Does anyone no what painkillers I could take , doc says paracetamol. Don't touch it .
Pain killers: Does anyone no what... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain killers

Hi there
As we are not medically trained it would be dangerous for us to recommend medication for you.
What works for me, could potentially make you very ill.
Ideally you need to have a discussion with your GP about what medication would be appropriate for you to try.
Wishing you calmness and peace
Ask your doctor to refer you to the pain clinic. In the mean time try hot baths (not to hot) the heat will sooth your aching muscles, hot water bottles on worst areas. Gentle stretches to warm up your muscles may help just pace yourself.
My 2 nd app with rheumatologist is 17/03 and they are hoping to work out weather it's that or pmr. Last app they said I was too young for pmr.. Thanks😐
GP appear to think PMR is a older persons illness I was diagnosed or I should say self diagnosed in Aug 15.I joined the PMR site and their are many that are being diagnosed in their 50s.
Only treatment is Steroids .Are you really stiff and painful in am going off later in the day .My pain was in top of arms and top of thighs I could not even dress or wash myself and the fatigue was unbelievable within 4 hours of taking steroids pain was gone .
If you are diagnosed with PMR join the site it is most helpful.
For 5 years GP told me I had EFS.
Best wishes
Yes yes, it's my arms and thighs and extreme tierdness and I've had major trauma in my life. What is dfs ? You've been so helpful. Thankyou.
Did your pmr improve , I believed it's something that can be got rid of ?
yes it did improve I don't know about getting rid of PMR its a inflammatory illness and will at some point burn itself out. However it can flare up and can last 2 years some people have it for years.
I had 4 months of work even once given steroids it took 3 months of resting and pacing myself before I could return to work .
Things have been going well but I find I am only am able to do half as much as I used to .Any stress or illness causes problems ,I had a cold last week and this weekend just want to sleep .I have more pain than normal so if still the same tomorrow will need to increase my Steroids.
If you are diagnosed with PMR look up PMR UK and download some of the information on their.
Best Wishes Rose
I must agree with Lu you should never take meds. not written for you When you see your GP and are diagnosed properly you should be given correct meds. I wish you the very best of luck as it does not always happen as quickly as we would like.✌
Hi Scrumpy1975
I have to agree with your other respondents, as we cannot recommenced a pain killer. However, if you were to discuss pain management with your GP I am sure they could give you something more useful than Paracetamol.
I also use a TENS Machine for my pain which I find quite useful. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I am seeing reumatologists in March to confirm what I have but they're pretty sure. What do u do with Epsom salts ?
Then go for Tramadol pain killer. I have been on tramadol for six months and i am really happy with the result. I have read so many article and blosg about tramadol addiction and side-effects but i have never been through it. I was prescribed for tramadol and was instructed with few guidelines about it and i i have overcome my pain. So go for it and it will really help you.