Hi ever body i have 'nt been on here for a while been so fed up with life. It is so hard to get to see a doctor where i live you have to go through a triage now and if your lucky you get a call back from the doctor otherwise its from the nurse or receptionist. They don't seem at all interested in how you feel. I have ask for something better for pain relief but they say there is nothing they can give other than Lyrica and co codamol. The latest is also the occupational therapist has taken over for fibro suffers she gives out all the information you can join a group for pain management and wait for it the only pain killer they will be giving for fibro is paracetamol they plan to get you you build up the amount proberly 6 to 8 tabs a day for weeks or months on end , then continue with paracetamol long term. They say that other pain killers are not working with fibro and this will. Funny really i thought you could get addicted to Paracetamol plus the fact i cant take it as it gives me headaches i tried the drug when i was first diagnosed and the doctor took me off it because i had continues headaches. I have thought about the herbal pain killer but i don't smoke. So it seems once again we are put on the cheapest drugs going because they dont know what to do. Any feedback would be good.
Long term pain killers for Fibromyalg... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Long term pain killers for Fibromyalgia is to be only Paracetamol what a joke.

Co cocodomol are addictive too as they are opiates! ( like heroin) there’s no winning!! x
Paracetamol can severely damage your liver if you take a lot of it. I was on 8 tabs a day for 7 months (max dose, but that's safe, right? A doctor told me to!) Yeah, until the day I woke up yellow. Acute liver failure at 33. Back up to 82% liver function, 9 years later, but I'm shocked they'd put people on that much, especially given that people w/ chronic pain are known to be more likely to be depressed/anxious, and more likely to drink when mentally unwell and in bad pain. Paracetamol and alcohol: don't do it. (Is that true of fibromyalgia, too? I've only been diagnosed recently.)
I know that tramadol helps my neuropathic back pain, and my muscle spasms, but not sure about the fibromyalgia pain yet.
A... Friend.... uses the herbal painkiller. She only needs one or two puffs on a pipe, and in a pipe it doesn't need to be mixed with tobacco. She says 2 puffs of fairly nice stuff (free sample which has lasted 2.5 months) is approximately equal to 3/5 of a tramadol. It doesn't last nearly as long (an hour or two) but if you're at home can have another puff or two. You have to get used to a different kind of "stoned" than opioids, but she finds it less debilitating, and it doesn't go through her rather battered digestive system. It is expensive, there's that whole legal issue, and don't keep snacks in the house! She tried CBD, but it didn't work nearly as well.
Uh. Yup.
I use cbd oil, i have tried everything! I have tried all the painkillers but they gave me hep A as my liver function went mad.
Naproxen and anti inflammatories but they mess my stomach up as i have ibs.
So i gave up and as my friend ives in amsterdam i went and visited her and brought back some cbd oil, stronger then u can get here in uk so u dont get stoned it has no thc in it and it is not ileagal( even had it taken out my handbag goin through customs) and i got to say the dr told me 5-9 days to start working with 2 drops under tongue in morning and evening and i noticed a severe difference on 5 day!!
The pain just went?
It was surreal .... i have not felt pain free for over 15 years but i have been totally pain free now for a week!!
Plus it is good for body it a natural anti inflammatory and a anti toxin so it wont mess ur liver up it will cleanse it ... it wont make ur stomach hurt ...
I am so pleased i paid to go to amsterdam and paid to go to the smart shop i am so thankful. And i was given all details so i can just get more shipped over WIN WIN
Thanks for your post. I wonder how strong the cbd oil needs to be. I would love to have a day pain free, wouldn't we all? lol
Paracetamol seems very ineffective for some of the severe muscle cramps and pain. I hope the cbd oil continues working. Good luck!
Well it has to be quite high cbd potenty or it useless. That why i went to amsterdam as it cheaper over there and stronger.
Although u do not get any weirs feeling i have no symtoms at all from it apart from
Free from pain.
Cbdsense.com do it it from amsterdam and they deliver ...
Cbd oil did nothing for my pain and cost 75 for 10mls.so I agree iv got to try other stuff to get off oxy
If you suffer MS you can get Sativex a legal prescribed cannabis spray but unfortunately us fibromyalgia suffers can't get i in the UK, unlike in the rest of Europe it is given to fibro sufferers with a very positive result on pain relief
I totally get where you are coming from my doctor is pretty useless when it comes to fibro . I was first put on zapain which did nothing then naproxen and zapain plus amitriptyline to help me sleep which it doesn't help at all neither with sleep or the pain...i have been on gabapentin 300 mg 3 capsules 3 times a day plus tramadol slow release ...but I have stopped taking the gabapentin as I told him it doesn't help my pain neither does the tramadol. He said I would never give you anything stronger than tramadol not for fibro he said he will put me on pregabalin (lyrica) I said will give it a try but I was in tears in his office 😢 and been in so much pain and I really didn't see the point in carrying on anymore...he said my problem is not my pain it's my severe anxiety which I can kind of understand ...i have been on the cbd oil for 2 weeks and I actually have only been taking some old zapain I have flying about , no gabapentin but still take mirtazapine for my anxiety but I feel so much better I still get bad days ...but brain fog much better and concentration and can actually get around better defo give it a try it is a miracle and also been doing meditation and relaxed breathing ...im far from cured but the future doesn't look so bleak please give it a go xxxx
Sorry to hear yoyr pain levels are high. From my own experience with pain killers not much worked to stop the pain totally. I had to look at my lifestyle and research things with my diet. Review natural painkillers. Vitamin intake. I Pushed myself to keep moving. Started using a TEN machine. Hot baths. Listening to pain relief relaxing music and sounds. Making sure I was taking vitamin C magnesium. Vitamin D. Multi minerals to support me. Used Biofreeze to rub into the places that hurt.
