sorry, had enough again...: sorry, I'm... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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sorry, had enough again...

lyzzie profile image
79 Replies

sorry, I'm sitting here feeling like an idiot because Im crying, I know there are plenty of people worse off than me, but Ive head the pain in my left arm for 10 days solidly, I cant sleep I can type for any length of time and I love my lap top and doing family history, even holding a book is no good for long, it seems to have settled in my elbow, I take Tramadol but it has no effect on it what so ever. I want to whine to my friend, but she'll just tell me to pull myself together and put up with it!, well I cant. I have had it, I want some peace from it, unfortunately its my left arm and Im a left hander!, I must stop crying, the dog is worried, I hate making him feel like that. Will it stop? I hurt my arm getting up from a chair that was too low, that was the ten days, Im praying that this is only a Blip and it will wear off, but when!?, Sorry. Lyzzie x

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lyzzie profile image
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79 Replies
woopcushen profile image

have you been to the doc or small injuries clinic ? sounds like more than a blip. im sorry your in so much pain, do try hot n cold therapy or rub in some moisturiser to massage

hope it eases off and you feel better

hugs x

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to woopcushen

thanks woopcushen, sorry, I just had to let rip at someone. If I try to talk to angela she just acts as though Im whinging, shes actually said that before now. Ive got some stuff call Phorpain, I kid you not, who ever thought that name up either deserves a prize or a smack in the head. Its ibrobrufen of somesort that Ive been rubbing on it, it seems to be gradually easing, but it just takes such a long time. I've had enough already, find someone else. yup, still whiney, how come Im unlining everything, even the laptop hates me at the moment. G'night. Lyzzie misery pants x

woopcushen profile image
woopcushen in reply to lyzzie

let rip anytime thats what we're here for. im sorry im creased at smack in the head for phorpain lol the underline is something youve pressed on keyboard. feel better and youve every right to whine whinge bleat we all do and why not. hope you have a good sleep

hugs xx

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to woopcushen

I get cranky when up in pain, bit I hope I never quite lose that streak of humour, but come on, surely they wouldnt deliberately call it such a silly name? Sorry, Im just really down at the moment. I'll get past it I have before and I will now. My buggles needs me. I had a delivery from tescos yesterday, guess who the Rare roast beef was for? Lyzzie. x

Nice one Lizzie say it as you feel.

Ya can borrow mine I got one good one..

I send sleepy dust and dreaming your way.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to

thanks dogsnoozer, like I said to whoopcushen, i just had to yell at someone, at least you lot get where Im coming from. Thanks for the offerm is it a left handed one? Lyzzie x

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi lyzzie

I am so sorry I have only just seen your post.

I do hope that you are feeling a little better now?

I have dreadful pain in my lower back that has been almost unbearable for the last 3 weeks.

For some temporary relief I use Deep Freeze spray and or Gel. You can buy it in most chemists.

I would go and see your GP as you have been in such pain for nearly 2 weeks, or at least go and have a chat with your Pharmacist for some advice.

Wishing you a good nights rest (well, we can hope).

Lu x


lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to BlueMermaid3

I'm seeing him 6th sept, it isnt long but hes been away and I preferred to wait, as he knows me very well, the appointment is to add to my medication, he wants me to go on Salazopyrine, to try and suppress my immune system and stop it over reacting so much. I need to talk to him about the tramadol as well, it just isnt helping, I dont know whether upping the dose would help or going back to the codeine I used to have, which were 30mg each with two paracetamol, I just want a rest, a day free of pain and not just one when it doesnt hurt so badly!. I know, Im miserable. the poor dog keeps following me about because he knows I am. I need a good slap myself I think. Lyzzie x

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to lyzzie

Hi Lyzzie

Please do speak to your GP first, but taking paracetamol at the same time as the Tramadol can be very effective.

That's how I take mine.

Just check with your GP to be on the safe side though.

Good luck with your appointment.

I live in severe pain all the time and it really gets me down so I honestly can empathise with you.

I work on the forum to try to take my mind off my pain.

It's a very hard illness to cope with.

Right. That was depressing wasn't it!

I was trying to cheer you up!

