What am I currently taking for fibrom... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What am I currently taking for fibromyalgia?

burri8 , I tried it many years ago.It didn't work for me.Have a good day!! Peck.🐤
It works alright, it isn't the greatest. What really works in combination for me is when my shrink gave me a new drug brintellix 20 MG. I tell you the truth, since I've been taking that it works wonders. I wake up and my osteo-arthritis AND fibromyalgia doesn't bother me like before. I almost feel like a new man taking it. I don't think the makers of this drug realize how much it helps arthritis and fibromyalgia patients. This drug was prescribed for me since i have problems sleeping at night. If You are hurting maybe your doctor can prescribe this for you. I highly recommend it. And I hope it works as good for you as it has for me.
burri8 , I had to goggle this med as I'm not familiar with it.In the US it has just been approved and due to the fact so many errors made because the similarity in spelling of another med it has been changed to I believe it was Tintelix .The co st of it has slowed it being written 30 day supply in US $290.00 USD as compared to other antidepressants with simular affects that are around $3.00-$10.00 USD.From what I read it works so well as its breaks thru brain fog which may be one of the ways it helps with FM...just my thought.I also read it helps the elderly with depression and I can understand that as my dad as dementia and if I understand it correctly , can see where it would help him.Thanks for bringing this to my attention as I found it very interesting.Have a good day.Peck🐤
Thank you so much for sahring this my friend, it is genuinely appreciated. I take this medication as well but I only have a small dose as I was struggling with it.
My pleasure. We are all in this together. Whatever can help other people we all need to share it with others so we can get the right medication for all of us to be able to take and feel better.
I take lyrica it's ok wouldn't stop it but would like some thing a bit stronger. 😴
I take pregablin naproxen duloxetine and tramadol went to university and forgot to take my pregablin I only missed 2 days worth and really found a difference then had a massive flare up from which I'm just recovering x
Duluxotine, slow release morphine tablets, Oramorph, Tramadol and co codrymydol