Hi very tired and drained to d... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Hi very tired and drained to d...

Irrelavant profile image
19 Replies

Hi very tired and drained to day. Been in and out of sleep.Feel a bit better.Spoke to the wife told her about this well she seen me on iPad but she was ok about it.I told her she can look at it when I can find what I've been saying.I will try to get to grips with it. Thanks for being around just tired and bad headache.TTFN

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Irrelavant profile image
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19 Replies
Dizzytwo profile image

Hi there, I am glad you stayed in touch. This is a great support group i'm sure you will find it a great help when you need to chat. Take your time. Come back when you feel rested and more up to talking take care.


TheAuthor profile image

Hi Irrelavant

Thank you so much for the update my friend. I genuinely hope that you managed a good sleep and that your headache is easing for you. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Irrelavant profile image
Irrelavant in reply to TheAuthor

Hi Thank you very much for all your help.I don't really no what I have been saying and I don't know how to get up what I have wrote if you could help in anyway.I have my L plates on😀(means learner driver).TTFN

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to Irrelavant

Good luck my friend.

Rose54 profile image


If you mean you will show your wife your post just click on your name in blue above your post and it will bring up all your post .

Ramjets profile image

However you are feeling there will be someone here that will be able to relate to it and empathise with you so please don’t hesitate to come and ask for advice and support or just to have rant or moan. When you feel up to it and as long as you are comfortable with it, if you give a little more information about yourself then others may be able to share things that may be of some benefit to you. In the meantime take care and look after yourself hun. xxx

Cape_Cod_Sharon profile image

Good morning Irrelavant

Are you saying that your wife was upset to see you using the iPad? because you were having a slow non-functioning day? Sometimes it's all I CAN do is surf the web. My body is in so much pain I try to keep my brain occupied. And many times I am searching for answers, even after 25+ years. There are always new symptoms, new questions and updated research/opinions/answers. Tell your wife she is welcome to come here and ask questions, maybe that will shed some light on the mysteries of fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, irritable bowel, depression...everything we all deal with every day.

I hope you feel better today.

My entire household is slow to get going this morning. It's already 82 degrees [27.777 celcius] and 80% humidity

John has decided to take a personal day and stay off the water, away from all the 4th of July tourists [he's a commercial fisherman] there's plenty of work for him to do around here. I worry when he tries to do so much in weather like this. I have to push the fluids because he does not stay hydrated. And he isn't getting any younger [he is 63]

Try to have a good day. Stay rested. Tell your wife we all say "Hi"


Irrelavant profile image

Hi just trying to learn about the web it's a bit frustrating bit like life at the moment😀.Just found my messages Thank you all very much I will be back in touch just getting ready to go Drs.TTFN.

Irrelavant profile image

Hi just been the Drs with the wife what an experience that was I just love her sooooooo much and could absaloutely kill her willingly and lovingly all at the same time.

Irrelavant profile image

Hi sorry for just cutting off the wife came in with a cuppa Rosie lee(tea) and Holy Ghost(toast) with erm phildelpiea spread lovely so I can take my tabs.she know's about you and your husband and all about what I've been doing while she's asleep she looked a bit🙄n at first but when she let me speak without jumping in she is fine with it and believe you me it's a little step hey😀 my wife trusts no one and I understand why only too well because if I'm being honest is what I need right now

is I need I am just the same I don't trust anyone either.

It's like I'm outside my life and it feels like an old cinama film but I'm the star of the show me who halots of opponents but never say anything because if things didn't upset me as long as me and my wife was happy I will be plain honest I didn't care we were happy.so I know how selfish that sounds but that's just the way I felt.Getting tied now oh god yes I forgot to say I have been giving demassipan so I can sleep. My wife has got them only 3 tabs one at a time one tonight then miss a day othe dr is sending an fax to my specialist about like that to see if he can suggest anything else.I hope I make sense to you I am not that good at spelling. Thank you for being around I am feeling a bit more optimistic although I'm scared I've felt this a few times only to be knocked down again.hope to talk laterTTFN(TATA FOR NOW)😀

Irrelavant profile image

Hi Sharon can't find what I have been saying in the posts still don't really understand the tinternet yet but hopefully if I keep trying I will get to grips with it like this horrible horrible time of my life.I just don't know what's becoming of me and my wife every time I try to fight back I just get knocked right back down again fed up with it all

