, somedays I feel like I'm in a dark dungeon all alone, I can see everyone tries to understand but they don't but after reading some messages on here i see you do and that feels great. Most pains I'm kind of getting used to, recently though I've started having really bad chest pains, apparently another fibro thing so been put on short course of steroids to see if helps, it's inflammation of the chest wall so we will see what happens there. This morning I'm bummed out cause my taste buds are off and all my drinks taste yuk. My sense of smell is still on overdrive. Well I won't bore you anymore just wanted to introduce myself x
Hello: Hi everyone I've just joined... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hello buttons,
Just wanted to welcome you to the group.
Yes, this certainly is a complicated condition, I was diagnosed over 12 years ago, and I am still learning about the endless list of symptoms we can experience!
We certainly experience heightened senses, loud noise, bright lights, strong smells (especially those scented candles, perfume counters, my husband s deodorant).
Fatigue, fibrofog, pins and needles, numbness, the list goes on.....
Your chest pain sounds like costochondritis, inflammation between the ribs.... hope you feel better soon.
Have you looked at the website for this group fmauk.org ,there is lots of information, including support groups, information about financial advice.
If you have any questions, there is usually someone who can help you, so please join in the chat.
Take care xxx
Hi Buttons, I am sorry you have fibro but at least you have come to the right place to receive lots of advice and support from our friendly members. There is no boring anyone on here, sharing our experiences all helps in some way so please don't hold back. There is also plenty of useful information and links on our main site so you may like to take a look at this:
I just wanted to mention that I noticed you haven’t locked your post. You don't have to but many of our members are not keen on responding to unlocked ones therefore you are likely to receive more replies if you do, as it stops the whole thread being read by internet search engines. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the link below but if you get stuck please don’t hesitate to ask for help.
So welcome to the forum, we look forward to hearing more about you. Take care. x
Welcome to the FMAUK Community Buttons44 !
I am sure you'll find this community a helpful and supportive place to be ! There's lots of posts to read and many lovely members to talk to as you learn to live with Fibro 24/7.
Please can I provide you with the FMAUK website which has a wealth of information about Fibromyalgia which may be of help to you
As a newbie, please can I mention that members prefer to answer posts that are locked to this community only. If you wish to do this, here's a link that explains how to do it;
Sorry to hear you have problems with chest pain, many of us also have Costochondritis and below is a link for your information;
Enjoy chatting to everyone!
All the best
Thank you all four your replies, it's nice to know I'm not alone. I will lock my posts in future now I know, I don't think I can change this one though. Thanks for all the info links, I will definitely look up the costochondritis as not heard of it before, thanks again xx
Hi. Welcome to the group. Today is my first post too. I've experienced all the symptoms you've mentioned but I was diagnosed with CFS/ME. Does anyone know why the different diagnosis? Wishing you a wonderful day
Hi and welcome they are often a diagnosis’s that comes with fibromyalgia and sometimes that can be as bad as all the pain it’s so debilitating.Try not to get bogged down with it all ,you will be ok and we will all help you when we can .x😇
Hi Matrix. Thanks for your kind words. I'm trying to keep upbeat but it's so hard. I've got a grandchild that I can't take out for the day like her other nan does. She and her mother lives with me and she would come to my room to ask me to play with her but don't have the energy to play with her. It breaks my heart. I have also got a benign tumour on my kidney for which I'm waiting for a radical nephrectomy. Because of the size, and the possibility of it rupturing and causing internal bleeding, I wake up thinking could today be the day it ruptures? I know that I shouldn't be thinking like that but it's never far from my thoughts. As an aside, does anyone with fibromyalgia suffers from tinnitus. I've been told that it's not a symptom of CFS/ME
Look my dear. You have such a lot on you’re plate to cope with !anyone would be thinking like that they would so just don’t worry about thinking like that.I know what you mean mine have been up and it’s left me feeling rather ill with tiredness .
I’m sure you’re daughter will totally understand how you’re feeling and you are doing so much by having them live with you .Dont beat yourself up for something you can’t help or change ,you’re doing the best you can .Take care my friend xx🤗🤗😇
Hi ,not boring at all you’re new to it and it’s a lot .Dont get overwhelmed b y it all and if you need help just as we all understand and are willing to help you if we can .Take care .xx🤗😇