Few questions from a new comes.. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Few questions from a new comes..

Siash profile image
18 Replies

Hi I'm new here. I'm 22 female and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia just a week ago. I'm a little concerned and thinking about getting a second opinion though as my pain is only on my left hand side above my waste. I only get the occasional pain anywhere else though do have other symptoms that typically accompany fibro.




Desturbed sleep

Tingling limbs and others

Any one got any thoughts that could maybe help? I would be so thankful

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Siash profile image
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18 Replies
Greenpeace profile image

Hi and welcome to our fabulous forum!  Sorry that you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and you are right to question things and just not always accept what the Drs say.

Here is a link to our mother site where you can find out a lot of evidence based information about Fibro, and other interesting stuff.   fmauk.org

Wishing you well, and don't be afraid to come on here often as we are a friendly bunch with lots of first hand experience of Fibro, and some of us have a great sense of humor, which takes our mind off our pain for a while.

Take care.

GP. 😊

Siash profile image
Siash in reply to Greenpeace

Thank you so much for the warm welcome and helpful information.

I can't tell you how many forums I've tried and just not gotten a response. Thank you!

Greenpeace profile image
Greenpeace in reply to Siash

You're most welcome, and as I said, don't be shy coming on here, you'll get lots of sound advice and a laugh where appropriate.

I would just like to kindly mention, if you lock your posts, you will get more answers.  Unlocked posts and their replies can be seen by anyone on the internet doing a search.  You will see a blue sidebar down the right hand side of the posts ( you may have to rotate your screen if using a tablet or phone).  One of the titles is on how to lock your posts.  If your posts are locked, the replies are locked automatically.

Take care.

GP. 😊

Janet28 profile image

Hi there and welcome to the site, I'm sure you will love it, lots of nice friendly people and everyone supports everyone, it so makes you feel better.

Sorry you have Fibro and yes you are right to question because there are so many other things that have very similar symptoms.

Did the specialist do the touch points of pain ? This is normally how they diagnose Fibro but it is normally when they have eliminated everything else by blood tests etc.

The few symptoms you mention could go for lots of other deseases so yes I would want to know if other things had been illuminated for sure.                          

Peace, Luv n light

Jan x

Siash profile image
Siash in reply to Janet28

He did so the point test and a lot of them I found myself in a lot of pain with bar a few but again a lot more pronounced in my left side.

I have nerve damage in my back caused by an accident when I was fifteen so the tingles could be that. An MRI was suggested to rule out anything else but as I had one 3 years ago the doctor didn't see fit to give another. I've also had blood tests that all came back normal. 

It's horrible because I'm paper I'm a healthy 22 year old.. I'm person I am too. You would never know and the few people I've told have looked at me in disbelief because I don't look unwell. It's a massive turning curve for me.

I'm moving in a month so when I get to my new GP I'll definitely get a second opinion

Thank you for your feed back. It means a ton hun x

Redhots7 profile image

Anytime you think you should or want a second opinion , you should !  If you don't, you will always wonder or question suggested treatments and symptoms.  Fibromyalgia is a tough syndrome to live with day in and day out.  It should be confirmed because as time goes on, you will have more questions.

Siash profile image
Siash in reply to Redhots7

I know a few people who have fibromyalgia and they've all had different things to say about the condition. The only thing that is consistant is pain through the few people I've spoken to.

I kind of feel like if I get a second opinion and it isn't fibro I might be a bit let down just because this has been going on a good few years and to get an answer feels so great right now even if it isn't what I wanted the outcome to be.

Redhots7 profile image
Redhots7 in reply to Siash

If you have Fibro, a second opinion will only confirm you have Fibro .  If you don't have Fibro, then you need to know what you do have so treatment can begin . The 18 trigger point test DEFINATELY needs to be done .

in reply to Siash

I know it's a great reiief to have a label for one's aches & pains, Siash, but it's VERY important for it to be the RIGHT label, because if it's not then you won't be being treated for the right condition so it's likely the treatment won't work  !!

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Siash

I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance.