Lu xx

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to BlueMermaid3

I do have paracetamol with them I forgot to say that, Im just having a pity party, I think Im on the lowest dose of tramadol, may asking my gp to raise the dose would help, he's a good doctor, he wont be persuaded about somethng if he doesnt think its right for me, probabley the best way to be!, better than one who just gives you prescriptions to get rid of you. I do talk to my nurse a lot whom I see about my leg ulcer, I know she tells him quite a bit, but I find her easier as I tend to forget thing when face with the dreaded Doctor. Im sorry your in constant pain as well, I think this has got to me so badly because I am a left hander and it having a big impact on my life, its the left arm thats driving me crazy. This past couple of years just seem to be a downward spiral, I really try to adapt and the laptop has been a life saver, that and this site, I love my family and close friends, but the just dont understand, they cant feel what I feel, sorry Im waffling on arnt I. Hope you have less pain soon too, Dont laugh, but I have actually used some crystal healing, a pendulam of Rose quartz, and it helped for a few minutes, (I know I know, mind over matter,) but hey, it did no harm did it?! Thanks for the listening ear. Lyzzie

BlueMermaid3 profile image
BlueMermaid3 in reply to lyzzie

I am a left hander too. I've had shoulder/arm pain for over a year.

It stops me from doing a lot of stuff too.

Even writing a simple note is getting hard.

I use my left hand for everything. I was referred for physio which has helped a bit but finally had a steroid injection about 4 months ago which has now worn off and I'm back in severe pain.

Even changing gear in the car hurts. They told me to wear it in a sling! How is that going to work when I do everything left handed. I did try.

I totally agree with you. I'll try anything at all.

Like you I'd do almost anything to have some painfree time.

Take care of yourself my friend. Lu xx

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to BlueMermaid3

doesnt help does it. I bet like me your not at all ambidextrious, I think I could cope if I could sleep, like another lady on here said, I was ready to sleep, got my arm in a position that it was bearable then my legs decided to "dance" as she put it. I feel guilty for moaning I know there are lots of people worse off than me, but its a step to far this time. Glad you didnt laugh about the crystals!, I used to even use them on my dog Danny, he had arthritis, he just used to give me a "look" that sortof said Humour her!, Hope you soon feel better too. Lyzzie x

fenbadger profile image

I'll go with that BlueMermaid3 I think those gels are good. Not so sure about deep freeze or deep heat though. In bed I have a pillow under my elbow. It helps when I'm holding a book. I hope the answer is it wont last, but maybe at 10 days it's time for that visit to a medic. And on here its fine to whine. Hugs :)

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to fenbadger

I'll try the ibrobrufen gel again, that name is so silly, Phorpain, please, if that was unintentional then they are all idiots. Sorry, my tolerance levels do a nose dive too when I feel like this. As I said, it is easing, just not fast enough for my taste!!. Thank you for replying. Lyzzie x

in reply to lyzzie

Just a tip before you use the gel- fill your small sink with warm water and dip your elbow/arm in for a few minutes until it gets warmed up, pat it dry then put gel on, I find it work better as the process opens the pours to allow gel to absorb quicker..

Lou1062 profile image

Aside from seeing your GP the only suggestion I can come up with is to rest your arm on a pillow when sitting and in bed it takes some of the strain off, I hope you get some relief soon xxx

lyzzie profile image

Thanks lou, I find a pillow so that I can lay my arm straight out seems to help. But thank you to everyone for answering, it helps you know, knowing the you guys do understand and dont dismiss me, maybe I should send my friend some information about fibro and everything else, she is such a mixture,..but thank you everyone again for listening. Lyzzie. x

lyzzie profile image

did you find the salazopyrine help? Im afraid Im pinning too many hopes on it doing some good. I really have had enough at the moment. When I get up in the morning it isnt there, the moment I start using my crutches, which I cant walk without them, or typing, any movement, off it goes again, but I think it is easing, slowly,...enough already, I know you all have suffered the same way and therefore you understand. thankyou. lyzzie x

TheAuthor profile image

Hi my friend

I really am so genuinely sorry to read of how you are suffering and struggling and I sincerely hope that your pain eases soon for you. I gneuinely hope that your doctors appointment comes around quickly for you. Please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to TheAuthor

thanks ken. Lyzzie x

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to lyzzie

x :)

peck profile image

lyzzie, Sorry I didn't know you had hurt your arm.Iif it's been 10 days I suggest seeing your gp if your still having this much pain.Take care.yoyr friend, Peck.🐤

lyzzie profile image

Do you think it contributes to the depression and sleeplessness? maybe I really should ask to change back to the codeine, I know that they are addictive too but I didnt have side affect. Thanks for answering, I'll really keep that in mind when I see my doctor soon. Lyzzie

lyzzie profile image

Seeing him on the 6th sept, he's been on holiday and is a popular doctor, but I dont want to see anyone else as he know me very well and I dont like having to explain myself even if it is the same practice. I hurt it getting up from a chair that was a bit to low, so I put more pressure on it than it liked, if it hadnt been for angie I'd still be there!, I think I pulled the muscle which gave the fibro an ideal chance to settle in!! Im praying it will start to ease very soonm ut has done in the past but this is hanging on. Hope you are okay. Lyzzie. x

