pain: hello everyone, i'm new so not... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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jan1022 profile image
17 Replies

hello everyone, i'm new so not sure exactly how everything works. I hope all of you are finding things to help you with your health problems. the picture is my little girl lexi. she's a miniature dachshund. brightens my day.

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jan1022 profile image
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17 Replies
jan1022 profile image

i'm just so tired of being in pain all the time. when they first found the problem with my back and legs I weighed 135 i'm 5'8 and a half. they started with steroids both injections and oral. I ballooned up to 220. I have always been thin so being this heavy makes me very sad. I keep asking them to help me loose the weight but nothing. I eat yogert,fresh fruit, salads and drink mostly ice water all day. I can't exercise the way I want to because of the pain and i'm not very steady on my feet any more.if anyone can help with advice for weight loss I will be grateful. thank you all and I hope your all having a good day. 

in reply to jan1022

Hi jan, 

Welcome to the forum, but I'm sorry you are in the position that you need to join us!

Have you looked at our mother site? It's fibromyalgia action uk. Someone will put the link up for you but I'm no good at computers. :( there's a lot of information on it. 

I a as only diagnosed with fibro in January so am fairly new as well. It's a great forum, lots of advice, support and laughs too! It's been a lifeline for me.

Little lexi brightened my day too! :-)

Della_Williams profile image
Della_Williams in reply to jan1022

Jan, I replied to your puppy photo before I read your other post. So sorry to hear all you're going through. My first thought was why did they put you on steroids for Fibromyalgia? I'm only asking from my experience. I was on steroids for 3 1/2 years for autoimmune hepatitis, then they weaned me off and I now take a friendlier steroid called Budesonide.  I take Lyrica for Fibromyalgia though. It works for me. I've missed a few days waiting for a refill and I can hardly move. Just lying in bed hurts, anyone hugging me too tight, bumping into me, it stinks, the pain is immense. I had gained 40 lbs on the Prednisone and I wasn't happy. I've lost 30 lbs because I had other GI issues but feel better now for the past 2 weeks. I'm almost afraid to say it out loud. Is Lyrica an option for you?  I don't know what your situation is. It sounds like they tried different things, but I understand your frustration all too well so you have my sympathies. Call your doctor. If you're still in pain, then it's not working. I have good days and bad days which is expected with all the other autoimmune stuff I have going on, but I have better days than not. You should too. Everyone should. I hope you call to get some answers and relief. Take care, Ivette, Chicago 

Della_Williams profile image
Della_Williams in reply to jan1022

Jan, forgot to mention, are you seeing a rheumatologist? I love my rheumatologist, she is very caring, thorough and really listens. It's important to feel you are in good hands. Ivette

jan1022 profile image
jan1022 in reply to Della_Williams

thank you I will ask my doctor to send me to a rheumatologist. sure hope it helps.

jan1022 profile image
jan1022 in reply to jan1022

so sorry for the delay in axswering. just saw how to get messages. brain fog

Royalspec01 profile image
Royalspec01 in reply to jan1022

Hi so sorry to hear how your feeling, I don't have any magic answers but what I did was join slimming world I ve lost nearly  2 and a half stone. When I had my last diabetic review I weighed 19.10 stone I'm 17.2 now. The steroids may make this impossible  but what I will say is the support from the group and attending once a week makes a big difference as it a lot of others feeling the same way and sharing their experiences. It can help. Before you start I would suggest you talking to your doctor about it, just in case the steroid would make it impossible as this could create unnecessary sress. Well hope this gives you some hope x


Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to jan1022


I to am on steroids and have gained so much weight I feel very low today sun shinning and I cant find anything that fits me ,even went shopping for clothes today and felt worse as now in size 20 from size 16 .I went to Slimming World 5 years ago and lost 3st and would recommend, it If you decide to give it a go, ask your GP if they are still doing referrals if so you will get 12 weeks free .

All I can say is I know some do manage to lose weight when on steroids they advise to avoid carbs. Another thing you could try is to change what your eating I know you are eating healthily but our bodies do get used to the same thing and sometimes need a kick start .

Good luck


peck profile image

Hi and  welcome to a wonderful site.Yoh will find knowledge, kindness and humor around here at all tines.Glad your here...hope to see you sround.Peck  

Della_Williams profile image

Jan, Lexi is gorgeous. She would brighten my day for sure. 

Pain is pain, I manage it daily and on the good days I try to remember those so when I have a bad day, I think back on it and say this too shall pass. Mind games but it works most of the time. The most important thing is to learn to pace yourself so when you have a good day, don't go crazy trying to finish all the things that haven't gotten done because you'll end up back in square one. Think of it as a monopoly game or the spoon theory, always keep a spoon or two in reserve. I wake up now thinking if I can accomplish this one thing, great, then I move on to another, I take lots of breaks in between and if that's it for the day, that's it. I got two things more done than yesterday and keep looking forward.

I was so used to going, going, going until I burned out and ended up in physical therapy for pain management for a month in extreme pain and that's where I learned how to pace myself. They had fun trying to teach me how to breathe. Really? But it works. It's okay that we can't do it all anymore. That was the hardest part for me.

Sorry you got more than you bargained for when you shared your beautiful dog so I'll end it on a positive note, having a pet is a step in the right direction, she makes you feel good, you smile, take her out and are more likely to do things to keep your mind occupied.  Keep it up. I love dogs!

All the best, Ivette, Chicago 

fibroglow profile image

She looks absolutely adorable lovely markings. Have Fun with her. Lol Jan. XXX

Fibrofoggiest profile image

Oh my word, what a little sweetheart, is she fully grown? She looks so tiny 💖💖😊

TheAuthor profile image

Hi jan1022

Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted you a link below to our mother site, FMA UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:

I was wondering if you have directly asked for a referral to a dietician? If not, it may help to see a different GP and ask. You could also ask your Rheumatologist for a referral to see a dietician? To be totally honest with you, many of the medications for Fibro could increase your weight and therefore dieting can be difficult? I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Awe little Lexi is lovely. Welcome to the site, lots of lovely helpful people on here, sorry you are feeling so much pain. I do hope you can get some answers and advice from everyone, and I wish you well.x

Kitten-kat23 profile image

She is absolutely gorgeous. 

BlueMermaid3 profile image

Hello Jan

Welcome to our lovely forum :)  I am so sorry that I missed your post.

As our Ken TheAuthor  has already told you, our website has lots of information that you may find useful.  It is

For Internet safety reasons, we tend to ask people to lock their posts, although this is completely your choice as to whether you want to or not.

However, you will find that more people will answer a locked post.  Basically, unlocked posts are open to the whole internet to see, whereas a locked post stays within the confines of our forum.

There are Step by Step Instructions on how to lock posts (and lock already loaded posts) on the top right corner of your screen.  

Please could you just have a quick read of our Guidelines and Polices which are also on the right of your screen.  The most important ones are that we are asked to refrain from discussing politics and religion as these are very emotive subjects.

No swearing of any kind is permitted on the forum and we ask that no photographs of minors (children & babies) are posted.  Many thanks.

If you need any help anyone from Admin will be more than happy to help you.

Once again, a very warm welcome.  I look forward to seeing you around the forum :)

Lu x

Volunteer Administrator

rosewine profile image

Just to say welcome to the site, others have given marvellous advice so have nothing to add.  Do you want me to start a Lexi Fan Club as there seems to be so many of us who have fallen head over heals in love?

Do let us know how you are getting on and whether any of the advice works for you as we all learn from sharing our experiences.  Look forward to reading your posts.x

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