Anyone still up. I have g.p in morning to see if i can get max dose of gabapentin changed. I feel daily my condition is worsening with pain weakness fatigue and anxiety. I dont know what he will do but suppose going to appointment would be a start lol. Anyone wanna chat
Long night: Anyone still up. I have g.p... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Long night
Hope you're sleeping now
Good luck at gp, I know how you feel, it's a vicious circle of pain or being so spaced out on tablets
Hiya I stopped taking gabapentin because it made me groggy and tired. I'm now on pregablin and that's suits me better. Perhaps ask your go about it xx
I will ask this morning angie thanks for that. marty
I've tried both gabapentin and pregabalin with no effect. I'm now on longtec which seems to be slightly better but still not found 'the one'.

Hi there, i take pregabalin for the last 10 years and still in pain. I had a bad reaction to gabapentin many years ago. Please can you tell me what longtec is. Many thanks
Hope your visit with gp is a success, unfortunately during pains long unwanted visits it rarely comes alone, often wonder if his best mates weakness, fatigue and anxiety would actually exist without pain to tag along with. Long term i think the work they are now doing on electronic neuro blockers similar to pace makers and without the side effects of medication will become our saviour.
Hi Leonwp . That's interesting, I hadn't heard of it - a sort of superman TENS machine! Suppose it will be some years before it finally becomes available but that seems to be the way of things.
Hope you are feeling as good as is possible. Gentle hugs. Anna xxx
Thank you for the hugs, goid news is that its long way past development and has past all trials, it was developed with relation to RA and goes under the skin below the collar bone similar to a pace maker, it is directly wired into the carotid nerve ganglion which is the main group of nerve receptors that transfer the "pain" firing signals to the brain, because these firing signals are disrupted the bodies system doesnt fire up and try to treat inflamation that isnt there so you dont get the swelling and site reaction. I applied to be on the first trials in Holland and narrowly missed out. All the trial subjects had positive results and many who didnt have joint erosion showed no further symptoms of disease, i have to emphasise they were NOT cured, the disease still existed but the physical reactions in terms of inflamation and swelling etc were massivley improved or ceased. So they havng cured the problem with the auto immune system but they will it appears be able to greatly reduce or even stop your reaction to the disease. According to my consultant i had the fastest and most violent crash into RA that he has ever seen (oh lucky me) and have failed to respond to every treatment given. He has recommended that im considered for this treatment but the university medical team that developed it have no influence over how the trials are done or who on. If and when the treatment is passed and is available i hope i get to be an early recipient of this drug free treatment, it cant undo the damage i have already but i would give anything to be pain free and not have to poison myself with these masdive doses of opiates which dont stop the pain but allow me 2 lots of 2 hours sleep every 24 hours. I fully understand that the priority has to go to early disease patients to prevent damage and so stop their deteriation but im hoping they will also consider the other end of the scale just to stop pain. In any case there is huge hope ou there and soon.
Splendid news, Leon, and even better that it is far along the path to availability. I agree that the youngsters should have it first but I do hope they don't make us wrinklies to wait too long for it. It would be such bliss to walk again! Oops, my big mouth! You aren't a wrinklie, are you? Just a not so sprightly midlifer.
Sorry to hear about your sleep problems; that is really unbearable. I am lucky that it doesn't happen often for me; my Zopiclone gives me 6 hours sleep a night usually.
I hope your day is a good one and that you catch a nap or two between times.
Anna xx
Oh my, my heart goes out for you! I think most of us feel your pain and sympathiz. I have some questions such as how much stress r U under, could you maybe be sick with a bacterial infection, are you ttaking any vita
Vitamin B12, vitamin D my Dr'm has me on Buspar for anxiet. I take 600 Mg'of gabapentin 2xs a day. I also Lamictal for chronic fatigue besides Zoloft, Geodon & trazodon for depression and as sheep aids. I also suffer from chronic migraines 2-3 X's daily and between the gabapentin
Try asking GP for pregablin, I've been told gabapentin is a cheaper medication than pregablin that's probably why you were prescribed it. I started on a low dose but now take a much higher dose that works with the help of codiene during day.
hi I know how miserable broken nights make you feel.
I tried both Gabapentin and Pregabelin but unfortunately they made me groggy and spaced out although many members swear by them.
I take amitriptyline which I find effective for the pain. It may be useful to discuss these alternatives at your appointment.
I genuinely hope that your appointment went well for you.