Numb thumb skin...: Woke up one morning... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Numb thumb skin...

21 Replies

Woke up one morning about six weeks ago and the skin on my thumb on right hand is numb to touch! I have full movement. Went to the GP who has no idea about it. I mentioned I was diagnosed with Fibro and cervical spondylitis nearly three years ago and he just said it's probably that and sent me on my way!! Wondered if this has happened to anyone else? It's still numb and starting to bother me. Thanks!

21 Replies

I have no pins or needles or itching of the skin it just was numb to touch when I woke up and has never changed! 

Royalspec01 profile image

Hi there your doctor probably didn't have a clue either, but you need to rest your mind. If you can is there any other doctor that you could have an appointment with or even a telephone call from as this worries you . Hope you find some rest with this x

Sorebones profile image

If it continues as your GP if a hand specialist would help. It's plastic surgeons who deal with hands and I have had so much help from the hand clinic. It could be carpal tunnel which is more common than you'd think. It could be a variety of things, arthritis impinging the thumb nerve..... Please get it checked out 🐸

in reply to Sorebones

They ruled out Carpel Tunnel as I have no pain at all and no tingling sensations! Think I'll have to go back to have it looked at! 

Sorebones profile image
Sorebones in reply to

Please do. I find that if you don't return to the dr then they forget about it. It really annoys me, just because I'm not constantly nagging it must be ok now. It's more like I'm hitting my head off a brick wall lol. 

It's still not right that your thumb is numb. Something is causing it. Hope you get it sorted out soon 🐸


Sorry to hear that you're worried.

I sometimes get a numb right leg, that feels extra heavy, but still works. Like you I was told it was fibro. I just live with it, as it seems that there are so many symptoms with fibro, that can appear any time!

Hope that helps you stop worrying.

Take care and best wishes.

in reply to

I did think it's just Fibro, there are always different symptoms appearing!! Nightmare isn't it?! Thank you.

in reply to

Exactly! Frustratingly. Take care.

peck profile image

Sorry to hear that.Please be careful with numbness as 8 years ago my right ankle was numb I stood up tumbled twice and now have 23 pins and 2 plates in it.I have alot of numbness.Best wishes.Peck☺

in reply to peck

Just seems it is another Fibro symptom! Argh! 

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Hezzy

I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I sincerely hope that you can find the answers that you are looking for. I have pasted you a link below for the NHS Choices cache on Peripheral neuropathy symptoms, as this also mentions numbness of the skin. So I hope that you find it useful:

If this issue persists or gets any worse I would go back and ask to see a different doctor? I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you Ken, I will take a look at the link, very helpful. Think a trip back to the GP will be a good idea.

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to

Good luck my friend :)

Distressed1-2 profile image

I can think of one other possibility it could be on a thumb, have you hurt it at all, or wrapped something round it like string when tying a parcel, or cotton when sewing, anything like that? I used to make tack for horses as a hobby years ago and wrapped the thread round my finger (just like I'd done hundreds of times before) to pull the stitching tight and bruised a nerve in my finger. It was numb for about 4 months afterwards. It recovered fully, but it had me worried for a while until I found out what I'd done to it for sure.

in reply to Distressed1-2

I don't remember doing anything at all that could have injured it. I just woke up one morning and it was like that! GP said it would probably just go but may take months!!

hathi999 profile image

It might be a long shot, but there is a condition that is called non diabetic neuropathy and can be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency, it is here on this long list of B12 deficiency symptoms I have added to my blog site Edited By Admin  A lack of B12 strips the myelin sheath from nerves and causes numbness, my father had numb feet from this (now better with B12 supplementation) and I lost the ability to swallow similarly.  A couple of weeks of B12 supplementation usually helps.

in reply to hathi999

I did wonder about my B12 levels and was thinking about getting a blood test to see! I will take a look at the link. Thank you for that.

hathi999 profile image

No problem.  Have a look around on the site, you will also find info as to how blood serum test results don't mean much and also the threshold for low is set so low, that your doctor will tell you that your results are 'normal' when in fact 'normal' is likely deficient for most people.  A methylmalonic acid test would be a much better test but hard to get the doctor to run.  

in reply to hathi999

Thank you for this advice, trying to get anything out of a GP is a struggle. I do have some B12 supplements, so may take them as see what happens! 

hathi999 profile image

Sure thing.   However do note that if you have a compromised gut through use of PPI's etc... that oral B12 won't work, it will need to be methylated B12 in sublingual form, to bypass the gut entirely and ensure absorption.

in reply to hathi999

Thanks for that, didn't realise!

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