Hi all, hope you are all sleeping as Iam not, terrible night just one of those nights we all have. Anyway have had a busy week, tues had full ct scan with contrast. Wednesday bloods and oncology dr who was so lovely and before anything else he told me the cancer has not spread and that my kidneys are in good condition to handle chemo, my mum and husband was with me and it was the best possible news we could have. Felt like celebrations were in order. He then went on to explain chemo and that it would be the next day, I had been hoping for Friday as then I could have had a rest on thurs but it will be what it will be, just be glad to get it started as that would be 1 down 5 to go. So when the consultation was over we warmly shook the dr's hand (I could have kissed him) . We left walking on air, he said there could be cancer cells that can't be seen by the human eye which is why the chemo is being done but I could'nt be more pleased at the overall outcome. So on Friday we had an appoint for my wig fitting then my first chemo session which was 61/2 hours long which everyone were lovely but I had a chair and was and have been crippled since with pain and in bed since nothing to do with the effects of chemo yet fingers crossed but just my pain and exhaustion. But as I said 1 down 5 to go. I go back 3 in weeks but it will just be bloods & dr on wed then chemo on thurs, by the way we met a lovely couple who we were sitting next too, she was having chemo for first time and hubbies got talking so hope to see her in 3 weeks we asked the lovely nurse if we could have the same chairs even though I would love a bed although the beds are for more poorly than me. Anyway sorry for this update being so long, it has probably sent you to sleep ha! Soft hugs, Jan x
Update on chemo: Hi all, hope you are... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Update on chemo

Metty,so sorry about your cancer but glade about the good out come.l hope you are getting ready for sleep, I can't remember the last time I got ready for bed and just went to sleep!! Well wishing you all the best 😃 chris
Hi my friend,
I am sending you soft and gentle hugs and I sincerely hope that it all goes well for you. Thank you so much for the update. Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
sorry to hear your having chemo, but also glad about your good news. punch the air coz thats great news. my friends OH had chemo and she found if she ate high protein diet before it helped stop the nausea; also dont forget you can ask for anti nausea tabs. but just in case i thought id share that snippet with you.
hugs to you and im sure everything will go well, we're all routing for you
take care
woo xx
De ja vu! I went through the club 28 years ago .You have the right approach just keep crossing off the treatments ......when the tough gets going the tough keep going.glad you have good support the Mac nurses were and still are brilliant who are there for mum who got through her treatment recently.
Special hugs for you on this journey
Hugs to all
Hi metty
Many thanks for the update.
Is it worth you mentioning to the nurses about the chair being uncomfortable for your Fibro? You never know what can be done to make you feel more comfortable.
I hope you get to see your new friend again.
Wonderful news that it hasn't spread ☺
Sending you a very gentle hug
Lu xx
Fantastic attitude Metty. I too have been in your situation 7 years ago. Positivity all the way. I, like BlueMermaid3, would definitely ask for a bed. Maybe when you go the day before you could ask in readiness. Next cycle you will be one third done yey.
Send you delicate hugs.
Love G xx
I am so pleased for you.
I am so full of admiration for you and your great strength and positivity....I am sure if you mention the bed thing they will do what they can for you....take care xx
Hi metty , I'm so very glad to hear from you and with GOOD news makes it even better!! You have been thru alot in the past 10 months that I've been on here and when it's over I will be celebrating with you! ! Take care of yourself as I care for you and your health . Peck.🐤
I'm really pleased that you managed to find a positive with your chemo. It makes a world of difference to your recovery. Most people don't realise what a cheerful place a chemo ward can be. It's all about hope. It's great that you've struck up a friendship with the other lady! You will keep each other going. I admire the strength you have X 🐸
Glad for your positive news, I go for my one year check up next week. I would definitely let them know the effect of sitting for that length of time has on you. You need to be at your physical best to deal with this, you can still sit up in most beds too !
Hey Jan, so sorry to hear about the cancer but really glad about the good news. Keep your chin up and I hope it all passes uneventfully for you, hugs Linda x
Sorry you couldn't sleep I am with you on that one don't know how I function some days I get so little. It is probably everything that is happening to you that is making sleep a stranger. It seems as though you have had some very good news hopefully the chemo will zap any little devils that might be lurking around. Lovely news that you seem to have made a friend already hope you can sit together as it will make the time fly if you can have a good natter. Hope everything goes well will be thinking of you.x