Yasmintina feeling blue: After having... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Yasmintina feeling blue

YASMINTINA profile image
26 Replies

After having 9 days of a viral type thing I thought id try do just a little swimming potter about so good day went to bed with a smile (Saturday) today no energy what so ever moderate pain today they say try excercise but every time I try I end up in bed again rollercoaster life this no wonder people get low over thinking etc anybody else stuck today help me put on a happier face xxxx

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YASMINTINA profile image
FMA UK Volunteer
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26 Replies
Ramjets profile image

Yes having a little dip myself today (see previous post) . I think if you saw me at the moment it would make you smile as I am dressed like a Glastonbury cast-off so my son tells me. Though don't know what's wrong with short bib n brace, wellies and bandana! I'm trying to disinfect my house at the mo. I think the trick is to try and distract yourself (hence the ducks). If you're not up to anything physical maybe you can read, listen to some music or watch something lighthearted that will make you laugh? Hope your mood perks up lovely xxx

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Ramjets

Thanks glad your getting stuck in but rest laters xxxxx

Janet28 profile image

Hi YASMINTINA I missed your 1st post a few days ago, so firstly I'd like to welcome you to our wonderful forum, I'm sure you will love it and find it invaluable chatting to others who are going through the same as you, at different stages of their lives with fibromyalgia.

This is a very big problem with fibromyalgia, you feel ok one day, you try to do everything you haven't been able to do for a few days because of pain or fatigue, its to much, then your back where you started. I always say it's like groundhog day lol. It's a little bit like nesting, when your pregnant and you get a bit obsessed sometimes of having everything ready because you won't be able to do when your out of action, so to speak, if that makes sense.

Have you looked at the Spoon Theory, it teaches you to pace yourself to help manage flares & try to keep them at bay.

Excersize is good & you need to keep moving, but gentle excersize, yoga stretches, palates, swimming etc.

You really have come to the right place my friend and I look forward to chatting with you on the forum.

Luv Jan xx

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Janet28

Thanku jan for that kind reply xxx

Janet28 profile image
Janet28 in reply to YASMINTINA

Your very welcome 😀xx

Crusee profile image


I can identify with exactly where you are coming from. Among my other conditions I Have RA .I had a fall a few montbs ago and it really dashed my confidence.I cannot walk the length of a room unaided.I have had regular visits from a physio as I am now housebound and have ulcerated legs.I Have been on total bed rest for a couple of weeks which seems to have cleared up the legs but has done nothing to help my muscle weakness.

The physio has given me exercises to do to help improve my muscle strength.I do these every day but yesterday I had to increase the amount of each one I Was doing every day.Well dont I know it today,I am in bed right now ,hardly enough energy to lift a cup of tea,feeling absolutely drained.

I have been quite tearful this mornng but now that the tiredness is getting better then I am feeling better.

I know the exercises will eventually help me so that is whats keeping me going at the moment knowing the end result will be better than it is now.

So try and think of the end result for you when your virus has cleared up and how much the exercises will have helped you .

I hope you feel better very soon .

Take care.



Ps I have pulled a load of old Carry on dvds out of the cupboard so will look at some of those this afternoon.Always good for a laugh.

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Crusee

Bless you for ur reply yes want a good cry enjoy the films so lovely when you get a reply xxxx

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Crusee

How are you today how many carry on films did you watch I remember my parents watching them very funny I do like Mrs browns boys I think Michael McKinley very clever also we need more laughter on the TV smiling is good xxxx

Crusee profile image
Crusee in reply to YASMINTINA


I actually only got round to one of them carry on camping.I have seen it so many times I practically know all the words but it still makes me giggle. Then I remembered I hadnt caught up with last weeks episode of Poldark that I didnt watch last sunday and the next one was on at 9 oclcock last night.So I watched that - always guaranteed to bring a smile to my face,then we had visitors and I ended up having to record last nights episode of Poldark after all that.

But I am feeling a bit happier today thank you for asking.Things really got on top of me at the weekend,and I was very tired which made it all seem worse.Theres something that's been on my mind for a few weeks which seemed to blow out of all proportion.It hasnt gone away but its back in context now so its manageable.

Are you feeling better today after your exercises? I must admit if I do exercises one day I have to give it a rest the following day as I am totally wrecked,much to my physios disbelief.But its alright for her shes a fit healthy bod in her 20s.

I dont watch Mrs Browns boys but I know of a number of people who do and some of the sketches look quite funny.

Hope you are not feeling so down now.

Take care.



YASMINTINA profile image

Mite do that later thanku means the world to have a reply xx

BlueMermaid3 profile image


Because of my back I cannot exercise properly.

I used to go to yoga for many many years, and so what I have done is to alter yoga moves into very gentle stretching.

I lay on the floor, slowly bring my knees into chest, rock sideways that sort of thing.

Yes it's painful to do but it honestly does help.