It took some time to kick in but looking at these ways to support my body / illness has worked for me. Stress can make any illness worse. Look to take control of what your body is saying and work towards getting stronger. There is so much out there to read about fibromyalgia and pain so go looking as this could support you to be happy and in control. Good luck. Big hug.
I've tackled the fibro pain by reading every article and paper online I can find. Some are helpful, some are rubbish so you have to filter.
I treat each type of pain individually, rather than take blanket pain killers. I also take supplements, Ayurveidic medication designed for arthritic pain, turmeric, selenium and Vitamin D.
I use Perskindol gel on whichever bit is hurting ( usually my neck and shoulders) and Salonpas patches.
Heat --- I have an electric blanket on my bed and one on the sofa. An electric heat cape that goes over my shoulders and wheat bags. Epsom salts in a hot bath also helps.
I've not tried any of the prescription only painkillers but as I get the side effects of just about every prescription med I don't think it's worth the risk. I've found ordinary paracetamol has little effect but soluble paracetamol with caffeine work well. I've got CBD oil which I use when the pain gets to desperation level.
Ridiculous - now I know they're trying to get rid of us....Fibro Cleansing as there are so many of us ?????
I honestly feel your pain. I was in a similar situation years ago where they said I was at a ‘therapeutic end point’ and they cut back on my opiates. I basically had to complaint to the health board and I wrote to the health minister in Scotland outlining my struggles and how I felt I wasn’t being helped. I copied in my MSP and told them just how much of a wits end I was at. I know sometimes you feel like they don’t really care or just want to park you on the bench, but you deserve more than that and I really do hope you can get the support and medical assistance you need. In hospitals up here in Scotland, there is a patient information service and they do a great job at helping you navigate the system and ensure you get the best level of care you are entitled to. I’m not sure where you are in the world but perhaps your hospital has a similar advocacy service and a wee chat with them really wouldn’t go a miss. If you have difficulties finding a suitable advocacy service near you, I’d be happy for you to private message me and I can look for you. I really hope you do get the support you need.
Have you thought about trying CBD tinctures or sprays. Then you don't need to smoke the herb. Personally I have tried the spray but I don't like the spacey feeling I'd get at first. I use fentanyl patches that help though I could use stronger ones. I don't want to up them because that could get to be a vicious circle so I struggle on the last day before the patch needs changing. Although I have tried Tramadol and at times when my fibro is crazy I'll add one tab of that as well. The patches are the best for me as I can't take opiate pills very well because they cause such horrible problems with constipation.
In past I've also used Cymbalta which helped a tiny bit but again after being on it for awhile I did not like the flat mental affect that it caused. I could not tolerate Gabapentin as it caused me to vomit during sleep. I know there is new studies on the possibility of using a Neuro drug in the works but not sure how long it will be before it's available. Another suggestion on the new options for fibro pages is bright light therapy.
Where can i get CBD oil from i dont know where to start.
Hi tasha2 That would depend on which country you live in. I got the tincture and spray prescribed when I lived in California. I live in the U.K. now and don't use it anymore. I suspect you could research a bit on the internet and get a few sources. The next reply suggests Holland & Barrett. I've read a few articles suggesting that the NHS is beginning to use it for certain needs but not sure of the details. If you let me know your country or State I'll ask around. I'm assuming it's not California as most everyone there knows something about this. Since moving to the UK I have not been restricted to paracetamol so I wasn't sure if you lived here.
Hi, I received my repeat prescription yesterday, should have received it the day before, but no one seemed to know what the delay was! Anyway, I was on 30mg dihydrocodeine, but on my repeat I was given 10mg co-dydramol!!! Without any explanation! This strength you can get over the counter! I too was taken off Co codemol because of liver problems, and was given dihydrocodeine, which was more effective. I've made an appointment to see the doctor next week, but maybe you're right, are they going to change our medication for a cheaper one, without any explanation, or it seems, regard for our health? Xx
i know how you feel the excact same thing has happened to me
HAve you asked for a referral to a pain clinic? You have a right to a second opinion.If you have no joy with your present G.P you can change practices or see another doc in your practise. My first GP dismissed me by saying 'Its not serious .Take paracetamol'!!! I saw a sympathetic G.P in the practise who gave me Tramadol.When that stopped working I asked for a referral to the pain clinic.They were fab and I got prescribed Butrans patches and later oral Morphine. Dont take this lying down.Sadly you have to fight your corner