taffy1958 profile image

Hi Lyzzie, I have had the same type of pains. First in my left elbow then in my right one. It will get better i found that it eases over time and it is still there but becomes bearable. I try a light excersise by bending and stretching that simple. Nice to here from you. I find on this site someone will come along with some great advice. Take care xxAnnxx

lyzzie profile image

thanks taffy, not wishing pain on you but It makes be feel better to find someone else has this type of pain, its so intense I think it was there before and I aggravated it hurting my arm, dont think its quite so bad, but wow, when it hurts it really hurts doesnt it. I would be lost now with out the bunch on this site, like you say, theres always someone who knows what your talking about or Admin will find out. take care too. Lyzzie x

lyzzie profile image

I dont see him until sept 6, hes been away, anything is worth a try, isnt it. Its an immunosuppressent and the doc is hoping it will calm things down a bit. fingers crossed, [if they would these days!] lyzzie x

dizzylynn profile image

I took them once, ill for days

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to dizzylynn

They dont make me ill as such but Im sure its them effecting my AF and breathing in general, I shouldnt have read the side effects on the internet, scared me silly. Its so hot at the moment, the dog and I both hate it when its so sticky and humid, take care. Lyzzie x

JudyW5 profile image

Hi Lyzzie, sorry your arm is so bad just now. I guest you can't start yelling or the dog will be upset. They have done real research intoways of managing pain and apparently shouting and swearing are supposed to givesome rrelief. I suppose writing on the forum is one equivalent of that.

But I really wanted to share a practical tip. I am writing this on my tablet using swipe typing. This touch screen has a slide keyboard on the screen where you just run your orger over the letters In one continuous line and it spells out the word for you. The keyboard is either the one that comes with the tablet itself or you can download an app to provide one (look for slide or swipe it keykeyboard or just swipe type). It's so easy and can be done one handed or even using one finger.

If I have a long document to write, most tablets have a voice type facility and I use that. It's not perfect but gets the majority of the words down on screen. You can get secondhand tablets or older models quite cheaply.

As far as reading is concerned a 'book-chair' or very light pillow means you don't have to hold a book at all and I use one to keep my tablet where I can reach it to type or rather swipe.

Blessings. Judy.

JudyW5 profile image
JudyW5 in reply to JudyW5

For 'orger' read 'finger' - sorry was trying to do some alterations and they happened where I didn't want them to. Judy.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to JudyW5

that sounds really clever. You dont realise how much you use your elbows until they arnt co-operating do you, I do always have a pillow on my lap when Im reading, writing anything like that, Ive considered getting a kindle or similar, but I like my books. Ive already given up patchworking [hand sewing] and my irish crochet because my fingers are too stiff, Im not letting go of anthing else!! The arm chair I use is like a magpies nest, books, writing stuff, family history stuff, lap top allsorts just where I can reach them!, and I create if anyone moves stuff. Blessings to you too judy. Lyzzie x forgot a bit, I would feel silly yelling a swearing, the neighbours would be sending men in little white coats to get me if I did that! its so quiet round here, its a little close of six, our four bungalows and two houses, we dont need neighbourhood watch, you cant move without someone knowing! typical village, if they dont see you, they come looking, swearing and yelling would cause pandemonium! hey, might be worth it to stir everyone up a bit. Im not so down as you can probabley guess, I dont think the pain is quite as bad,..we'll see.

Lyzzie x

Steve49 profile image

Hi Lizzie.

I'm so sorry that you are in so much pain.

Don't cry your not an idiot.

Have you been to your GP or A&E

No Tramadol didn't do anything for me either.

Mind you I could say that for the majority of my meds.

Please let me know if I can offer you some help/support ???


lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to Steve49

thank you steve, that post was like throwing a tantrum I think, you are helping by listening, all of you do, just knowing that you all know where Im coming from with this pain, most of us have experienced it. Thankyou for replying, hope you are well? Lyzzie x

Steve49 profile image
Steve49 in reply to lyzzie


No probs anytime!!!!

No I don't do tantrums.

I'm here anytime to listen!!!

Yes I'm becoming an expert in "Pain"

I will always be here to help.


lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to Steve49

thanks. Nice to know. Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image

I'm with you. It seems like every time I hurt myself slightly in inflates and piles onto all my other stuff. I'm still dealing with an injury from two years ago, but what is KILLING me is from driving and I am about to have to drive a good hour then around town and back another hour. I could barely stand on my right for in the shower. I've been massaging that calf foot ankle, hell leg, all morning but it still feels like shit. I wish I had a stick to push the pedal with or cruise control. I would punch a baby for Cruise control. :) not really but oooo do I want cruise control.

