Went to the pain clinic yesterday had a talk how I am getting on said lower back very painful again said injections had Ino Feb done the job now it's wearing off the chap said I will have a look at your mri scan there is another thing we can do is to burn the end of your nerves in your lower back but he will wait and see what the specialist says first now I have got to wait ooh pain pain go away I WISH but because my fibromyalgia keeps flareing up I was told I might get more pain of well must struggle on
Pain clinic: Went to the pain clinic... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain clinic

Hello flyby- I too have had numerous pain injections BUT my gp gave them into my big muscle in my bum! they lasted about 3 months and helped my fibro pain very well, as well as other aches and pains, having the image intensifier style pain injection has proved the best in the past but I couldn't have that as my bowel was too close to the area I needed injected.. bye the way I was given Kenalog a steroid substance.
Yes my friend was told that. They said if the temporary injections work that she had under anesthetic they would consider ones which would permanently numb the nerves. I can imagine the wait for them to do something seems endless. Let us know how you get on.x
Hi Flyby7
I have never had anything like this done my friend but I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you
hi. sorry but can I ask what treatment you had for your back pain. I cannot walk 5 meters because if pain. I am waiting for my referral to pain clinic to come through so any info you can share will be very grateful for.
lots of love xx
I had an assessment first you fill in a pain questioner then I was booked in for a mri on my lower back my 4 discs in my lower back had moved then I had a letter to see a specialist to tell what they will do I had 6 injections in my back 3 either side of my discs I don't now what the injections were called but first they but anaesthetic in your back then they put like a filler in between your discs then when you come home you have to lay flat on your back for about 2 days then you have to take it easy for a bout a week hope this is helpfull