Sadly, Fibro affects us all quite differently. What some sufferers my encounter another may not. So we will not all have all of the symptoms all of the time. I have pasted you below a link to the WebMD cache on the ''Tender Point Testing'' whereby it shows the typical points of pain that a Rheumatologist would use to test and diagnose Fibro, so I genuinely hope that you find this useful:


The list that you have written on your post could be a part of Fibro? However, they are also present with other medical conditions. I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Siash profile image
Siash in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you very much, Jen for your helpful and kind words :) 

I am moving soon so when I see my new GP I'll get a second opinion and hopefully get a sturdy answer wether fibro or not i would just be happy with a diagnosis of some kind.

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to Siash

I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck with this my friend :)

Royalspec01 profile image

Hi there if your not happy with the diagnosis you could ask your doctor if he could explain to you to help you understand that its fibro and not something else. Sometimes there are things we don't know about that they do. On the other hand although I can identify with your symptoms, the left hand side things sounds like a condition that may be separate from the fibro.  And if like mine it can aggravate my fibro causing more symptoms that I could do with out. Fibro is so confusing at the beginning and take some time to understand so we can manage it but other conditions can make this a complicated process to say the least. It sounds to me that your fibro is somewhat not the thing that gets to you the most so you could ask your doctor if your left hand side thing could be investigated again . So sorry to hear your lumbered with this illness and only hope you can keep your chin up where you can and relax and manage stress where you can. x 

Sounds to me as if it would be a VERY good idea to get a second opinion, Siash ! Try yourself on a wheat/gluten free diet for a few months to see if you feel any better ! It's a bind but it's worth it for a short while. ! A gastroenterologist I know always tests ALL his ? IBS patients for coeliac disease these days ! Could your one sided pain be due to carrying shopping or something physical ? Have you ever tried hypnotherapy for your ? IBS, disturbed sleep & anxiety ? I hope you feel better soon.

zann10 profile image

Hello there,i was diagnosed with fibro abiut 2 years ago and had the same symtoms you have"if your not sure about it all then go get another opinion because you need to be sure to rule out things that may be more serious healthwise,have you had scans and tests till your sick of them,i have pain mainly on the left with my arms and hip and hands,keep well and keep in touch😃

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hi there

Welcome to the forum 😊

Would you mind me asking you who diagnosed your Fibromyalgia?

If you have not yet seen a Rheumatologist I would highly recommend that you ask your new GP for a referral to see one. 

They will do a trigger/tender point test and ask you some questions. You should get a definitive answer there and then.

The problem with Fibro is that it mimics so many other illnesses and conditions, so it is important that these are ruled out first. 

Many of us on the forum have waited years for a definitive diagnosis. It's all very well having a "label" for what you have. However, if it's the wrong label then your treatment plan will never work. 

Wishing you all the very best. 

Lu xx

Volunteer Administrator 

rosewine profile image

Others have already given you terrific advice so I would jsut like to say welcome to this lovely, friendly forum.x

Hartleyhare2 profile image

Welcome! It sounds like fibro but as you say the problems usually present themselves on each side, however not equally and you are young and in years to come both sides may be painful.

The other thing is you may have a trapped nerve in your neck or in your elbow. Pre diagnosis I had my left carpal tunnel done and a trapped ulna nerve operated on my elbow. Diagnosed by neurologist using electrical signals up each finger and thumb and monitoring the return.

I have bulging discs in my neck and my GP is reluctant to send me for MRI even though it was picked up in a previous one. I have heard they are paid a fee for not referring so many patients now.

So at the end of the day I do have fibro, on both sides, but they tried sorting the left side first. Was it worth it, I don't know. But the Col specialist, unfortunately from Iraq and limb loss, agreed to do both at the same time o a Saturday and let me go home, as I hate hospitals. Fortunately I am ex military, he's a great guy and my wife is an ICU nurse!

Hope you get what you need and always ask for a second opinion if something doesn't feel right. Our thirteen year old boy would not be here now due to a wrong diagnosis of a Fallopian tube pregnancy. On pushing and been more than assertive I'm afraid a mobile scanner appeared and everything was actually ok and in the right place. Doctors are normally good but even the best can make a mistake.

Best of luck


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