So, quite a while ago I disappeared off the face of the Earth, not that my presence will have been massively missed, because I kinda tailed off instead of just instantly disappearing but still.
I left for uni down in Lincoln and had some of the best, and worst times of my life down there. I made no friends, was cast out by the girls in my flat and ended up having to return home for fear of murder/suicide. I also got drunk a lot and was lead to believe that I made friends for the first few weeks..that counts for something I guess.
My fibro hasn't been too bad up until the past couple of weeks or so.
I've transferred back up North for another course at the college I was at prior to the leaving for university. And I'm having to do a lot more walking and getting up a LOT earlier than I had become accustomed to in Lincoln and last week was murder, but I'm not letting that stuff get in my way, at all. I'm getting my degree and being damned well proud of it.
I just thought I'd fill anyone interested in on what's happening etc and let you know I should probably be on a little more often.