Irrelavant profile image

Hi Odontoceti know wether I told you about my wife's brother die-ing do you know I can't remember when a few days ago were all in shock I feel awful I just can't seem to help my wife or anyone else every time I speak I feel like I'm saying something wrong especially the way the wife looks at me I feel like she hates me she has a scared look when she's angry and I feel like she's really angry with me.I know my wife we've been together now for 39 years married for 10 years on the 27 th of July same as my wife's brother and his wife we always cellabrated it together the 4 of us,my wife's brother and his wife would have been 33 years so so sad his funeral is on the 25 July then 2 days later it's our anniversary it's just plane horrible.I feel it so bad and useless I'm no help to my wife at all my life is falling apart around me and there's nothing I can do to stop it every time I try something else comes to knock me right back down again.The absaloute joke they call the "specialist" who prescribed me serterline to take 50 mg when I wake up and 50 mg to take at night so I was taking it at 10 o clock also tapentadol 50 mg the same dance one when I wake up and one at 10 o'clock in the night.Well I could not sleep for (love nor money)I was in terrible pain and confusion my sister ended up making an appointment for me and her to go and see the dr which we did,she pushed me in the wheelchair (I hate that chair) so when we got to the Drs she just said to tell her everything so I did god I'm not an aggressive person but I just let go! My sister and the dr(not my own dr this was a new dr) kept telling me to calm down so then she said I'm going into your files to see what's going on and there it was serterline I am suppose to take 100 mg in the morning to give me energy to get me threw the day and the tapentadol slow release to help with the pain well she was shocked she said she couldn't believe a " specialist " would give me it like that because no wonder I never slept I haven't had a proper sleep for 6 to 8 weeks.

I just couldn't believe it I was planning my death and everything I even got myself insured but I know I have to keep fighting for at least 12 months because they don't pay out until after 12 months I couldn't leave my wife and Nikey with nothing they are my world all my family are.Getting really tired now and in pain.Thank you for being around TTFN.


kept t

bad for my wife and I'm no help to her because my whole life is falling apart around me.

Irrelavant profile image

Hi there sorry still can't sleep because I'm just so so angry at my Drs and the specialist.Im going to say my Drs receptionist is the worse woman I think I've ever met in my life she looks like she's permanently got a wasp stuck in her mouth and it keeps stinging her.I know she does not like me and the wife we can tell all over her.Anyway every time I would phone for my repeat prescription she puts this voice on Hilloww Drs surgery(she was raised and brought up on the same estate as us) when I ask for my repeat she will say "ooh nothing's on the screen from dr you will have to call at 8 o clock in the morning and make an appointment.I don't know we're the voice comes from but you would swear you was talking to the Queen of England must be because she's a Drs receptionist hey.Anyway when I was with my sister and the dr I told her about the receptionist and how 2or3 times I've had to get to the Drs struggling all the way and your not going to believe this, when the dr read my files here is the letter of the specialist saying what medication to prescribe from the 16 June! and the pretend Queen never put it on the screen for the dr or the other receptionists to read just unbelievable I found all this out while my brother in law was fighting for his life in hospital ,I felt relieved angry I was stunned so I came home and phoned my wife to tell her and she was uncontrollable crying I just got a taxi straight to her and that's when I found out that there was nothing they could do for him he wasn't responding to anything so they took him of the machines we thought it wouldn't be long now even the dr said 12hours later he passed,that was just like him he never wanted to go home😀 he was always the last to leave a party or anything he just loved having fun.I feel so so angry at the world and myself but I just don't think I've got the strength to get threw all this.My wife and I are not speaking I know she's angry with me I can see it in her face.Her mum died 16 months ago as well and I wasn't there for her then because of this illness.Im a very very angry person at the moment and I can't talk to her because I'm scared to speak scared to say anything because it all comes out wrong and she takes offence to it. I just don't know if my marriage is going to servive this I'm so so scared I've never been scared of anything before.My wife and I have stuck together all these years threw thick and thin but I just don't know what's going to happen now I've been a nightmare to live with she has her moments as well mind oh I don't know.My neck and spine are killing me I best try and rest again.Thanks for being maroundTTFN



I fee

I know she does not like me or my wife

Irrelavant profile image

Hi Sharon just to let you know that I had a (forget what they called it now) anyway I ended

Irrelavant profile image
Irrelavant in reply to Irrelavant

Sorry don't know what happend there I ended up going to hospital with my sister I had a breakdown now I am getting the help I need.Still a long way to go though my wife and I are trying our best to get threw all of this and I feel so so bad for her she's just lost her brother her only brother my wife has 3 sisters and some sisters argue a lot and they are no different, they argue and don't speak to each other sometimes for years so there brother kept them together as much as he could.It is funny though the minute there in trouble they come running to each other it's just madness I on the other hand grew up with 6 brothers and my one and only sister and we never fight with each other that's not to say we have never fell out but we just get over it I know they wouldn't hurt me on purpose.