I hate feeling like this. I just wish I could cut off every sore muscle but then I wouldn't have any. :)

I'm sorry you're in pain but your not alone.

I'm sorry you're friend doesn't understand. I think if my friend said that to me I would start crying and just crumble and she would either be a true friend and comfort me or she can carry the f**k on and I will eventually pull myself up.

:) I don't have many friends :)

Anyways you can b**ch to me anytime. Pm me if you need/want to.

Hope you feel better soon.

in reply to naturalnikki

Language folks Language.. we don't want you getting sent to the naughty corner!!!!

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to

Sorry emotions just come out so much better when I swear. But I'll try harder. I thought** my curse words would be ok. Sorry.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

You really made me laugh, sorry Caz-54, but so did you, if you set some of us on the naughty step, we wouldnt be able to get up again, we'd be stuck there for good!! You sound a lot like me, dont tolerate fools gladly? thats the polite way of putting it. I dont think she realises how much some of the things she says hurts me. She so protective yet,..then shes says things like that. Dont understand her. Never mind, Ive got you lot. Are you reasonably well yourself? I miss being able to drive, I used to love it, the freedom everything. You really did make me laugh, we seem to have the same slightly sarcastic sense of humour. Speak soon? Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

:) yea. I'm the best I can be. Out with a friend and my kids in town.

I would be stuck on that step for life. I love to swear too so even if I could manage to get up I would be put right back.


lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

sorry, but it still made me laugh, I could just see Caz standing there shaking her finger at us like naughty children (sorry Caz) We understand, I cant imagine what a free for all it would be without some control!

keep well. lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

:) that's funny.

"Now girls! That's not lady like. "

Sorry caz just enjoying the imagery and reminiscing a good time out. I guess I was never good at keeping polite conversation. :)

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

laughing is better than the alternative. I have good memories too, my best pal and I had been to the white hart [doesnt exist anymore] and had been very grown up drinking lager, we were 17 at the time, but this was a village and we all knew each other, we trotted off home, through the estate, over the bridge over the brook, well I did, somehow Franni lost her sense of direction and walked straight into the brook, I didnt realise she was gone until I heard her swearing and cussing, they were good was summer holidays and we were both working on the farm riddling potatos which I can assure you is very hard work, all because she fancied the farm manager,...oh to be 17 again! wonder where she is now. I think Caz has a sense of humour, shed need it dealing with all of us on here! Lyzzie. x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

:) that's hilarious. Drinking with best friends was the best back then.

I can remember walking through the woods after a few drinks and trying to hide from what we thought was a Bob cat. But was probably just a squirrel :). We would stay in a little trailer in the middle of the woods. It didn't have running water, but it had electricity. It was so fun being young.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

bob cat...squirrel, isnt one a tiny bit bigger and nastier than the other? we did have a lot of fun back then, we shouldnt have been in the pub, but the used to lock the door at closing time and we were village girls, or at least I was, we worked hard that summer and a couple of weeks before we were due back at school, she saw him with his shirt off, the farm manager I mean, not the squirrel, noticed that he had a lot of spots on his back and promptly fell out of love with him, at least I got a couple of weeks away from the potatos as she decided we done enough. Heavens we were fickle then. She was funny, she had long straight hair and would plait it at night, well, my alsation was waiting at the top of the stairs for her to come up, which she did, in the dark, there she was with the plaits down to her waist, a green face mask,and football socks, orange T shirt in the middle, my poor dog had hysterics, we practically had to scrap her off the ceiling. my mum must have had the patience of a saint, there was always someone staying! how about you? any skeletons in there that arnt X rated? Im sure a lot of our forum could confess to some misspent youth, come on, tell all you lot, we wernt always middleaged [cough] and or slightly careworn!! confession is good for the soul!. Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

Well we had heard a lot of weird noises and moving around in the leaves as it was fall. So we were just freaked out. :)

Your mom was probably never bored. :) that must've been hilarious.

I was actually a super good kid well at least compared to most people I know. I did a little mischief but would usually just skate within the rules, or just slightly pushing the boundaries. I only occasionally went out. I was usually just in my room listening to music. I did speech and debate for a couple years (which I was horrible at) and before that choir and from k to 8th grade I played basketball. But my parents were a bit sheltering and I had anxiety issues so never pushed the matter. My older brother was always in trouble so I was afraid of breaking the rules. My husband calls me the white sheep of my family. And he was much crazier than I ever was.

For some reason I can't think of Skelton that aren't involving alcohol, which is funny cause I've never been that much of a drinker. I actually don't drink much at all anymore.

