Thought I would update you all on my pip assessment that I eventually had yesterday. It was definitely one of my worse days as I had physio in the morning followed by my pip assessment in the afternoon. As you can all imagine I was physically and mentally exhausted and at one of my lowest points.. It was harder than I expected and I felt like I'd been called into the head mistresses office. I was asked to remember 3 words of which I was asked to repeat a few times during the assessment. I couldn't and can't remember those words. I was asked to do some maths subtactions. I couldn't think properly. I had to fold a piece of paper in half. When it came to doing movements I just couldn't do it and refused to do it. I was in so much pain from sitting in the car for 40 mins then sitting in the waiting room. I was in an emotional state. I'm so glad it's over with. All I need to do now is wait for the outcome. Not sure how long that will take but fingers crossed. I'll update you when I get my decision. Hope you've all had a good day x
My pip update: Thought I would update... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
My pip update

Thank you for updating us I bet you are glad that is over. Fingers crossed you get a good outcome.x
Although you have suffered it was probably a good day for your PIP assessment ,so you where assessed at one of your worst periods. As long as you provided lots of medical evidence hopefully you will be ok.
If you don't get awarded appeal .
They turn people down as they think we will not go down the road of appealing.
At present in my area results are back about 3 weeks later .
Lets hope after having done all that that you really are limited and goes in your favour. x
It sounds like you had a bad day...I'm sorry but it will probably make the out come better as they don't usually see us at our worst.Good luck. 😄😄😄
Good luck, these medical assessments are a nightmare whether it's Pip, DLA or Esa.I really hope that you get a positive decision and that you don't have to wait too long ☺☺
I've never had to claim for myself and OH doesn't have to go due to having had a stroke some years ago, I would just like to say I think its outrageous what everyone has to go through, who would choose to have ill health, I wish you well with your claim xxx
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your outcome, fingers crossed for you!
All my hopes and dreams for you
Ken x
Good luck, let us all know the results
Was this your first claim, or were you already on DLA before this new claim?
If so, what level were you on before?
Anyway, try not to worry too much, with mine they let me know the same day.
Lottie xx
The worst bit is over......Try and relax and recover now...... I had to wait 10 weeks for my brown envelope, In my case I had a positive outcome...... I wish you the same results too, xx
just want to add,had my esa medical essessment yesterday,what a stressfull time ,went there 3 wks sat there for 2 hrs,went in office to see medical nurse,but low and behold she could,nt valuate me as had a stroke around christmas,so was told to come bk after 3 wks to see a doctor,and to be honest it was awlfull,she was only about 22,been on the sick for over 10 yrs,had 3 essessment for esa,got all my esa everytime now this one is my 4th,am so tied off these medicals i have to go on,ive suffered with osteo arthritus of the spine,had fibromaylgia for the last 4 yrs plus depresstion mood swings and now a stroke,have got pip untill next yr all on the advise off a young doctor for the dwp,tells me if im unfit for work.utter crap so now the big wait with aload off worry and alot off pain even worse than i have allreadyhave ,rant over.and good with your pip essessment.