When is these low moods going to stop .yeterday just sat watching tv and started crying dont no why.little things getting me so angree. little sleep again tonight .😕
low moods,sleep pain : When is these... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
low moods,sleep pain

So Sorry to hear you're feeling that way! I know how easy it is to slip into a really low wallowing mood which unfortunately does make the pain worse and no sleep doesn't help ...currently in a similar boat atm hunny.
I think sometimes if I get angry it's because I'm really just frustrated at what I have and the fact I can do pretty much nothing about it and you just take it out on others in anger ..maybe that's whyour you're getting easily irritable?
Try and remember you're a strong and amazing person. I always refer back to a quote I put on here a little while back ...
'You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it!'
I know you probably don't feel like you are right now but Believe that and believe in yourself it does help.
We all have a cry for no entire reason once in a while ...It's totally normal you just have to try not get dragged down into those moods. Easier said than done I know :/
Maybe try watch your favourite movie or a funny TV programme or distract yourself whith a good read or a doodle....try to distract your head so it doesn't go into overdrive I guess..hope you start to pick up and get back on your feet soon!
You're a warrior every single day ...but even warriors have an occasional bad spell!
Sending positive thoughts and well wishes your way ...
So sorry you are going through this. It happens to me too. I have made a space where I keep family pictures and special momentos I can see - it helps to cheer me up. I also watch familiar TV shows which helps. Keeping busy helps, but just in small steps.
Not sleeping will make you more emotional. Can you try a relaxing bath before bed? Read a favourite book in bed?
You are not alone.
Hi. Sorry to here u feeling like this. It's not nice I know. Lack off sleep defy does not help us at all., as we feel that the smallest of tasks that we can't do, frustrate us even worse. N then we can cry a lot. But I think it is a release when we do cry , dosent change anything I know, but still a little release. If u don't feel Amy better in few days go to ur dr. Sending u gentle hug. Take care. X
Come on girl - pull up!!! - I get like that sometimes but pull up by enjoying some nice things and keeping myself busy - with "catch up stuff". Ie. sorting my clothes out with happy music playing , or making a cake , buying my favourite magazines or walking my dog in the sunshine!!! (oops you may not have a dog). - going for coffee with a friend - its just a little bump in the road come on girl we can get over it!!! (I have big bumps in the road at the moment - need a four wheeled drive😊). - Neese. x
Have you had a blood test for Vitamin D levels?
I have found this to be helpful in adjusting my low moods. My worst test came back as a level of 29, the normal level is 75 and above. I've had supplements and sunlight exposure (walking, gardening etc) for a couple of years now and I feel positively bouncy and 'normal' in my moods.
Ditto. Don't know what to do with myself. Hoping we feel better soon x
Hi it sounds as if you might be depressed , it's quite common in people with long term illness or chronic pain and no sleep . Make sure if you do go that he gives you one that does not cause insomnia as my dr gave me . Don't beat yourself up most of us will have or are there where you are . Make that appointment . Wishing you peace and a more joyful outlook for the very near future 😇
Hi there
I was just wondering whether you currently take any antidepressants?
Chronic pain can and does lead to depression.
How do you feel about making an appointment to see your GP and discussing all of this, to see what he/she recommends?
Wishing you less pain and more peace
Lu x
so sorry to hear you are feeling low and weepy.I find myself crying a lot -mostly due to the appalling,abysmal way i have been treated by doctors/pm.It goes round and round in my head.i take my dog out twice a day but it leaves me exhausted,most times i sleep i between morning and afternoon walks,it does detract my mind for a while-pretty lucky here as surrounded by fields and farms and a river.and beaches.so not too far to go to escape from town.
do you have a family of your own/friends nearby?my dog is what keeps me going.Although she worries for me-looks so miserable-her head on her paws.are you on any meds?if i forget to take my amytriptyline i dont sleep well
hope you get a better nights sleep.
I hear you fibro10......I've just come "out" of a long few weeks of the same as you.....I just kept bursting into tears at the most trivial of things, for example...I was reading a reply message to one of my joke posts by a member on this site, and because they said "thank you so much for making my day so much more bearable" after reading my joke......I burst into tears! another example was I just happened to look at the photo on my kitchen wall of me and my son of about 7 years ago (when I was looking sooooooooooooo much younger and healthier, I might add) and again, tears rolling. ....??? I see this same photo every day, for goodness sake! !
It's totally due to LACK OF SLEEP! . .....that's my diagnosis anyway! It does strange things to us, no sleep, constantly every night.....I fell over AGAIN the other night in the kitchen, standing up.....you can play dot to dot on my body at the moment, it's so full of bruises!
So please don't worry, you are not along hun!
Wishing you a good nights sleep. ......x Esined x
Hi fibro10
I am so genuinely sorry to read of how you are feeling and I think that you have been given some wonderful and helpful replies. It may help to discuss how you are feeling with your GP to ascertain if there is anything that they can do to help you?
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Thank you everyone for your kind words feeling little better this weekend thank you xxx