I don't know what I am supposed to do about this, I absolutely cannot bear being freezing cold, my hands and feet are like blocks of ice, I'm in bed with whole body agony with fibro and can hardly move because my lower spine feels like its breaking, legs are weak and heavy feet and ankles feel like every bone is superglue together and someone is trying to snap them, and the feet are ice cold. It doesn't matter how many pairs of socks I put on, and how many covers I have on me, I can't bear it, its so bad that him exhausted but the cold stops me going to sleep.
I am single mum with 3 boys and the eldest one terrorised me and the other two children, I'm waiting for Great Ormond Street to give me the results of his tests but I think he will be diagnosed with ASD.
So I'm trapped freezing, being terrorised, in excruciating pain, trying to stop a control freak giant teenager from terrorising 2 younger children, and acting like a human shield. Oh and my little one has Autism. Oh and the big one has loads of sensory things going on, he won't let me have the central heating on, and has all the windows open throughout the night, and a fan on himself causing grief to the 2 other children as well as the freezing cold me.
Oh and to carry on my moaning my PIP renewal was done early and they've taken off points so Im teetering on the edge, 8 points for each. They lied about me, said I could walk when all they got me to do was stand up from a sofa and try to touch the floor, I never even took 1 step. They said I can plan and follow unfamilar routes unaided, and that I made good eye contact and communicated well....I have Aspergers Syndrome and I find all of that very difficult and can't do that. I ask for mandatory reconsideration and they did it and gave me no difference in award. I give up π€.
Moan finished.
Does anyone suffer this freezing and is there anything at all that I can take to change it, drug wise? Thanks, Claire