What type of questions do they ask in the appeal?
Esa appeal : What type of questions do... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Esa appeal

think before you speak. they will twist and use anything positive that you say. for example. the judge asked me. If you suffer from panic attacks how do you maange to get your hair dyed? to which I replied 'I dont go to the hairdressers, I dye my hair myself'. In the report the judge wrote ' client is able to dye her own hair therefore is able to plan, prepare and achieve goals, tasks without problems. Anything positive they will manipulate and ignore all the negative things you say.
Good luck ☺☺☺
Hi Shahanara123
I have pasted you a link to the ''Disability Rights UK website cache on this below:
I wan to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I made sure that they had all my Doctors letters explaining my conditions and in my case they even said that it was stupid that with all this information I was refused ESA. They also showed concern as to how I cope when the wife is at her part time job.
Talk about your bad days only and only ever say on a better day not a good day!
tell em how it is mate, don,t leave any stone unturned, it might be undignified but it got me my ESA & PIP I incl. personal hygiene, toilet needs, cognitive loss of mind. Keep all your notes on a word document for next time so that they can,t try to catch you out, I,ve written to Mp for DWP as I think the system needs a complete over haul of how undignified unsympathetic and much lack of understanding these applications are, as a retired nurse I wouldn,t treat anyone in this way I would have been struck off. keep trying, with best wishes from nurse Gladys Emanuel (open all hours)