My wife and I are taking the kids on holiday with us for a week and to tell the truth I am dreading it I don't really want to go but I'd never let them down, we have had words (arguing)again, she let the kids sleepover last night and I had to go down 3 times to them in the end I chased them to bed.when we woke this morning the house well the kitchen had fishers in the sink not loads but I asked them to do the few dishes for us and when they woke up I told them what I thought of them and my wife took offence to this even last night I kept disturbing her so the kids never listen to me they think they can do what they want because my wife always defends them, but this is my home too and I feel like I have no voice in my own home I was crying in bed and she woke up and said "your not crying again are you" with that look she gives me so we're not talking to each other again I'm so so tired of it all I hope and pray we make it.


Irrelavant profile image

Hi Sharon sorry I haven't asked how you and your family are doing hope everything is ok. The wife and I are still not talking I can't stand watching her crying(well I would call it a moaning in pain crying)so I run away from her(not literally) it just kills me.

I have written a letter to her and I only hope she understands what I am trying to say(she can't read very well) I have told her that I think she also is having a breakdown god she lost her mother she believes I'm going to leave her(which I am trying to fight for our marriage) and now her brother so I have told her what I think I might me wrong I am no dr I can only go on my own experience.i lost my oldest brother 12years ago and my dad 8 years ago and my mum 9 years ago .

Irrelavant profile image

Sorry the wife came in so I put the IPad down cos I no she does not like me on it and it saves arguing. When she came in she said she was sorry and that I have got it totally wrong witch to be honest I knew she would say that.My wife told me about this girl who she worked with when she worked for the Queen, my wife thought the girl was alright you know she thought her and this girl were mates then she told me the girl was acting weired (strange behaviour) me being me I told my wife to give her a wide birtlh(stay away from her). But my wife being my wife just kept going to this girl in the end the girl said to her


I HAVE TO WRITE IT ON A ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ BOARD I DONT LIKE YOU NOW ☆☆☆☆ OFF !!!(sorry about the bad language but I am saying it the way it was) I tried to tell her but she is who she is and I am who I am I know my wife and I are going to make it because we have true love for each other.

I went downstairs to get away from her because my wife thinks she is always right no matter what until she gets it and I may well be totally wrong as well but when she wakes up from this roller coaster ride and myself she will get it we have been threw a terrible terrible time in our lives but I think I can see a light at the end of this mad journey we find ourself s in.

We have kissed and made up now and Nikey and I have been talking and I have told him everything I'm going threw and that it has nothing to do with him we were going threw this before he came to live with us do you know what he said😀(I know it's not about me)so I said "how do you no that)and he said "because I never hear my name mentioned😀) so I know he understands what's going on he is living with 2 hormonal lesbos who are going threw the change(menopause) he gets it because we always have our little chats and he has different chats with the wife.So tired now and bodies aching.TTFN


Irrelavant profile image

Hi still can't sleep just sick of fighting every day day in day out just took another maritsapine to try and get some sleep can't fight no more I have to fight to sleep, get out of bed the Drs and the hospital all the time and I love the Nhs it's the greatest thing ever but it's run into the ground it's on its knees like the prisons the prisoners are running the prisons and Teresa May the pay snatcher says everything is fine well she should go to spec savers because this whole government needs glasses I just can't fight anymore to tired going to try to sleep sooooooooo tired just fed up TTFN

Irrelavant profile image

Hi out there told you Nike would be home he put the goodies (fright) up me ha still can't sleep now got hiccups I'm sure someone is messing me around. I have just been checking my appointments for the hospital and I have missed my appointment with the sycoligist my wife is not thinking straight like me just forgot all about it I will have to phone them. My sister has forgot as well she has her own problems you no she and the wife will go mad now just another day for me disappointed. again that's why I call myself irrevalant because that's exactly what I am just on that hamsters wheel again running round in circles even the holiday we saved for was a nightmare I had to go back to mental health when we got home been rice now just. sick of it all sorry so tired and my fingers and hands are achingTTFN

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