Anyways I feel like I'm rambling. Good night. :)

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

ramblin is good. I dont know why, but I assumed you were in England. My mum had a wicked sense of humour. She was a nurse and they are renown for being weird!. She did permanent night duty from when I was fifteen until she retired. Good job she trusted me...She was on duty one night and she and a new trainee were "laying out" a patient who had died a couple of hours before, they always left them a little while like that. This trainee actually became one of mums best friends but she nearly left on her first night!. Any way, they were putting on the Paper Shroud for the patient to go to the undertaker, Chrissie [trainee] put her hand up the sleeve her side to grab the patients hand and pull it down into position when my dear mother shoved HER hand down from the top and grabbed Chrissie, apparently she screamed blue murder, but everyone else was howling with laughter!! She did stay though and the nursed together for over 30 years. Lyzzie x PS I live in Bedfordshire, in the middle of the country sort of.

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

That is hilarious. Your mom is awesome. I love scaring the crap out of people.

I live in the DEEP south, where the stereo type is that we are all dumb racists. Which there are some but I've found stupid racists in every state I've lived, so it's funny that the south has such a horrible reputation.

We moved around a lot growing up. My dad was in the military. But this was where he was born and raised so this is where we moved when he got out.


Have a great day.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

Thats really interesting, as for racism, its exists everywhere not just in America. What was in like growing up on Military bases? it must have been quite an experience, do you get the urge to wander as well? I hate to admit it but Ive never left England, unless you count Anglesey!. Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

Yes I have always considered myself a gypsy at heart Cause I love to travel around. We stopped living on base when I was young . Though I remember some things. One place was horribly infested with fleas but that was probably the worst of all of them, which we didn't live there long anyways.

But I haven't moved out of state in about 12 years and I have been wanting to for a long time but my husband's work situation is just too good to leave. So we will sit here for a while longer. Though I would love to move to Tennessee or somewhere is that area. North but not too north. Though we have considered Wisconsin as my hubby had an aunt there and loved visiting her. But the winters would be a huge adjustment. So we will see.

If I were you I don't know if I could stop myself from at least visiting Scotland and Ireland and whales and, hell just a good road trip of it all. :) if only the money for such a trip would magically appear. :) it is just so freaking beautiful. The rolling green hills, the mossy castles, large cliffs looking out into the endless sea. I have such an idealistic picture in my head. It's just so old and gorgeous. I love stuff like that. Though I would hate to go there and hurt some of the old stuff. :) I guess to be respectful of the old stuff we just have to enjoy the pictures.

The closet sea I have is the dirty gulf. I went to Virginia Beach and got to see the Atlantic Ocean with Real waves. Loved it. I'm scared to death of the ocean but LOVE looking out at it. :)

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

I've been to scotland many times, havnt seen Nessie though, Im told the local reckons you need a few whiskeys to achieve that! You cant hurt anything, honestly, they built them to last in thoses days. Ive been to the top of Snowdonia,awsome, down slate mines, and of course to anglesey the home of the druids. Seen stonehenge, which is small than you would expect, been all over Cornwall which is equally as wonderful as Scotland, the isle of sky is amazing, we have a beautiful and old country, but so have you, I want to visit Alaska, I love snow, New England seems beautiful too, Mount Rushmore, it would be good to travell around the usa on one of those long distance trains, or bus, see some of the proper towns, not the touristy places, and the great lakes!, I need to stop now, my arm is killing me, watered the garden and made it start up again!, my friend is here in the morning, housework. Yuck!!

Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

Yea I used to dream of buying an rv and just going everywhere and seeing everything. I have wanted to go to Alaska too, it is one of the places my husband and I have considered if and when we move.

My mema has been doing a lot of traveling since her husband and mother died. I think she is just going to all the places she has dreamed, she went to the great Lakes recently. She didn't like the cold too much.

I would like to think that before I die I could make it to that side of the world. I guess when I was younger I knew it would happen but as I've gotten older the reality of it never happening seems more likely. But who knows maybe one of my kids will become rich and tale me on a mother's day trip around the world. Yea, that's totally possible. :)

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

My hands give me the same issue. The only way I can manage is to buy one with a lock so i dont have to squeeze it and just let it lie in my hand.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

umm..whats a mema? If you brought one of your RV's to england you would have trouble getting it down some of our roads, it would be too wide, especially in Cornwall, the road are about the width of a single drive way and are set down between high hedges and stuff, hard to describe really [____] like that? you cant see over the top, you just pray you dont meet a tractor coming the other way! considering Im scared of slipping and falling I love snow, its another thing we arnt geared up to deal with in this country, we dont get an awful lot and it always takes us by surprise when it does come! One thing I really love about USA is the way you go nuts for christmas, we are getting more that way now, but are still quite restrained about these things, but America goes all out for it, I just love all the decorations and stuff. My friends and I spent a lot of time in Cornwall when we were still at school, it was wonderful, We staying in a cottage belonging to a friend of my brothers, we were about 17/18 at the time, but there was a tiny cove that the village used it involved climbing down a small cliff down a path way in the rocks, and then there was this tiny cove, lovely, good days. Lyzzie x, ps Ive been back to bed a gave up again, hence, Im still up.

