17 nights now and only two settled nights through sheer exhaustion. so tired and fed up of muscles spasaming/ pain/cramps/ profuse sweating to not being able to stay warm and just my brain going ok now it's time not to sleep.
two weeks on holiday from work to give me a break and rest-back on Monday and feel awful, nodding off through day for minutes yukkk😣
well met with a consultant who gave me results of a sleep study who advised the test showed I was disturbed in sleep on that night for 58%of the night and advised it needs to improve then sent me home telling me I need to refer you to another dept, as not sleep apnoea, and your condition needs to be stabilised. (this is 8 years of issues) Your anaesthetist should be able to help from pain clinic.
That would be great if my pain clinic appt wasn't taking to date 9mths and counting.As no emergency apps as he is swamped.
I wanted to say to this consultant "No sh☆t sherlock I was referred to you. because I of sleep issues so I already knew that I came for help as exhausted!!"
I take tramadol, naproxen,loransoprzole, lyrica, sertraline,paracetamol;,feldene gel,sominex for sleep, heat pads ice pads, but hey no joy what next elephant tranquilisers!!!!!!
Sooooo tired😥