Hi all, I get migraines quite a lot which I know many of you do too. This was one of those awful ones where no meds will touch it although it finally seems to have shifted after the last imigran this afternoon. Or maybe it was going anyway. Normally the imigran work quickly but this one kept coming back and pain excrutiating. Been in bed all day
Just coming out of a terrible migraine - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Just coming out of a terrible migraine
Thanks Soox, yes mine were always hormonal but I'm almost through the change and still getting them Yes Sumitryptan are the same as Imigran and they have helped a lot, only sometimes, like this recent one, they don't. At least the first two didn't so took loads of other things and pain was getting worse. Then this afternoon I took another Sumitryptan and then it worked this time, though to be fair the migraine was probably on its way out anyway. But even after the first two if I have a migraine persisting I go back to the Sumitryptan (I get mine on prescription) no matter what they say about them only being effective in the beginning! X
Hi foggymoggy, I know just what you mean I have had 9 days of migraine out of last 14 days. I use sumatriptan nasal spray as tablets don't work on me. For last three days I have had to take diazepam as well as they weren't shifting. Mine are also hormonal and I am going through menopause too. Sometimes it's just too much to deal with.
Aw I really feel for you Shazzy, so sorry. I got an aura this morning and started getting another migraine but I took some Migraine Relief and then Sumitrptan which usually works for me if I take it quick enough. I think fast scrolling down pictures on a site last yesterday triggered it for me as this is what triggered it last time. Healing hugs to you. xx
Hi F M hope you're feeling a bit better, I get same problem with scrolling and light from screens. Is migraine relief available over counter and safe to take as well as sumatriptan ? If so I will definately try it out . Many thanks
Thanks Shazzy. Hope you're feeling better too. Yes, the Migraine Relief is Superdrug's own. I find it quite good but usually Sumitriptan is the best for me. But you can take paractemol and Nurofen with Sumitriptan so I think Migraine Relief would be OK too. But I take instead of Nurofen, I don't think you can take that together with Migraine Relief because they share some of the same ingredients. Hope that helps! x
Thanks for that, I usually have Nurofen with it but will try migraine relief, th I will try anything at moment. Thinking of getting the piercing done as well.