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

:) a mema is southern for grandma. Though it is usually memaw but I never pronounced the w so even as a child I refused to spell it that way. :) always been stubborn. :)

Yea growing up we would all pile up in one vehicle and go look at Christmas lights it was really great. But I don't like that before Halloween is over they are already trying to cram Christmas down your throat and you're looking around wondering what happened to thanksgiving. Do yall have anything like thanksgiving? Where you get together and eat a dinner in thanks of what all we have even if it's just each other. At least that's what it is supposed to be.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

No, we dont, halloween is becoming bigger much of it imported from yourselves. Thats end of october, well, Ive already had christmas catalogues and stuff, and it isnt even september! Your "Prom" has also made its way over here as well, though I rather like that idea, its like a reward for all the hard work isnt it. Do your pupils do the type of exams we do over here? thats GCSE's etc., we dont do the graduation bit either, so the prom is a nice idea.

Ive never heard that term for a grandmother, we are so stiff upper lip here I cant imagine what some of our "blue rinse" ladies would make of being called mema, or memaw, its Gran, granny, grandmother, although mine was Nana, each to his own eh? it took me years to understand that peanut butter and jelly sandwichs were actually JAM, I honestly thought they meant the sort of jelly you eat with ice cream!!. Take care, lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

Well to graduate we have to pass State tests and get whatever number of credits they say you need to graduate, I don't know if that is determined by state or school district. But to go to college you have to take either ACT or SAT.

What is a "blue rinse" lady? It makes me think of our Purple Hat Society. Which other than wearing purple hats and red dresses having tea parties, maybe. Not really sure what they do but I used to like the idea of dressing up and going to a tea party.

I have a Nana, she did want to be called something old. So she settled with Nana. But I have a granny and grandma. My friend mom wanted her grand babies to call her GiGi ("GG"). So I guess there are no rules. :) Its anarchy!

What is the jelly you put on ice cream? Chocolate, caramel, preserves, maybe? It is are to figure out. For sandwiches I prefer a fruit spread which has not chunks. Jam I believe has some chunks of fruit and preserves are Full of chunks. Or at least that's what I have come to figure out :)

This has been fun. :)

Have a great day.

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

They say that England and USA are two nations divided by a common language, they are so right!. A blue rinse lady is a lady of "A certain age" usually 70's who have their white hair dyed a blue colour, and I am not kidding you. To me Jam is made of boiling fruit and sugar until it sets, then its jam. Desert Jello I think you might call Jello? the wobbly stuff, your right, it is fun, what is a Wet Bar, Ive seen it in books but dont quite know what they mean. Your purple hat society sounds a bit like our sunday hat parade as we call it in my village, they are the church goers that only go to be seen, not for the service, the congregation of this lot is a hot bed of gossip. There are apparently 1900 people in the village and we nearly all know each other, can be good can be bad. Is it a large community where you live? Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

Oh yes, blue rinse ladies were a very common thing of old ladies when I was younger though it was just blue I had seen purple before. Though I honestly don't see them anymore, maybe if/when I get that age I'll bring it back. :) I'll be the crazy blue haired cat lady.

A wet bar is an alcohol bar that has a sink builtin to it. That's what makes it wet-sink.

I love in the country near several small towns. It's nice. We aren't really from any of them, the town I'm "from" is close to an hour away. And my husband is from out of state. But it seems like everyone knows everyone. I am getting to know people through kids sports, scouts. But my husband bless his heart works on a farm with several of them. So he knows more than i.

From my experience all people in church gossip, which is supposed to be a no no, but whatever. The old Baptist ladies are the stereo type to gossip. But yea, it's funny that when you boil it down we are all the same.

I do wish we had a word like bloody, as an almost curse word. LOVE it always have and using holiday for any vacation, that's classy talk. :) vacation is just so heavy in the mouth. :)

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

how about Flat for apartment? and lift for elevator? and please explain why Americans insist on playing with spellings? Theatre becomes Theater, colour = color, why? there are other essentially british cuss words but I think we would get told off. You are quite right, church shouldnt be a place for gossip, but its often the centre of it, I was brought up Wesleyan Baptist, and come from Quaker stock, a lot of those quakers nipped across the pond as you call it in the early 16oo's I wonder if it had anything to do with their religion? going back to words, I wonder why we say Leftenant for Luitenant [if Ive even spelt that correctly, and you say lootenant? your pronounciation actually makes more sense!!, well, were not going to correct all that history are we, I mean, what do you do with a country that tips tea in the ocean? haha, that was a joke, dont want another revolution, though I might consider it if Trump gets your presidency!