If you go onto YouTube and search for gentle stretching exercises you should find some on there.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Let me know how you get on my friend :)

Lu xx

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to BlueMermaid3

Now going to look thanku fibromyalgia friend xxx

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to YASMINTINA

Let me know how you get on my Fibro Friend :)

Hugs Lu xx

rosewine profile image

Poor you. You probably still have some residual virus in your body so that extra exercise has probably had a more draining effect. If I overdo things the one day the next day I feel so unbelievably exhausted out of all proportion to what I have done. Unfortunately this is something we have to get used to with fibro. I do try to pace myself but that isn't always possible. Like BlueMermaid3 I do gentle stretching exercises which help my muscles and make me more flexible. Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you.x

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to rosewine

Many thanks rosewine today is better and pacing myself in between I'm certainly takin on ur advice brilliant thank you it's makin people close to you understand as one minute they see you bobbing around and like yesterday nothing I think it's because it's changed my life and they don't like seeing it I feel for younger people I'm approaching 56 this week I'm so glad I didn't get it when the children were small .Do you like roses I love them wondering why ur title rosewine or do you like rose tasting wine my sense of humour I've got one today xxxxxx

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to YASMINTINA

YASMINTINA So glad today is better, always darkest before the Dawn as they say. Well you were right both times with my Moniker. I wanted Pink Champagne but someone had already nabbed it so Rosewine which I also love was second choice. Trouble with all the tablets I can now only risk one glass, not that I was really a lush before three would be my limit but now I don't want the room spinning round. I also adore roses and this is a photograph from one in my garden that my husband bought me as a welcome to our bungalow present as he knew I was upset at having to trade my big garden that I had nurtured for 38 years for a pocket hankerchief garden with no character.

Keep in touch with us all as sometimes just typing down your thoughts can help. Yes I have always been what I call a creaking hinge andnow I know much more about fibro I think I might have had it since I was a child but it has only rally struck in its present form the last 7 years. How anyone manages small children and fibro is amazing they certainly need a medal.

I have had a big day today so I am going to put my jim jams on and if I suddenly go "poof" I can get straight into bed but I am going to switch to my little tablet and view the rest of the forum posts and have a look at our Tropical fish always really calming. Take care, look forward to your future posts.xxx

TheAuthor profile image


I am so genuinely sorry to read of how you are feeling my friend, and I truly hope that you start to feel better soon. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to TheAuthor

Thanku ken xx

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to YASMINTINA

Good luck my friend x

Nipper11 profile image

I do have the same problem with exercise due to fibromyalgia. To stop me getting negative about losing my goal. I brought myself a step bracelet and make sure that my steps increase everyday. note my symptoms to identify the pattern of pushing my self . This has supported me in being more in control of my illness. There are times when my body said no exercise today. This Is the time to respect and listen to my big body. Keep going and be strong. Good luck . Big hug.

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to Nipper11

Many thanks there for reply it's reassuring when lovely people take time out to speak and hope I can be there for others too xxxxx

lolacat profile image

Hi Yasmintina - I do feel for you. I'm struggling with a virus at the moment too and virus plus fibro is really not a great combination. Like crusee I've also had a lengthy recovery after a fall, but can only just really repeat what other's have said about pacing.

I have been given some specific advice about swimming though by my physio which I'll pass on. Find your baseline - so if you have swum 10 lengths and that has worn you out, try 6 etc...this may be far less than you swam before fibro but stick with it. Then you can gradually build up from there. Also vary your strokes if you can - I am not great at this, but will sometimes just do backstroke legs. Finally, always allow yourself a rest day in between exercise.

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to lolacat

Thanku for replying sorry to hear you had a fall and hopin ur being kind to yourself Not nice havin these viral things 4 little grandchildren so think more prone as fibromyalgia sufferers seem to be speaking to friends on this site(they say my immune system is fine by blood tests I don't agree to that one as I get more than the average person) do you read or got any little hobbies to help you through?

docs gonna get me referral letter written for also seeing cfs/m e consultant mite be awhile but symtoms also running along side of fibro. Hope you have someone to help you through a good friend etc hugs sent xx

YASMINTINA profile image

Ahh bless you your properly young at heart wil try anything for my nearly 56 years this week body ha ha do you try lavender oil in nice warm bath I get from holland Barrett especially when's offers are on it smells wonderful 2/3 hours after too they do some really good products x

lolacat profile image

Thanks Yasmintina - hope you are feeling better and good luck with the referral.

I do read and did a fair bit when I was immobile - PG Wodehouse always makes me smile however down I am, but not everyone's taste. Also find a good detective story a great distraction. But also watched loads of randolm films I'd never usually look at on Netflix and binged on various TVs series. So if you have enforced rest make the most of it and indulge yourself - I don't have time to do this now I am back on my feet!

YASMINTINA profile image
YASMINTINAFMA UK Volunteer in reply to lolacat

Brilliant ur back on ur feet xx

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