Period problems : Does anyone else have... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Period problems

Alexandra96 profile image
β€’28 Replies

Does anyone else have problems with their menstrual cycle? I have terrible problems and they say it's a hormone imbalance, the pain I get is unbearable! Curious if this is common with fybro friends πŸ€” xx

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Alexandra96 profile image
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28 Replies
phlebo123 profile image

Hi Alexandra, sorry to hear your suffering,

I personally believe fibromyalgia makes menstrual symptoms worse. I had excruciating painful "periods" and was investigated for endometriosis (nothing found). I think it must be something to do with the fluctuations in the female hormones at that time of the month. Also, since the uterus is a muscular structure, and fibromyalgia affects muscles in all parts of our bodies, from the bowels to the ribs to arms and legs and even eyes!! Then I guess it can cause pain in the muscle of the uterine wall.

It would be interesting to know how many ladies who have experienced painful periods then go on to develop fibromyalgia?

All I can suggest is the usual.... hot water bottles, pain killers, I remember being prescribed mefanamic acid (not sure of the spelling!) by my doctor.

Since I went through the menopause, at least I don't get the painful periods, but my fibromyalgia symptoms seem to have got worse (maybe due to the fall in female hormones, although I do drink soya milk which contains natural oestrogen).

Maybe you could ask your doctor about options for pain relief, I don't know if you would consider this but going on "the pill" is supposed to help painful periods. Take care xxx

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to phlebo123

Hi, ah yes sounds similar to me! I had a laparoscopy to treat endometriosis only to find out I didn't have it! It's good to know I'm not the only one with these problems!

Yes my hot water bottle is the love of my life! Pain killers so far don't seem to help πŸ˜” I reacted badly to mefanamic acid (I can't spell it either lol!) so can't take it, I've just been prescribed naproxen so hopefully that'll help!

Unfortunately it seems as if hormonal birth control makes me worse, I've had the coil and the pop pill and they've just resulted in me bleeding for months and months with only a few days break every now and then πŸ’”the other pill and the injection etc I'm scared to have due to the risk in blood clots and my family history of blood clots, I might have to risk it tho :/

Thank you for taking the time to try and help! And sorry for this long reply! Xxx

Aelin profile image

Oh yes painful and Niagra falls lol. Best things I ever did was buy a menstral cup, it's given me my week back and the pain doesn't seem as bad although that could be a coincidence.

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Aelin

I hear they're amazing I don't know why I'm reluctant to invest! I should! Although mine aren't very heavy, just longgggg!! X

Aelin profile image
Aelin in reply to Alexandra96

If your not heavy you just clean it once every twelve hours. Don't notice it's in so can forget your on. No chemicals so no risk of tss. Must save thousands over the life of it especially if your on a long time.

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Aelin

Sounds perfect really, I'm just scared it'll spill really but I know people love them and they dont often spill at all! I'll get one :) thanks! Xx

Aelin profile image
Aelin in reply to Alexandra96

I'm really really heavy so I put a reusable sanitary towel for the first two days. Only leaked once and that was when I had a spinal tap. They do say use a towel till you get the method right. It works by forming an airtight seal

Matrix profile image
Matrix in reply to Aelin

What's that then never heard of that do tell . XxπŸ˜‡

Aelin profile image
Aelin in reply to Matrix

They are a cup made of medical grade plastic (soft). You fold it, insert it and it collects the blood. It creates a seal so doesn't leak. To empty just pour down toilet and rinse or wipe out. Might only have to do that every twelve hours. Boil between periods to use again. It doesn't cause discomfort or irritation like tampons and you don't have to worry about taking extra to work or out. You can do normal things like swimming and cycling. It lasts about ten years. Bank account friendly, environmentally friendly and just gives your month back. I'm paranoid on my periods that I'll bleed through I have non of that. So comfy I forget I'm on.

Matrix profile image
Matrix in reply to Aelin

Wow that sounds interesting I could never usetampons I don't like things there but I'm sure if you can they are a great thing and a heck of a lot cheaper .I know what you mean about paronoid and the time of month you could never wear light colours and white trousers oh gosh I had a friend who did and leaked so I took my cardi off so she could wrap it round her waist nightmare .Im glad it works for you .Thanks for explaining .xxπŸ˜‡

Trikki profile image

Hi Alexandra....Although I am way passed the stage in life of having periods I always had very painful periods. Lots of doc's and hospital appointments until they suggested I had a hysterectomy. I was 34 and had my children so it was a true blessing. It was then they discovered I had endometriosis which was the cause. I am not saying that this is what you have but keep going with your appointments and I truly hope you get some help soon. It's a rotten thing to have......


Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Trikki

Thank you!! Oh dear that sounds horrid, although I'm glad you're period free now!! I'm only 21 and do worry about my fertility with all this rubbish going on! I've been tested for endometriosis and don't have it, just wish I knew what was wrong! Thanks for sharing! Xx

Trikki profile image

PS: I should have also said I hadn't been diagnosed with fibro then.....

Ramjets profile image

Hi Alexandra have you been referred for any tests or scans? I started getting particularly heavy periods and pain for a while and at first was just prescribed meds to stop the heavy bleeding. However the side effects weren't great so I went back to my GP who eventually referred me for a scan. The result of this was that I had a benign cyst on the edge of one of my ovaries and also a fibroid. If you haven't had any investigations then it may be worth pushing your GP to refer you. Good luck hun. xxx

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Ramjets

Hiya, yeah I've had ultrasounds and a laparoscopy to check for cysts and endo but everything came back normal, my ovaries hurt me throughout the month tho :( something's not right just nobody can work out what! Xx

Hi hun- lots of help and advise on another forum here-use My Communities drop down and select endometriosis forum, hope they help you.

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to

Thank you! I'd feel like a fraud cuz I don't have endo though haha! Xx

in reply to Alexandra96

you will find most of the ladies on that forum have good advise also a nurse on hand to help with gynae problems too.

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to

Ok will give it a go 😊 thanks x

Matrix profile image

Fibro makes periods so much worse ,I have cried with mine it affected hips lower back and legs and bad bad cramps .Im so glad I'm out of that but like phlebo 123 fibro has wracked up a lot but then mine has got worse as most years.xx

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Matrix

I cry with mine too :( and mine are so unpredictable so can't even plan around them! Xx

Matrix profile image

That's annoying for you mine were every 32 days . It was like being in hell every month when I was a girl I was convent educated and every month the nuns would put me in the sick bay with two tablets it helped a lot . Feel sorry because I know how bad it can be . XxπŸ˜‡

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Matrix

How horrible :( i have to call in sick to work when mine are really bad, i work with mostly men though, wish they understood! I had an almost non stop period for about 8 months when I was bouncing around on different birth controls but now I've come off all of them I have settled down a little to only bleeding roughly twice a month but who knows really! Such a palaver! Xx

Matrix profile image

Yes I did too but if you're bent double and can't think ,how can you you possibly work .I tell you what if men had them there would soon be things put in place for a monthly flexi working situation .Not all men are bad though about stuff like that .8 months oh my you poor girl .xxπŸ˜‡

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Matrix

Exactly!! I think the same thing!! Yes some men are very sympathetic thankfully, my boyfriend is an angel when it comes to looking after me when I'm on, even if he doesn't fully understand! ...just not the ones I work with haha, they just think I'm a wuss for only working 8hr shifts instead of 12hrs πŸ™„ xx

Matrix profile image

8hours that's enough for anyone to be working . I said if men had periods and bad like we have or had oh it would all be organised no problem , no offence to the lovely men out there . Well I hope you get yours sorted because you is only young and you shouldn't have to suffer so. I'm so glad I'm done with them nasties.'

Have a lovely weekend , have you got anything nice planned , I should be getting my lovely decorated bedroom back hopefully by Sunday oh I can't wait to get it all done and dressed . Night xxπŸ˜‡

Alexandra96 profile image
Alexandra96 in reply to Matrix

I agree 8hrs is more than enough for me!! Yes I agree!! No offence taken here, this is a mans world is all! Thank you for caring! I hope you're feeling well for the weekend!!

I'm working every day till Wednesday πŸ˜” but then going for a few days in Paris before uni starts πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ woohoo! I hope you have a lovely weekend and get your room back asap! Sleep well, night xx

Matrix profile image

I know but it's 2017 and still women are. not getting equal pay come on people get with the programme . Paris how lovely I was looking at apartment in the golden triangle and have bought one well I would have if I won the euromillions pipe dream eh it's harmless fun . Feeling a lot better than earlier on in the week thanks . So looking forward to going out tomorrow , might try a car boot love them . . This is a lovely site we care for each other and we all know what we are struggling with because unless you have it you can't really understand how hard it can be . Try not to overdo things XxπŸ˜‡

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