Its a holiday weekend here, and following tradition over here, the weather has turned cold and it has been raining. typical. Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

Ha. That's funny. I think the spelling change happened with the mixing of cultures way back in the day.

I was raised southern Baptist, not sure differs from other bapist.

I don't think there is any hope of a good out come this election. I just hope who ever wins doesn't do something detrimental that can't be fixed. I would like to see a third party actually have a chance but people are so worried about their vote "not counting" that they just suck it up and pick one of the main two. But to me that is making your vote not count.

I think the rain destroying holiday is just what the weather loves to do. :)

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

just had my tea, I had a cheese roll and a yoghurt, the dog got roast chicken, something seems not quite right about that dont you think? its turned quite chilly now, the village where I live is very agricultural, wheat, barley that sort of thing, in fact a lot of the wheat around here goes straight to the Wheetabix company. We sit along side the great ouse, 14th century bridge, and its a magnet for the boating types, lots of barges that sort of thing, the locals dont use the pub in summer too many outsiders, were a very clicky lot. I was born and bred here, left and came back, my family dates back for centuries here. Where does your family originate from? Lyzzie x

naturalnikki profile image
naturalnikki in reply to lyzzie

That's cool. I only know what I've been told. I would like to do one of those DNA ancestry tests. I know my dad's family has been in the same area for many generations. I've seen a picture of a great great grandfather, maybe add another great, that was a pow in the civil war, or so I was told.

Supposedly a great grandfather on my mom's side came from Germany around ww2 and I would love to know what his story was. But I haven't been able to find any real information on him.

I don't know if your dog knows how great he has it. :)

I'm about to go make me another cup of coffee. I have tea but I haven't ever drank it the way yall do, or with cream, or however. I have some oolong, earl grey. I was raised on iced sweet tea and coffee with cream and sugar. I guess we got it backwards :)

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to naturalnikki

by cream, you dont mean real cream do you? I cant imagine anything quite so disgusting, do you mean milk? Is sweet tea literally cold tea with suger? yuck. Ive no doubt that there are things that we eat that you think horrible, but its the idea of eating things like sausages with pancakes and syrup that makes me go cold, what your used to I suppose, do you eat grits? I hope that isnt offensive to ask you that, but what are they?

You should be able to trace your civil war ancestor reasonably easily, I have that access here, through, who are I believe an American company.

Next time you write, put it on private messages so I can ramble to m hearts content!

Lyzzie x

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to lyzzie

ps, shutting down for a while now, my arms aching, but I'll be back with a pile of questions for you. Im going to watch the end of Transylvannia hotel 2. Yup, Im a big kid. Dont like blood & guts,...Lyzzie x

Hi Lizzie- Nurse Gladys Emanuel (open all hours) I am wondering if you have other kinds of OA/RA going on? Many people associate fibro pain to all their aches and pains and we do get other ailments on top (as though we really need anything else). I have a problem with both elbows and I have been told its Golf and Tennis elbows, known in medical terms as epicondiltis, very very painful when you make certain movements liking pushing/pulling a door! I,ve had mine injected a few times with good relief and I also wear a device I bought off Ebay, if you look up tennis elbow on there you will find devices suitable for this, I made my own a while back because fibro fog -I forgot where I put them, its just a piece of half inch elastic sewn into a circle and placed just under your elbow at lower part of arm.. It does relieve the discomfort and avoid tendonitis too. Don,t use elastic bands!!!

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to

I do, I have a laundry list actually, I had juvenile Arthritis, Septic Arthritis when I was 8 and again when 15, I've been diagnosed with Ankspondilitis, R.A., sojgrins, and of course the fibro, I have had tennis elbow in the past, I will do as you say and look that up, sometimes something really simply works doesnt it. Im not normally such a wimp but Its getting me down, with that and the ulcer pain it was getting a bit too much. The seaweed stuff seems to be working on the ulcer, at least its not so painful at all. I know with an ulcer thats not always a good sign, but I think the inodine was getting too much for my skin, its been nearly two years with that one, the other two healed. I will try that. thank you, lyzzie x

in reply to lyzzie

Soldier on hun I too have history of A.S and at present being tested for Sjorgrens, be as wimpish as you like!!

