well having gone to bed and straight to sleep at 9pm as i was sooooooooooo tired, i am now wide awake arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr its only 12.30 am i thought as i struggled to look at the clock.
right switch off brain and go back to sleep. 1am, come on brain off i said !!! 2am offfffffffffff please !!!! its now 2.30 am and i have failed to get back to sleep thanks to my brain going on overdrive and putting my world to rights.
I am now downstairs, poor dog not happy i have woken her and its not breakfast time!!! Nice cup of de caff green tea later i am writing this blogg to all the other fibro non sleepers out there.
I have not found a way to drift back to sleep when i wake with such a weird purpose in the night. I just wake up !! like someone switches me on. I will pay for this disturbed night tomorrow no doubt.
Any body have any getting back to sleep advice !!!!!!!