Morning all hope you are having a great pain free sleep ... iv been awake since 1 oclock , so far I have watched captain America 1 and iron man 1 im now watching iron man 2 im in sooooooooo muchhhhhhhh pain this morning between the fibro ans the shingles dont know which is hurting more lol iv got a cluster of blisters behind my right knee and omg the pain is like a hot knife is stabbing me i only hope this pain goes soon as I have enough pain without shingles pain on top . Well I hopebi get to sleep soon or I will be on to watching the hulk and then thour I need sleep they can wait for another day lol sleep cant !!!!!! ? I wish you all a pain free day ♡ xx
Tiredness or geek head ........ - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Tiredness or geek head ........

Hi .
I was going to suggest some calamine lotion to apply on the blisters ever so slightly to cool down.
I'm so genuinely sorry to hear of your diagnoses.I hope you'll soon be able to find some pain relief to get you at least comfortable.I personally have never had shingles but a dear friend did so I made some inquiries as to what she used..of course consulting your Dr always comes first.I see you're watching lots of movies and hopefully you'll fall off to sleep before you have to watch the hulk.
Wishing you a comfortable evening and as pain free as possible.
Gentle hugs your way.
Thank you Sweetdreams ---I so wish I could have some (sweet dreams ) I have been given a lot or good advice and my son is going to go to the chemist and get me some calamine lotion when it opens , im willing to try any thing at this point just to get a little relief . Once again thank you , And a pain free day is wished your way ♡ xx
Good morning, i couldn't sleep either because very tender skin, any sort of pressure when i lie down absolutely aches like hell! so i've decided to get up and dressed at 3am. lol hope you feel better soon me love x

Good morning to you to flower8819, its soooooo awful not being able to sleep , and then we have the pain on top . But we do get through it and ee cope . I think that all of us that are unlucky enough to have fibro and all the outher conditions that come with it are very brave hardy people to put up with what we do and I think that makes us STRONG . Once again thank you and a pain free day is wished your way ♡ xxx
yep i know. mine's 2nd night in a row now in pain i got up at 3am and got dressed again. it was 5am by the time i'd got myself dressed mind, but gives me something to do eh? lol
yep we're all fighters. i also have pcos (can't have children) and mood disorders and i rattle from the amount of meds i'm on. all this before i'm 30. i wonder if it gets easier or harder after 30? cos i've had a pretty rough time of it if i'm honest, asthma all my life steroids for that every other week when i was little incessant hay fever that lasted all year round for some reason, dust mite allergy. so scary not being able to breathe or speak or catch any breath at all, then they thought i had meningitis but turned out to be a viral infection instead. also have ibs which i'm not sure is ibs because it's really, really severe pain i get with it but i'm actually getting fed up of seeing doctors and specialists because i've had to deal with them all my life. got sent to a weight clinic when i was 6. got studied by a professor from cambridge. i think they still have my DNA. oh god they are going to clone me! lol i wouldn't wish my problems or pain on anyone but i'll keep fighting through them.
sorry i do tend to ramble on when i've not had much/any sleep lol lol
sleep deprivation is a wonderful thing it makes you go loopy lol x
Not really got any better advice than that you've already had. Well except that if you don't have an Ocean, of Calamine Lotion 🎷 a spray of cool water, Coconut Oil/cream and After Sun cream is good. The problem with all these remedies is they might not work, with the possibility of increasing your problem
Thank you I am gonna give the bicarbonate of soda a try at this point I think im willing to give anything a go .once again thanka and a pain free day is wished your way ♡ xx
Hope you feel better soon 💐
Hi Stargirl, so sorry you are in so much pain and discomfort. I think the advice given by the previous people for calamine lotion is a good idea and hope it gives you some relief. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Evie 💐
Thanks evie68 . Iv also phoned in sick for work not something I do very often but took people's advice this time , dont think I would have lasted an hour so it bed and relaxation for me for a few day's at least . Question for you sorry if im being nosey butvis the 68 in ( evie68 ) significant to anything ? . Once again thank you and a pain free day is wished your way ♥ xxx
It sounds as if you are doing the right thing and hopefully will be feeling better in a few days. The 68 is my year of birth and my name is Evie.😀 x
Has your do. Given you any pain relief for the shingles, l expect you are on tablets etc for fibro but they might be able to give you advice about the shingles. Anyway l do,hope you get some relief soon. Thinking of you and hoping some of the pain will diminish.
I feel so sorry for you. Have you soaked in calamine?
Hope you feel better quickly,,for your sake.
Good luck and best wishes 😊🌺🌸
Feel so sorry for you as if the fibro isn't bad enough to put up with to get shingles on top must be hell. Nothing really helps with shingles apart from painkillers and you probably take plenty of those already. Sending healing feathers for you to lay on and happy thoughts for you to dream with,please take care of yourself ,with love Dawn xxx
Hi my friend
I am so gneuinely sorry to read that you have not slept, and I sincerely hope that you manage some sleep tonight. I was also going to suggest calamine lotion as well. E45 should just be as good though? I genuinely hope that the pain eases soon for you, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x