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to

You know, this will sound wicked, but I really feel better when people have the same illnesses as I do. There are only 2 of us in my surgery, and its a large one, who have the sjogrens I actually brought my doctor a book about it!. Its an oddity, my doctor first thought I had mumps, but it didnt go away, low and behold, sjogrens. my mum carried the gene for Ank.Sp, two of my cousins have it, one much worse than I and hes a professional photographer, and a very good one at that. do you think if you get oneof these problems it leads onto the others, leaves you open to the possiblility of developing others? I really just need a bit of peace. I shouldnt have read the side effects of tramadol, Im more determined than ever now that I want to come off of them, I'll have a good talk with him on 6.9.16, Id better write it down, everything goes out of my head when I sit there with him. He says, "how are you" you say "Fine thankyou" arnt we daft? we wouldnt be there if we were! Lyzzie x

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to

hi cas, my arm is hurting like hell again, its my own fault, I watered the garden and like you, left handed, didnt think about using the left arm, now its paying me back, please tell me this will ease off at some point, Im sick of it. The band has worked, but like I said I think Ive aggravated it again. Lyzzie x

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to lyzzie

PS I really will look that up, I find it painful to hold a book or carry anything because of that elbow and as you said, pushing or pulling anything, our bodies really are weird arnt they. I like reading Vampire Romances [i know, i know, pure escapism] well, I wanna be a vampire, they dont get fibromyalgia! Lyzzie x

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to

took the bull by the horns so to speak, have order one from Amazon, be here tomorrow, not going to lose by it am I? thatnks for the advice, I didnt know they existed. Lyzzie x

lyzzie profile image

I have sero negative Arthritis, Sojgrins, Ank.spond, and Rhumatoid arthritis as well as the Fibromyalgia, for doctors that are prepared to admit it exists, and mine does, they consider it an auto immune problems, he thinks if the medication can suppress the immune system,it should help the fibro as well my something or other levels are very high, [I never remember what those initials are and call them STD's which makes my nurse howl with laughter] Salazopyrine are an auto immune suppressant, heres hoping anyway. Lyzzie x

Studio500 profile image

Hey Lyzzie, Hope you feel a little better today. I have same sort of issues including Fibro and the most horrendous pain in my left elbow and oddly my right big toe too as well as a whole heap of other things that really make me wish I wasn't here sometimes...But...Today is a good-ish day and apart from a grinding headache , neck pain and the constant sweats I feel pretty cool as when I'm real bad, I find it hard to use the laptop as I can't think or concentrate properly.

Anyhooo, back to you.... May I ask how long you have been off the Codeine and how long were you on it for?

Did you stop suddenly or was it a very slow drop in dosage?

lyzzie profile image
lyzzie in reply to Studio500

I started with co-dydramol literally years ago, when I changed to the Tramadol I was taking 2 x 30mg Codeine and 2 paracetamol, Thats what I want to go back to unless he can suggest something different, I know they are addictive but I consider that a small price if they actually work. I think it was..less than a year ago? that I change, it was a straight swop, one for the other. its not too much to ask is it that we can have a day without pain? Like you, sometimes I cant concentrate on the laptop, thats when I get weird spelling I dont remember producing!! I find I cant settle to read a book, watch the TV anything when I feel like that, I guess you feel this too? Hey, come new year we should all choose a fairly central location and have our own personal Rave up, imagine that as the headline in the Times, when we all got arrested as I have the feeling that quite a few of us know how to kick up our heels!! Where would the police put us all? health and safety would be having a nervous breakdown, great fun!! lyzzie x

KrissyB profile image
KrissyB in reply to lyzzie

Hi lyzzie sorry to hear you were feeling so down and in pain, hope you are feeling better now. Couldn't help but chuckle to myself at the mention of us all going to a rave! I have a friend who was a raver back in the late 80's/early 90's and he has an extensive collection of vinyl from back in the day - acid house, techno, jungle - you name it, he probably has it. He could be our DJ! Venue? What about a field near Milton Keynes?? 😂😂😂

lyzzie profile image

thats the one, STD's arnt definately not the right initials! I hope they work anyway. Lyzzie x

lyzzie profile image

I have been to a concert at milton keynes, We saw Robbie Williams, what ever you think of him he is a good live performance artist, Ive also seen Elton John several times, and the beach boys though that was a long time ago. If we all had a rave, they'd be sending ambulances to pick us all up off of the floor!! but wouldnt it be fun? if the police did drug test we must take so many different ones they wouldnt know which way to turn, and wouldnt they be disappointed when we all produced prescriptions just when they thought they had cracked some sort of huge drug ring!. Why shouldnt we celebrate and have a dance, and yup a live DJ would be great! Are we going to be dancing around our handbags?, mini skirts and stilettos are to be worn, can you imagine the morning after? there would be yelps and groans across that land, hangovers? no, Im a good girl and dont drink, offer Ken a packet of bourbon biscuits and he'd be in for sure,..Im getting carried away herem definately need some sleep!! Sleep tite. Lyzzie x

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