Feel a bit guilty today, I slept until 8:45, my Hub and Daughter was so quite this morning and let me sleep in. I haven't slept this late for I don't know how long, but I do like to see my Daughter before she goes to school, so waiting for break time to face time her. These fish oil tabs must be working for sleep.π€π€π€π€π€π€π€π€
Sleep: Feel a bit guilty today, I slept... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
I hope they are. If they aren't then something is
You've been needing the much desreved rest, long may it contiue xx
Thank you.x
You must be needing it, maybe the tablets are working
Think they must be, beats taking Meds that knock me silly.lo
A good long sleep!
I took omega seven for a wee while , all sorts off vitamins and the like, was on them for a month and a half, They made me sleep like a baby, and expensive.
I went to my GP to ask if it was ok to take them with my other meds , such as thyroxine, citalopram, pain killers and so on, she couldn't comment on this, obviously out off her jurisdiction.
Have you tried looking it up to see if they conflict, also you can speak to a pharmacist online sometimes they know if you give them the ingredient in the sups . I take it your not sleeping well Hun , can make you feel proper down.

yeh it does, twice in the night, most nights
Cool happy to hear you got some much needed rest!!!
Thanks I really hope it lasts.x
Hi Blueπ
You shouldn't feel guilty for sleeping until that time at all as you clearly need it, but I do understand about your waiting to see your daughter. Hopefully by now you will have managed to FaceTime her, but you take care of you too and if that means sleep, then grasp it ππ»ππ»ππ»πππ
Foggy x
Thanks Foggy, I know I shouldn't feel guilty, Just fealt a bit weird not seeing her off, yep FaceTimed and happy now lol.xxπ
Wow' I have never slept that long, well mayb in my teens or poss hang over lol. My time is generally 4 am wide awake, but not raring to go. Good luck to you . If you are retired what do you have to get up for . Jealous you can sleep till late.x
Hi, I'm so pleased you had a lovely sleep, your family will be very pleased that you slept in so don't beat yourself up. Best wishes.
Since taking iron tablets and having my ropinerole upped i have been known to sleep for 12 hrs at a time when feeling rough.
Your clearly need the sleep my friend. Please take care of yourself x