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Fybromyalgia info plz: Help... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Fybromyalgia info plz

In relation to what Maggieh52? 🐸
Hi Maggie hope you are ok, what do you want info about honey ?
Has anyone filled out the pip form ? I'm really struggling to do it, it's took me wk as it is, don't know y they repeat themselves in the form they think it's easy to keep diaries of everything that's happening to u and ur condition makes me so anxious
Ah okay, well can't help with that one cos not got mine yet but I have just done the ESA one and that's quite similar I think.
It's hideous to fill in & how they really expect someone with chronic pain & fatigue to do that is beyond me.
It took me nearly 3 wks to fill esa forms in, I just had to do a bit each day & some days I couldn't face it at all. Just the fact of having to put all your symptoms down on paper & how it affects you is enough to depress you and its terrible they make people do this. There must be a more humane way 😲
I'm sure you will get lots of advise from others that have done it but I would suggest you give Janet (The benefits Adviser) a call.
Luv Jan xx
Thank u Jan I will take care xx
Janet28 has given good advice about the PIP form as I believe Janet the Fibromyalgia Action UK advisor has access to the guides on benefits such as PIP from the Benefit and Works site I know I used their ESA guide and it was excellent. Good luck with it as Janet says and as I did do a bit each day and then it doesn't seem so daunting. if you try doing great chunks it is so easy to get your head in a whirl. If their is something like a local CAB office near you give them a ring and see if they have an advisor who could help you face to face. Good luck.x
I know this is very frustrating.I wish you the very best.Good luck on your outcome as well!! Peck.🐤
Hi Maggieh52
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted for you below an excerpt and a link to the *CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) cache entitled: Help filling in your PIP claim form:
*Use our Personal Independence Payment (PIP) guidance to help you fill in your PIP claim form. There is advice for each question, including:
what the questions mean
what to write about in your answers
examples of answers people might give
help explaining how your illness or disability affects you
PIP is based on how your condition affects you. It's not based on your particular illness or disability, or your medication.
It’s very important to think about each question. Our help pages will help you to decide if you need to answer each question.
CAB - Help filling in your PIP claim form:
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your application and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank u for ur info, have managed to fill in form to best of my ability, only thing worrying me is I can't send any supporting letters, from professionals, as I last saw my ot nearly 4 years ago when she provided AIDS for me to use at home, also my gp never seems interested, ur in and out with a new prescription wen I go to see him, he knows I'm a sufferer of fybromyalgia, but has never taken the time to ask how I'm effected with it, my daughter is my main carer, she has supplied a letter for me, but I don't think that will b enough. Can u advise plz??thank u
It may help to ask for a copy of your medical records. As there will be letters and reports in there from professionals who you have seen that have been sent to your surgery. You could print these off and use them? They may not necessarily write to any of these people but just use the letters or reports as evidence.
It may also help to make an appointment to see any doctor at your surgery and explain what you are doing and they may help you with a letter of their own? But there is usually a charge?
Good luck my friend