Hi all can anyone give me advice on which consultant gives diagnose of fibro / cfs I've. 65 week waiting time on nhs an have decided to go private any info will be much appreciated
Not sure: Hi all can anyone give me... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Not sure
Hi Snooze
In general a Rheumatologist is the type of consultant that you need to see for a diagnosis.
Increasingly Neurologists are also now diagnosing Fibromyalgia but, I personally think a Rheumatologist is your best bet.
Good luck
Lu xx
Thanks so much Realy appreciate 🌸

You're welcome. Sorry I forgot to say that you will need a GP referral letter too ☺️
Thanks very much it's so annoying when you don't know for sure what is wrong I will see my gp first 😊
Hi Snooze
It was my Rheumatologist who made the diagnosis and I went privately for the same reasons, not something I did lightly but the effects mentally were not good. I got my diagnosis with 4 weeks of first appointment, following blood tests and x-Rays.
Speak with your GP who will be able to advised you who to see and you will need a GP referral too.
Good luck and keep well.
GP x
Great . Thanks for reply Realy appreciate 🌸
Hi snooze. Try to find out which rheumatologist has an interest in fibromyalgia in your area. It's helpful to see someone who believes in fibro. Good luck.
Thank you I will look into that thanks again
I went private years ago when I was first diagnosed,I was in so much pain and the NHS list was long, I just needed to know what was wrong with me. After I had seen the rheumatologist once and got the diagnosis he did all the x rays and bloodtests on NHS, 10days later. I would have had to wait I think it was 6 months at the time for NHS first appointment.
Thank you very much for reply why do they do X-rays etc is it to rule out other decease 🤔

I would think so, as fibro won't show on a plain xray. Only something like osteoarthritis, and even then not in the early stages. The most helpful for me was an isotope scan, which showed inflammation in every joint and spine. Though it wasn't a diagnosis it was great to see as it showed I wasn't making it all up.
I do agree with finding the right rheumatologist though. Because there is not a cure, and it is mainly pain management a lot lose interest. Fibro is just lumped into their box because there isn't many fibro specialists, and Dr's generally like to feel they are making a difference, which is hard with fibro.
If the fibro is diagnosed then it may be worth having a pain clinic referral.
Unfortunately things are only going to get worse on the NHS; not through their fault but finally people are aware of the lack of funding, which has been going on for a lot more years than people realise. Less staff but higher expectations, and staff are under too much pressure. Something will give somewhere and there will be an almighty crash.
Thanks very much
I can see that you have been given some wonderful answers so I will simply wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thanks very much . Everyone very kind to try an help members as much as poss I'm so grateful thankyou all 🌸😄
Although I'm unable to give you any info on private consultation, one of the main helplines may also point you in the right direction. I was diagnosed on the NHS with both FM/CFS/ME within months of each other and separately by a Rheumatologist and a Consultant Immunologist and could easily have been misdiagnosed with one or the other, rather than being correctly diagnosed with both conditions. You probably already are aware that you need to be careful here, as both are under the same umberella.
Thanks Alice I Realy appreciate all the advice uve got from all of you . Such kind an lovely people 🌸
I was diagnosed by my doctor after she did a tender spot test. I haven't been referred to any one else